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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

He heard her and looked at her, wide eyed and scared. Wesley stopped moving to look at the pokemon girl. What was going on? Why was he like this? What happened to him and why was that girl just like him?

He breathed in and out, trying not to freak out ,but soon as he felt the flaps at his sides open and close he was crying and covering his face, begging to disappear,wishing he was dreaming and he was really in bed wetting himself.

"H-help."he sobbed as water gathered by his head and put him under a deep pool. He looked up at the blurry image of the girl.
Bijou carefully reached out and ran a curious hand down the side of his body feeling the gills that kept him breathing. He looked so terrified and it made her uncomfortable. She felt her own eyes sting under the sight of the helpless boy beneath her.

"Stop that...you dummy. Just sit up..."

She didn't know why she was bothering to encourage him. She really just wanted to get up and leave but...a Magikarp? This victim was probably going to suffer the most till they found out what was wrong with them.
He grabbed her arm and pulled himself up. He looked at her and noticed she had touched him. He looked down at his gills and felt tears bubble up again.

"What --am I ? Why am I like this?" he asked her between gasps as he tried to cease his crying. She was looking at him weird, like something was wrong with him. This made Wesley feel ten times worse.
She grunted when she felt her arm grabbed really not okay with the touching but for the moment it had him quiet so she made no complaints. However, soon after she had rejoiced the silence he had began to cry again.

"Wh-what are you? You're freaking weird but so is everyone else right now so I wouldn't cry over that if I were you, which I'm not."

The Mareep sat up on her heels and tilted her head, "Too bad you're a Magikarp, huh. Everyone back there is saying we've been mixed up with Pokemon or something. Sucks for you, doesn't it? Well, I'm hungry so get up and help me find something to eat." Bijou stood up and pulled him to his feet.
Wesley was shaking like a leaf. He hadn't been able to feel his legs so being made use them so abruptly, he almost fell over again. But the mention of food made his stomach pay attention and he could not help but follow after her.

He quietly followed her although on the inside he was completely hysterical. He had become a Magikarp! Why?! Why would anyone make a Magikarp human?! what was the use in that! It was the most-th-the most-ueless pokemon known to mankind......

He started crying again. Why did this have to happen to him!?
Dian stood up from her rock, still watching the group of foolish children quietly. She kicked aside her clothing - she didn't need that anymore - and started towards the group. They hadn't noticed her at all before, so she may as well use that to her advantage.

As her yellow eyes glanced over each child, words bubbled into her head - names. The Pokemon they had become. Zubat. Mareep. Espeon. Farfetch'd. Magikarp. Croagunk. Poochyena. Buizel...and so many more. The images of how these things should normally look flashed into her mind too.

She looked down at her own bare body, and a hand pawed absently through her soft white hair. She drew the purple flame to her chest again. If that's what they were...what was she?

Then she heard a soft, childlike voice in the back of her head.


The image of a candle-like creature popped into her mind. So that's what she was...a candle. She snorted and passed the flame between her hands, a smile playing on her lips. How...fitting.
Cody raised an eyebrow as he watched the Magikarp-person from a distance. He certainly never got out much... But then again, he did get jipped. He allowed himself a small smile. He picked a little twig from the ground, and snapped it in half. Then that in half... That in half... He glanced up at the other people... Things... For a moment.

Why is it that we're here? All mutated? And that one over there... Her features changed... Her tail is split, and all green. Here I am, seeing emotions and breaking twigs... What sees emotions? Something... I know this one, I have to... The word 'Riolu' floated through his mind. Is that it? Riolu? They use Aura so they can express themselves or read other's feelings... Is that what I do? I'm seeing Aura? The swirling colors of confusion that had been around him were calming down as he though this through. Not just in him, either.

