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Closed Pokemorph Hunters

Jake looked around. He noticed that a Zubat morph was having a staring contest with the hunter.
"I believe we are at a crossing point. You shoot and someone else will rip you to shreds. You don't shoot and I do. Your choice." The Zubat said.
Wether he shoots or not, he's going down! Him and his crazy Pokémon are trying to kill us, and if I wipe out the leader, maybe that will scare the Houndoom?
Jake ran forward, muscles bulging. He was coming from behind and to the side of the hunter. The Zubat would be able to see him, but the hunter wouldn't see it coming.
He barrelled straight into the hunter, knocking him off his feet. He fired his gun, but the shot went way wide and dissapeared into the sky. Jake could have sworn he heard a Staraptor scream in pain, but he was probably imagining it. Stop drifting away and pin this man down! He told himself.
Well this was unexpected. First he had been inviting the group to introduce themselves, and now they had some rather unwanted company. There was a flurry of activity as some people left, the majority attacked...the general hubbub that came with a surprise offence. Thankfully the Houndooms and Hunter seemed pre-occupied with the others around him, rather than noticing him straight away.

Well he said thankfully. A gunshot rang out across the clearing, getting his attention very effectively through the chaos. He turned and saw a pokemon he hadn't noticed before...a sort of plushie creature? Lying on the ground, staring straight up. Stuffing was scattered around him and one of his legs was completely torn apart by the force of a bullet. That was not a pretty injury.

As the others seemed to distract the hunter (by wasting time talking, why didn't they outright deal with him since it was clear he was hostile?), Vincent snapped out his vines. Let them dance in the hunter's face. He lashed out the green vines and snagged the injured poke-morph's body, dragging him slightly before lifting him up and away from the fight now unfolding, bringing him to himself and the dominant female he had picked up earlier.

He frowned as he set Lauren down gently beside Dian. He wasn't sure how to heal that wound...and despite a lack of blood, it still was probably an extremely painful and serious injury. "I won't ask if you're alright since the answer is obvious." Vincent said plainly. His vines released Lauren as he turned, trying his best to pay attention to the various combatants and be ready if any drew uncomfortably close.
Shelly's eyes went huge upon landing. She heard the blast, and the next thing she saw was Green Man dragging someone out of the shadows... was it... it couldn't...

Someone shot Ghost Boy... kill... kill... KILL!!!

The bile welled up in her throat, and she made her presence known again with another furious roar. The only other thing she had seen was that sparkle-bitch holding a rifle... it must have been her, no good ever came from those freaks!!

"YOU!!" and she pounced again. Whether she knew it or not, her claws began to take on a metallic sheen, caused by her new form.
Movement and a frenzy of action exploded around her, and Dian was taken by surprise. She froze for a few moments, before snapping back to reality when she saw the little, familiar-smelling male with that wound. He was one of her kind, he gave of that wispy, mysterious smell that burned in the back of her mind, as well as a stirring of need for him, need to protect her Males bubbling up in her belly.

Dian got to her feet, the flame around her head growing in size and turning a brilliant crimson. The tornado of fire that signalled the start of the deadly Purgatory attack, the blaze quickly igniting nearby grasses and dry trees. She sent the attack spiralling towards the human, not caring the state he was in, or any other that may be attacking him.

Burn it all down, incinerate it, destroy it all. Protect your Clan.

She crouched in front of the wounded Male, launching off a few more, if smaller, bursts of searing flame. Her yellow eyes were wide with rage and she had a few balls of purple flame spiralling around her now. Any of the blaze that wandered too close to her was sucked back into her body and used to fuel her attacks, the Flash Fire ability becoming active.
Before she could answer Nato's question she heard one girl scream, "YOU!!" She turned her head and saw the girl lunging at her. She put the rifle sideways in front of her, to block this girl's attack. Liza left herself wide open to any attacks from the side or her back.
Allum gave a toothy grin and ran forward, the point of his wing beggining to glow purple. He leapt and slammed the tip of his wing into the hunters back, leaving an ugly welt. The hunter bucked under the pokemorph on his back for a few seconds before slumping into an unconscious state. Allum folded his wings behind him and soon realised the flames shooting at them from across the grove.

"Dammit, not again." Allum threw his wings wide and used what strength he had to propel himself into the air.

From the air the world seemed different, clearer. He could see what was going on in the clearing, and the truck that moved closer to the flames. He could see the Eevee morph being assaulted by yet another morph. He could feel the heartbeats of all those in the clearing. He could see the flames slowly spreading through the forest, still untamed. "Dammit, I am not following her around," The same morph as before was once again spewing flames into the clearing.

Allum flew up into one of the trees and stood on the branch, he lookedover the clearing. "I've had enough of this. Too much destruction for their own good." He shook his head, "'The enemy of my enemy is my friend', it looks like other than Alcott and Kai I am alone in my sanity."
Lauren let out a low groan, eyes fluttering shut. He could feel himself being dragged off, as well as the inevitable pain in his leg flaring up, initial shock wearing off. How such a thing even worked with an apparently stuffed leg he didn't know, didn't care to think about it. He could hear someone talking, but not really paying attention to what they were saying, he merely offered a pitiful moan and whine.
"I'm an.. idiot" He droned quietly, carefully moving his arm to his wounded leg to pat himself down carefully, it now stinging bitterly. Such complacency didn't last long, however, as a sudden firestorm burst to life almost directly next to him - body now jarred back to conciousness, he quickly leaned up, perching on his arms - it was the girl, the one who felt familiar. Was she.. protecting him? he could swear he heard whispers of voices outside his own, anger she exuded synonymous with a purpose. Perhaps, though, he was just in shock, he pondered as he observed starry-eyed the field going up in flames, yet with little more than a comforting warmth nearby the girl.
Bijou furrowed her thin brows before stepping further into the darkness. She had closed a hand around his wrist to keep him close by and cautiously moved about the thickening vegetation.

