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Rainbow Factory


this sure is a thing
HEY GUYS ever wonder what I draw/sketch and don't post here? well my imgur will often get things uploaded to it like pink line sketches, concept art, and such, as well as other stuff (minecraft screencaps, etc), so check it out if you're curious.

A few of my favourite sketches from it:



In other news I entered the Homestuck Album Art contest so look out for that, though i doubt i'll get in or anything
Colours, you betray us and make Doctor Horrible quote-art in the space of a week? idonotknowhowtofeeeel

I like that last one (adorable!) but I've never seen a book that was quite that shape before, what is it?
its just a regular old book of no particular name, just laying open.


(i'll totally draw BFA peeps one of these in exchange for buying me stuff in ASB ;Dc /SHOT)
I'd take you up on that but I have to pretend to have some professional integrity.

They look homestucky! I suppose if that's the point then it's a good sign that someone who's never read it can recognize it in your art, but I simply DO NOT KNOW. AT ALL.
Just a note, but in the drawing of the dude with the CMC napping or whatever, the dude's hands look oddly fat/short.
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