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Pokémon Mafia: Arceus - Game Thread

heavily tempted to vote RNP on grounds that this push against Herbe feels like openwolfing since it's only(? unless I missed something?) nominally based on vibes about how RNP thinks Herbe would have chosen a role, which feels like an intentionally insubstantial argument to me

however, based on my memory of past games (y'all it feels like it's been so long since I've played much mafia, contest pokemafia notwithstanding) I don't thiiiiiiink RNP is the type to openwolf? however, I can't remember how many times (if any) he was wolf at all in those past games
meanwhile the lolfoxes hydra is giving me mixed signals but I can't tell whether I'm actually suspicious of them or if their respective posting styles are just dissonant enough to jostle my brain
I keep getting confused which side of the lolfoxes hydra is doing what -- case in point, I was about to complain that wisper voted haneko and declined to explain why and zori had to come in and explain, but then I looked back and zori was in fact the one who voted haneko

this is probably the reason for why my brain can't latch onto what to think about them
heavily tempted to vote RNP on grounds that this push against Herbe feels like openwolfing since it's only(? unless I missed something?) nominally based on vibes about how RNP thinks Herbe would have chosen a role, which feels like an intentionally insubstantial argument to me
fwiw i do think rnp is being genuine in why he suspects me he's just ridiculously tunneled about it
whether that suspicion is coming from a villagery or a "im ingroup and they must be opposite-ingroup" place (or whatever other alignment) is up for anyones guess tho
kay so I think an extension would be good as well if that's how we're doing it, if only because this day's only just gotten spicy and it doesn't look like most of the playerbase's been around to eat the peppers

assuming the ref will call it where lands though, well...
-I'm not voting for haneko; it's a little early for what's practically an inactive lynch (slightly better than one since haneko demonstrably has been around and still only contributed a very small and easy contribution, but still)
-so if it's down to the mess between Herbe and RNP, I'm actually slightly more in favour of lynching Herbe, as I remain somewhat skeptical of the whole no possible mafia PMs thing; I realize that's not exactly something they can argue against, but, well, I think it's probably the least worse option if we're out of time
what type of crossword are you doing that has a 3 across lmao
that implies that 1 across is 2 letters long or that 1 and 2 have no across clues
also, be nice to me, crosswords in my country are built different-
Ok... I'm not sure if this is the right call but given the general lack of disagreement with RNP's suggestion, and the apparent apathy, and the fact I did float the idea of allowing extensions in the signup thread, even though nobody seemed to care about it particularly at the time... I'm gonna give you folks the requested extension. I don't think it would be healthy to make a habit of this though - on future days I will be more strict with the time limit.

24-hour extension. Day 1 will now end on 2022-09-05 (Monday) at 23:00 UTC. (There will be no further extensions unless a day action is used.)

Elimination votes:
Herbe - RedneckPhoenix (#34), M&F (#90)
haneko - lolfoxes (#54)
RedneckPhoenix - Herbe (#78)

Conspiracy votes:
Conspiracy - Herbe (#41), Jack (#43), Butterfree (#57), Zero Moment (#65), RedneckPhoenix (#66)*
No conspiracy - lolfoxes (#58)
mrg. unvote for now and i'll regroup later cause there's no point in keeping the vote on out of spite when it won't rand anymore and also, i do think rnp is being genuine in his tunnellogic
other than the haneko inactivecallout i wonder if bfree or zm have Thoughts to come talk about more with all this extra 24 hours
mrg. unvote for now and i'll regroup later cause there's no point in keeping the vote on out of spite when it won't rand anymore and also, i do think rnp is being genuine in his tunnellogic
zori (currently does not have account access) thinks this is villagery by the way

I do think I wouldn't have picked mafia if I were Herbe -- the thing with them preferring to play ingroup isn't much of a secret at all, and if you're going to be playing with a meta-target on your back from the start, the last thing you want is to pick a faction where you're not expendable. but that's not what they're saying, now is it? they're saying they didn't have mafia options at all -- which seems unlikely to me that any player wouldn't have that if qenya had any interest in this game actually having a mafia faction--
curious what changed between this and your herbe vote
(paraphrased by w)
other than the haneko inactivecallout i wonder if bfree or zm have Thoughts to come talk about more with all this extra 24 hours
honestly RNP's initial callout post convinced me, and then herbe's defense(s) unconvinced me. Other than that, I've been waiting for haneko to come out and say... anything, really.
I do think I wouldn't have picked mafia if I were Herbe -- the thing with them preferring to play ingroup isn't much of a secret at all, and if you're going to be playing with a meta-target on your back from the start, the last thing you want is to pick a faction where you're not expendable. but that's not what they're saying, now is it? they're saying they didn't have mafia options at all -- which seems unlikely to me that any player wouldn't have that if qenya had any interest in this game actually having a mafia faction--
curious what changed between this and your herbe vote
(paraphrased by w)
I'm curious as to where you're seeing a change, really -- I voted based exactly on the argumentation you're quoting + urgency and no particular desire to let it rand

anyways, we did get the extension after all, so let's not disappoint qenya for handing that down, shall we? I want a little more in terms of analysis and reads and statements from everyone, including but not limited to the ones who have largely been silent so far

(and I will try to offer up some on my own as well when it's not midnight)
I'm curious as to where you're seeing a change, really -- I voted based exactly on the argumentation you're quoting + urgency and no particular desire to let it rand
there's a dissonance between thinking herbe wouldn't have willingly picked mafia and wanting to vote them

hey herbe just for fun what's the name of your role and the other card you didn't pick
(when herbe wakes up, of course. i know full well herbe is asleep rn.)
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