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I don't like Skrillex! (Sorry...?) But I like their name :3
It's from Sky by Joshua Radin feat. Ingrid Michaelson.

6.66/10 Because it seems appropriate

(Also, I'd like to say that 'sodding katanas' does not mean 'katanas that sod', it's sodding as in a sweary-type word, like dang or bloody or something)
I like the fact that you went with a replacement type word over a more profane word like "damn". Yet it lacks a little bit of luster to bump it to a 10.
Yellow cat? Like a Nepeta from a version of reality where Sollux is dark red (or gray Aradia if there is the Karkat anomaly)? *looks up birth date* Nepeta indeed. Though you might not know Homestuck.
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