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Yes. So to recap:
Or the Voice of The People, for that matter...ライチュウ;169735 said:Gotta love the way no one listens to the voice of reason.
No, I am.And I'm not the youngest on tCoD.
^You're not. If you were 1, you couldn't type.^
That's ageist, stereotyping 1-year-olds like that.^You're not. If you were 1, you couldn't type.^
That's ageist, stereotyping 1-year-olds like that.
You were so cute :3I remember laying awake at night, hugging my soft toys and making sure they were comfy (giving them room on the pillow, making sure they had some of the duvet too).
Aah, I think me and my sister used to do this as well ^^ I don't remember what we watched though.Every Saturday morning me, my brother and sister would go downstairs with our bedding and some of our toys to watch the cartoons (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog I sharply remember), then we'd play games before our parent's woke up.
Lol, sleep swearing =3Which is a good thing because I was once at a school outing and had to share a dorm with a bunch of...seven?...other girls. I said "I love you" clearly one night and awoke to a frenzy of questioning about what I was dreaming. But a few nights later, I yelled in my sleep "**** OFF!" and got them all in trouble when a passing teacher heard XD
I (giving them room on the pillow, making sure they had some of the duvet too).
No, I guess we don't. Nevertheless, Terry's posts make my eyes gush blood.Jesus, do you people have nothing better to do than pick on people? Really?