Just then, a bush trembled in front of them. Bijou's eyes widened in alarm and she froze, her eyes locked on it.

"...Wha-" O_o
"Urgh..." He climbed to his feet, using the tree that he'd been slammed into as a support, and looked in amazement at the chaos around him. There were flames everywhere, the hunter was lying unconscious on the ground, the other strange people like him were attacking each other, it was just...chaos. This was getting so confusing, and his head was still pounding...He felt the tree shake slightly and he looked up. Someone had landed in it, a boy with bat-like wings. He grabbed a branch and climbed up next to the person.

"Um...I don't mean to intrude or anything, but...what the fudge is going on here?"
The houndoom that Kai had been using as a mechanical bull gave a sudden kick, and Kai flew off it, and onto the ground, landing hard. He got up, and as he lost his focus, he realized that everything had become chaos around him. He heard a girl scream "YOU!!!" and turned to see her begin charging another girl. Kai, quickly began running, despite the fact that by intercepting the attack, he was likely to be injured. His size would not overpower the charging morph, but he had to try. I wish I was bigger... he thought to himself, and he felt a strange sensation, and realized that he was glowing. His body was growing, his muscles expanding, his legs lengthening, and his face slowly becoming a muzzle. The fur on his body grew out, and his hair now fell over his shoulders. As the transformation finished, it was not a four-foot puppy attempting to tackle the charging morph to the ground, but a six foot, full grown dog.
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((...Hey hey hey. No. That's godmodding. I didn't give you permission to say what happens to her, you can't say you took her down.))
Jake followed the Riolu-morph through the forest. He looked at the trees, wondering if any of them had some berries... He saw one after a while... A Cheri berry tree. "Hey, Cody, I found food!" He tried to stretch himself, but the berries were too high up. "Um... little help?" he asked Cody.
((Oi, Kid, Chaon, what's your malfunction? You have the testicular fortitude to try and run a crash RP course, including about godmodding and character control - and then you go, and character control? Get out. Seriously.))
"Help. Right." Cody stared at his tail for a short moment, and wondered. He was a fighting type, so by all means, he shold be able to jump to the branches and pull himself up, no problem. He was completely correct in his reasoning, and when he pulled himself into the tree, and broke off large sections of branches, to have them fall to the ground, where they were more than easily accessible.

He was interrupted by the sounds of clashing in the background. More fighting. But he could tell from the many different sounds, it wasn't another clash between the so-called "group." Cody stared after the sounds, wondering...

"What do you suppose is going on back there? Think we should check, or just go our own way?" Cody asked.
"Hey, thanks!" Jake walked up to the branches and picked some berries. He tried to put some of them in his mouth, which... was hard to do now for some reason? Then he remembered he had a beak now, not a mouth, and put them in there instead. It was weird to eat with no teeth, and he just swallowed the berries-good thing they were small enough to swallow whole. It was a long time since he had eaten... and he loved the slighly spicy taste of the berries. He put more of the berries in the pockets of his pants for later, then he turned to Cody. "Um... I think we should just leave them alone... yeah. I don't really feel like seeing more fighting now, plus I'm sure they can handle it themselves... Maybe we should explore the forest some more?"
"H-hey. Uh. That bush didn't move right? It wa just wind okay?" Wesley tried to calm her down. She looked scared. She couldn't hide it anymore. not by the way she was holding his wrist. He tried to get her mind off of being scared so he tried to change subject, make her focus on something else.

"Excuse me. But I never got your name. I'm sorry. What was it?"
Bijou had felt an unpleasant feeling of dread as he asked about the bush. She wasn't the brightest but she knew what she saw. When his voice popped another question it unexpectedly drew her attention off of the fear.

"M-my what? My name? Isn't it.... I- wait a second. My name is Bijou."

Her grip loosened as she turned and looked down at him.
Wesley sighed and flexed his hand to regain the blood circulation. He had control of the situation, something he'd never experienced before,but oh well. His biggest problem was that,at the moment, he was the bravest,most level headed between the two of them. That was something to worry about.

"Bijou? That's a nice name. My name is Wesley." He took her hand and started walking ahead with her while he spoke. The poor creature didn't seem to be a good multi-tasker so he figured having her talk and walk would refrain from any thinking on her part.
Jake got off the man. All his Houndoom were out cold or occupied already, leaving him unprotected. Jake kicked him in the temple, and left, bounding away on all fours. He wasn't sure where he was going, but he didn't care. Just as long as he got out of here.
[I guess I'll go ahead and post...o_o]

Bijou blinked and looked down at his head as he led her onward, "Of course it's a nice name. It is my name, duh...." WHen he introduced himself she looked down at their moving feet and repeated, "Wess-lee? Your name is Wesley?"
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