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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pointless Question

Which one would you use?

  • The old one

    Votes: 24 43.6%
  • The newer one

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • Don't really give a f-

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Phantom's gone nuts.

    Votes: 9 16.4%

  • Total voters


Uh, I didn't do it.
This is surely to waste at least 30 seconds of your life. Ready? GO!

You are thirsty. You go to the nearest vending machine to look for a drink, noticing all drinks only cost one dollar. As you browse you notice you have two dollars (or whatever currency) in your wallet/pocket whatever. One dollar is nice and crisp and new, the other is faded, old, and all wrinkled, but would is probably still good enough to be accepted by the machine. Which one would you use? The new one? Or the old one?

I seriously know people who would choose one or the other, for example, someone choosing the new dollar might think the old one might get rejected by the machine. Someone might choose the old one for the machine because the new one is all nice and clean looking and looks better for their wallet. Other people might just not care.
I think... I would use the new one, because old US dollars are strangely soft! I've always liked the feel of them.

And because having old dollars makes me look like I save my money supposedly hurr
Surely if the old one gets rejected by the machine, you can just try again with the newer one?
It's all about which one you chose first! NO CHEATING!

I'd chose the old one first, because I know if it didn't work I could just go for the new one after.

If I put the new one in first, my wallet wouldn't look very fresh and I'd regret not at least trying to use the old one for the rest of my life :c
I'd pick the new one. It's less likely to get rejected by the machine, which means I'm less likely to have to waste time trying to stick it in. For all other purposes, the two bills are equal, so.
I'd chose the old one first, because I know if it didn't work I could just go for the new one after.

If I put the new one in first, my wallet wouldn't look very fresh and I'd regret not at least trying to use the old one for the rest of my life :c

Exactly. I think there's some real psychological stuff going on here. Like how to find potential serial killers or something.

Like for what you chose, you'd want to use the old one because your wallet would look better with a nice crisp bill in it, rather than a wrinkled ugly one. And the fact that if you tried the nice one and were stuck with the old one you'd be forever wondering if the old one would have worked. Like it says something about your personality. I just wish I could say it better.

Whoever else voted that I've lost it, I congratulate you since you're probably right.
I'd use the old one because the new ones are just nicer looking. Also because I find old money to be disgusting.

Same thing with coins. When paying people I usually give older coins to them and keep the newer model coins (in this case though, there's a difference in the format of the coins in my country, and I just hate the old ones).
I said whatever currency!

And I knew about loonies. Boarder State and all. If you want I can mail you ten canadian that I can't use. :P


But to actually answer this (using loonies), I would probably just use whatever one i grabbed first cause its pretty much the same in regards to coins if you use an old tarnished one or a new shiny one - unless its all bent and stuff you really have no risk of the machine rejecting it. And most of our vending machines don't take bills at all! Cause our smallest is a five.
The old one, if only because I enjoy the feel of new bills. But even then, I would probably just grab one and use it.

Not particularly picky.
I'd also be using a coin. £1 notes were phased out ages ago and also putting notes in machines is always an awful, awful idea.
Two bucks for ice cream? I wouldn't trust that ice cream. It might actually be frozen yogurt.

But Richie you're DYING of thirst. And the ice cream just doesn't stop thirst like a cold drink does. You need to use that vending machine anyways. I torched all the ice cream places.
I would pull about a baseball bat and destroy the vending machine, then drink my sweat.

....What? I don't drink soda.
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