Others were figuring things out, and they seemed to be a little more understanding of their situation. He smiled. It was strange. As if the signal he got from other people directly affected him, he found himself growing more content as others did. Less confused. Hm. Maybe I'll just slip out. Go out on my own for an hour or two. If they're gone, who cares? I don't know them, they don't know me. Without uttering a sound, he stood and left, flicking the dirt off of his tail, which felt very uncomfortable to him. He walked away, looking behind his shoulder briefly to see if he was being followed.
Allum stood quietly beneath the tree, so much going on and still no explanations. He turned to his companion,

"I wonder if there was any particular reason we were made like this. I just don't see a point in this. It might've been some sort of chemical accident or something like that but there are no signs of anything that would lead to that. In fact there is no reason we should be here, none at all. No tire tracks or foot prints."

He scratched the side of his head and his fingers bumped into his ear, he shuddered and dropped his hand.

"That may take some getting used to."
Jake was still looking over all the others, still not sure about anything. He wanted to go over to someone and talk to them, but... he wan't sure what to say... The Mareep and Magikarp-morphs had already walked away... He still needed a leek. He didn't know why, he just... needed one. That would mean... a Pokémon with a leek... Farfetch'd! He was a Farfetch'd! He hadn't realised before now, but now it was obivious.
"Um, hey?" he said loudly. "...hey? Anyone?" Realising he actually had to go up to someone if he wanted to talk to them, he started walking slowly towards the Buizel-like boy and Espeon-girl. They looked nice, and he wanted to talk to someone... how did they feel about this, what did they think had happened...
Liza looked at the others and noticed the boy with a beak walking towards them. Nato seemed to still be clutching his head which worried her, but to an extent. She wasn't happy about this, but she wasn't too sad about it.

She ignored this and looked up to the boy. "Uh, hi?" she said, not entirely sure what else to say.
After examining the group for a while, going completely unnoticed, Dian decided that this was going to be interesting to say the least. A quick scan of the others gave her a rough estimate of their ages...she was probably the oldest. Good. This would make it easy for her to claim the spot of dominant female. In this little group of monsters, she would be on top of the heap.

She needed to fight someone to fight who would be easy to beat...someone to start with, the bottom of the heap to teach these foolish children a lesson. Her eyes fell on the Espeon girl. Perfect. She was rather pathetic looking, and would prove an easy first target.

Dian made her way towards her, briefly wondering how she managed to evolve like that...but no matter. She moved into an aggressive stance, shoulders hunched slightly, hands up and ready to grab, legs bent slightly. She bared her teeth as well, moving up to the Espeon girl and pitching the purple flame ball at her.

The flame swept in the Psychic-type's direction, aiming to set her hair aflame, and then moved back into position over Dian's own head. If that didn't get her attention, nothing would.
Nato's headache slowly faded away, and when it didn't hurt, he stood up and looked around. "Wow.. It all makes a lot more sense now." He said to no one in particular. He then noticed the Farfetch'd morph, as he understood now, so he decided to greet him.

"Hi! I'm Nato, a Buizel morph.... And this is Liza." he said gleefully. He knew that friends were good to have, so why not make some while he was here?
Liza yelped as she felt her hair set aflame. It was soon gone but she looked around for the culprit. It seemed to be a girl who a small flame floating by her. Her confusion soon set to anger as she stood up. "What was the use of that?" she asked through clenched teeth.

She knew she was a psychic type as of now, so she focused her power on that small flame. She glared at the small flame, trying to move it into the girl's face. She looked up for a moment and glared at her. 'What was the use of that?!' she thought angrily, with her teeth still clenched.
Allum scanned the clearing, at least he wasn't the only one still getting used to the changes, there was a small fight going on but he was in know way capable of doing anything about it. He twitched his head to regain his bearings, "The heck..." he turned and walked past the boy nearby and to a small cluster of trees. He crouched in the long grass and moved it aside with his hands.

"My, this is ominous." In the grass at the base of a tree was a skeleton. Human, but the bones had features similar to that of a Scyther. Instead of hands there were two scythe-like bones and the shells of wings sprouted from the back. The left arm was broken as were few of the ribs.

"Now this is strange. Hey, Alcott! I need your help here for a second."
Cody stopped walking to stare back at the group for a minute. It appeared that he was unnoticed. Good. I could use some time to figure things out on my own. The Candle Girl was trying to start something, from the looks of it.

