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Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

as far as I can tell, assuming we all blow the whistle every day (and vote no if we all agree there's no whistle to be blown), all that happens is one (or all but the conspiracy role, on a no) person/people get extra weight on their vote and the conspiracy role gets jack shit. sounds like it kinda sucks to be the conspiracy role, tbh
exactly -- and to be frank it makes me wonder whether the public drop we're getting is entirely honest. no better place for some bastardry than a role for which the defining mechanic is conspiracy, right? still, this is complicated enough without adding that yomi layer on top, so it's probably best we get used to it before we start questioning it

anyway, that sure is a show going on between RNP and Herbe, huh? it's only been an exchange of like a couple of posts, but, let's see, from the top:
-Herbe and RNP had been wanting to be gay and do crimes in this game; however -- and both of them have acknowledged as much, I think? -- they are not, to the best of their knowledge, in the same faction after all (which is sensible, given the abundance of factions and the fact that cooperating on picking the same one after getting their PMs would definitely have been a breach of the rules).
-RNP is pushing Herbe, based on that knowledge coupled with the assumption that Herbe may have tried taking a shot in the dark with one of the two mafia factions anyway, backed up by the arguments that a) Herbe forwent a likely serial killer PM (per the public drop) despite having previously seemed interested in playing as SK, so they must have been even more interested in another one of their options; b) Herbe's typical preferred alignment to play is, indeed, mafia
-(as Herbe correctly points out subsequently, though, it's worth noting that it's just as plausible for RNP to have taken that shot in the dark, potentially making this a tiss between mafiosxs from different sides of the multiball; at least, though, we do know that RNP opted against at least one possible scum PM)
-anyway, besides the above, Herbe is claiming in response that a) they were not, in fact, particularly interested in playing SK, and especially not in dealing with a survivor wincon (although SKs do traditionally have some limited deathproofing in order to make the wincon a little less of an ordeal); b) although they acknowledge that they prefer to play as mafia, none of their PMs had that option at all

I do think I wouldn't have picked mafia if I were Herbe -- the thing with them preferring to play ingroup isn't much of a secret at all, and if you're going to be playing with a meta-target on your back from the start, the last thing you want is to pick a faction where you're not expendable. but that's not what they're saying, now is it? they're saying they didn't have mafia options at all -- which seems unlikely to me that any player wouldn't have that if qenya had any interest in this game actually having a mafia faction--

(although we do have pretty preciously little to go off of when speculating on other players' full arrays of PMs, anyway, especially because we're not exactly going to get anyone truthfully claiming "oh yeah all my options were anti-town")


ill just drop this here and going back to crossword
actually, while you're at it, could you help me with this crossword hint? I'm a little stumped

3 ACROSS - Your reasoning for that vote.
3 ACROSS - Your reasoning for that vote.
what type of crossword are you doing that has a 3 across lmao
that implies that 1 across is 2 letters long or that 1 and 2 have no across clues

its mostly probably not alignment indicative and talking about the conspiracy as the only thing is like, meh
but its the sort of thing that a mafia could do and at the very least haneko isnt displaying much energy

nvm conspiracy is just "while you are alive" not a night action

was boutta ask why someone else got to use a night action n0 and i didn't
aurgh. i don't want to let it rand between me and haneko but i also just don't feel like i have any good reason outside of self-preservation to vote haneko. haneko has not arrived to self advocate at all or push back on the vote though.

brrreeeeerrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhh haneko for now but just for the sake of self pres
arguably, this is a meta tell, but i'm not confident on saying it actually is one without seeing haneko play town

About 3 hours to EoD!

Elimination votes:
Herbe - RedneckPhoenix (#34)
haneko - lolfoxes (#54), Herbe (#70)

Conspiracy votes:
Conspiracy - Herbe (#41), Jack (#43), Butterfree (#57), Zero Moment (#65), RedneckPhoenix (#66)*
No conspiracy - lolfoxes (#58)

*this is my best guess at what this post means but please let me know before EoD if i'm misinterpreting
aurgh. i don't want to let it rand between me and haneko
ok hold up i would like to remind everyone that the reason me and herbe are dating is BECAUSE herbe wanted a vote to rand
this is herbe rolling ingroup for the first time in a long time and playing cautiously bc they don't want it to end
town herbe would have voted for me and made the rand, and i quote, "spicier"
Fuck you for stealing that idea from me while i’m trying to eat dinner and having to mobilepost
i was gonna do it out of spite but now i can’t even —- AAAUFURTHGHTHRRNPSJFJDJGJjfjgjdejs ugh. I just wanted to eat my dinner first you Fool. ruining my spite by calling it first
i can’t even do the right spite calculus right now and all the Spite Payoff from voting him got diluted from his callout >:(
i'm actually gonna ask for an extension cuz if things keep going as they are i'm gonna be working during all the day hours and off during night hours
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