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Ugh, having now just checked the webmastering sections, I personally am pretty sure it is.
And if she (I'm going to assume it's a she because of the name) reads this, go the hell awaaaaaaay...
Because if you have some sort of vendetta with Eevee, why make everyone on a forum completely unrelated to him hate you too?
Even if he is an alleged "toxic force"?
Seems pretty stupid to me.
Just make it like 10 or something. Also, in a public place (like a library) there is often more than one computer. Problem solved.

Dynamic IP's, proxies...but it would at least slow them down, amiright?
no, see, this idea is pointless and dumb. why are we trying to modify it to make it usable when it would only inconvenience people
Increase inconvenience for people that don't own a computer/share a computer because of an extremely unlikely event (a script that made 550+ accounts) that will probably never happen again?

yuh, that's brilliant~
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