Best not to get involved. I know nothing of my body, or its abilities. I get the feeling... Or I suppose from looking at her aura, she's feeling the need to conquer... What emotion is that? I can tell she's confident... Maybe that's the closest I'll get to a word for that emotion. He shrugged. People made little sense to him. He turned once more, and looked the direction he planned on moving in. He glanced at a tree. He smiled.

He found it was easy to reach a branch about seven feet in the air. He pulled himself up with minimal effort, and crouched on the branch. Adrenaline rushed through him at the thought he had. He leaped to another tree, and landed on a branch perfectly. He laughed. It was simple!

Until he jumped again. He ended up cloths-lining himself, and fell to the ground, coughing, and reminded himself, Don't get too cocky, bub.
Dian made a sort of makeshift hissing sound by pushing air through her clenched teeth. She didn't respond to Liza's words - she physically couldn't, after all - but she hunched her shoulders more and moved closer.

The flame didn't budge, hovering in place as part of Dian's own body. All it did was shiver a bit, then grow in size in response to her aggression. She didn't know how the girl had put the flames out so fast, but that wasn't going to happen again...she needed some way to hurt her. Some way to make better burns, hurty burns...

And it was then she felt her body twist, her hair darken and fall in a sheet over her eyes, her skin darken. The purple flame roared to life, larger and more eager for combat than before, moving to hover in a steady circle around her head. A spike of black bone grew from the back of her head, the bone creaking as it went. She had the odd feeling that it should have hurt, but didn't.

The voice in the back of her mind was back, and it hissed to her softly.

Rampuraa. You evolved. You can burn her. Purgatory. Use it, show the weak one who is in charge. You are the Alpha Female.


The image of a whorl of flame flickered in her mind, crimson tongues tearing at their victim. Dian hissed again, the purple flame turning a blazing red and growing to a monstrous size, before moving to form a ring of fire, before launching at the intended target - Liza.
"Hi" he replied. "I'm Jake... so... how are you?" he said, not really knowing what to ask. "Uh..." A girl with purple flames over her... like that...candle Pokémon, what was its name again...Hitomoshi! seemed to have.. started a fight with Liza? Now she... changed shape? Her hair and skin color changed, and she grew a black bone from the back of her head... Was this how they... evolved? Or...

"Hey... you okay?" he asked Liza, instantly realizing that was a stupid question seeing how the Hitomoshi...no, Rampuraa? morph was trying to attack her with fire. He wanted to help, but wasn't sure what to do, what his powers were or if he even had any at all...
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Liza quickly moved out of the way of the attack. It swept past her, close to the others. This was her fight now. She had to think this over, quick. 'So I'm psychic, not too good against her, she could control her fire powers...water would be the best bet against her...' she thought. She suddenly felt her body change again.

Instead of ears she now had what seemed to be fins. Out of her neck she felt something that looked frilled. She quickly looked at her tail and saw it changing, not very slow, but not fast either. She felt a little tired, but still had strength.

She glared once more at this girl, who had hissed at her. Her anger felt like raging water. She knew she could attack her with water now. Water seemed to speed up into her mouth so she opened it, attempting to spray her down with water.
Jake just sat there, seeing Liza dodge the attack. It wasn't that he didn't want to not do anything, he just didn't know what to do... He still wondered what had caused the other one to attack her... as far as he know, she ddn't do anything to her or anyone else.

Then, he noticed that the green Espeon-morph started changing. Her tail changed into a purple fish-like tail, and she grew frills around her neck. Just like a Vaporeon... a purple, shiny Vaporeon. Seeing how she was a Water-type now, it would be easier for her now, as the other was a Fire-type. He felt easier because of this.
In the not-so-distance, one might hear a small shing, followed by the loud noise of a tree limb crashing down to earth. If one were to go off to see what it was, they would see a pale, slightly gray-tinted young woman land again, her wild, bright red eyes flicking around. She didn't look any manner of frightened, no... but she did look highly aggressive. It almost seemed as if she had been awake for a while now and become aware of her situation.

At a near-blinding pace, the girl ripped deep, crossing slash-marks into the tree she was facing, grinning and showing short sharp fangs. A black-ish aura showed for a moment around fingers that were tipped by horribly sharp claws, then disappeared.

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