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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Pointless Question

Which one would you use?

  • The old one

    Votes: 24 43.6%
  • The newer one

    Votes: 13 23.6%
  • Don't really give a f-

    Votes: 9 16.4%
  • Phantom's gone nuts.

    Votes: 9 16.4%

  • Total voters
I'd use a coin. An older coin, because newer coins are shiny and who doesn't love shiny?! :DD

As for bills, I'd use the old one too. I hate it when paper has folds in it. I mean sure bills have to be folded once to be put in a practical wallet, but the less folds the better!
I like to collect old things, so I'd use the newer one

*stashes 1930's pennies and quill pens and 5 1/4" floppy disks*
Probably a coin, it'd just be stupid to use a bill for one soda. Then again if I wanted five for whatever reason I'd probably use the newer bill as it's less likely to get rejected, otherwise I couldn't care less.
But Richies soultions is far superior anyway, why waste money when you can waste energy and have fun at the same time?
I'd use the old one so I can keep my pretty shiny dollar.

Except this experiment doesn't work with me because wrinkled Euros are like
pretty rare
I think in the UK there's a certain cool aspect of having the oldest coin in a room! Or at least, that was always cool when I was a kid?? Sooo even with coins always use the newest!
I'd be too busy going "holy crap, there's a drink machine that still sells drinks for a dollar! not $1.10 or $1.35 or any of that crap!" to pay much attention to which dollar I put in.

If I actually bothered to think about exactly what kind of money I'd use to buy a drink, though... I'd probably either use the new one (more likely to go in without any trouble) or stuff four quarters into it, if I had four quarters.
I would use the new one, since I like to think that, with the old one, I'm holding a piece of history in my hands. Kind of like Ted Mosby with the penny from the 1960's or something like that.
Old one, to see if this machine likes it, or more likely a dollar coin, since a lot of things don't accept them reliably.
It'd really probably be whichever one I pulled out first.
I tend to prefer newer dollar bills, but they also work better in vending machines, and you can't have your cake and eat it too, so.
I think in the UK there's a certain cool aspect of having the oldest coin in a room! Or at least, that was always cool when I was a kid?? Sooo even with coins always use the newest!

Ah, but on the other hand, having a coin from the last year or two is awesome. So you have to adopt a middle ground, I think.
I don't really give a f- which dollar I use. I'm not picky how my money looks or anything, it's money, and if either works, there ya go.
I would pull out whichever one. I don't really care. Also, I'd buy a bottle of water. I effing hate soda. :P
I would use a coin because I have coins where I live. ^^

Old notes are icky. I had one with blood on it and I wanted to get rid of it right away.
This is surely to waste at least 30 seconds of your life. Ready? GO!

You are thirsty. You go to the nearest vending machine to look for a drink, noticing all drinks only cost one dollar. As you browse you notice you have two dollars (or whatever currency) in your wallet/pocket whatever. One dollar is nice and crisp and new, the other is faded, old, and all wrinkled, but would is probably still good enough to be accepted by the machine. Which one would you use? The new one? Or the old one?

I seriously know people who would choose one or the other, for example, someone choosing the new dollar might think the old one might get rejected by the machine. Someone might choose the old one for the machine because the new one is all nice and clean looking and looks better for their wallet. Other people might just not care.

The one closest to me.
Old notes are icky. I had one with blood on it and I wanted to get rid of it right away.

My boyfriend once got a dollar as change and it had a note on the bottom in pen saying I can't remember exactly what - something like "Looking for a fun time? [Name] at [number]! (no negroes)"

(yes that last note was legitimately there)
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