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Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

conspiracy yes (do we indeed have to bold this? the message in the D1 post calls it a "vote" so I guess yes?)
if i'm parsing the role correctly the optimal way to do it is for everyone but zm to vote no?

and then if zm is the one with the role we all get a doublevote and that gets publicly confirm, if not zm does and he's cleared from it?

i think?

if i'm parsing the role correctly the optimal way to do it is for everyone but zm to vote no?

and then if zm is the one with the role we all get a doublevote and that gets publicly confirm, if not zm does and he's cleared from it?

i think?

I don't think the player with the conspiracy role and the target of the conspiracy are necessarily the same person? and in fact since we all but ZM were privately informed of the conspiracy against ZM, based on the fragment in the D1 post, I think that actually clears ZM from having the conspiracy role?
so since we all got PMed that ZM is the target of the conspiracy, that means we already know he doesn't have the conspiracy role

honestly what MF gamed out seems bulletproof to me which makes me kind of wonder what the point of this role is. unless kate just didn't expect it to be gamed out like this immediately lol

as far as I can tell, assuming we all blow the whistle every day (and vote no if we all agree there's no whistle to be blown), all that happens is one (or all but the conspiracy role, on a no) person/people get extra weight on their vote and the conspiracy role gets jack shit. sounds like it kinda sucks to be the conspiracy role, tbh
EoD is in slightly under 25 hours

Elimination votes:


Conspiracy votes:
Conspiracy - Herbe (#41), Jack (#43)
No conspiracy - None
Corrected votecount, courtesy of the spectator chat who are vastly more competent than me apparently lol

Elimination votes:
Herbe - RedneckPhoenix (#34)

Conspiracy votes:
Conspiracy - Herbe (#41), Jack (#43)
No conspiracy - None
  • Grin
Reactions: M&F
first off, honey

herbe is turning into him someone please call the super girls

(actually reading the thread in 3... 2...)
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