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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?


I'm sure you'd prefer living in a cave... for no more than about thirty years.
pfft who needs cures man, I've been livin in this here cave as the village elder for my entire life, 25 years to be exact :sunglasses:
*eats freshly grilled meat that was lying on the ground*

Do I look like a transvestite? [/Izzardquote]

Okay, that was a really dumb thing to say, actually. Sorry, I wasn't thinking clearly. I've been reading these debate threads all morning, and part of me died a little from Tropiking's posts in the Homosexuality thread.

Science just doesn't matter to me anymore, is all.
I find it funny that you've only mentioned Christanity and the branches of that. XD
they are the loudest and most obnoxious

I'm a Wiccan, and I believe in many gods.

But more than that, I believe in a power that most people believe to be gods. It's this power that we have in us, and that's what makes people have psychic abilities, sense when things aren't right, and (I know you're going to laugh at this) perform magick. But until you've experienced it, you really can't know it.
is "magick" like "magic" except it has the same chance of working as if you didn't actually do anything

If there truly was only one right religion, then there wouldn't be so many diverse religions in the world.
unless people have an innate tendency to make them up

oh wait

we do

Personally, I'm happy with my religion. It's allowing me to see things as they are, and not how people and science perseive them.
and what exactly in your mind is the difference between "see" and "perceive"

nitpicking semantics ad absurdum does not make you a cooler person

is "magick" like "magic" except it has the same chance of working as if you didn't actually do anything

Magick (spelled with a k to differentiate it from stage magic) is utilizing the power within everyone to bring about change in your life, for the better. And it does work, but only if you know it does.

unless people have an innate tendency to make them up

oh wait

we do

Who's to say it can't be true, though?

and what exactly in your mind is the difference between "see" and "perceive"

Nothing, can't I use different words?

nitpicking semantics ad absurdum does not make you a cooler person

No, but it feels good.
Magick (spelled with a k to differentiate it from stage magic)
and to be way more pretentious which is what wicca is all about really

is utilizing the power within everyone to bring about change in your life, for the better. And it does work, but only if you know it does.
so you have to already expect it to work for it to work? how very convenient; they have pills like this too

btw I would love to know how I can deterministically measure this power within everyone; in fact there's a million dollars in it for you if you can do so

Who's to say it can't be true, though?
me, because it's a ridiculous argument based on fundamentally flawed premises, not the least of which are that there is necessarily a "correct" religion in the first place or that it is infeasible for incorrect religions to exist.

is the flying spaghetti monster also part of your massive network of equivalent gods?

Nothing, can't I use different words?
so then

how is "how you perceive things" so fundamentally different from "how people perceive things" and how does your religion enlighten you
Possibly the most debated (and deathly) topic ever, what do YOU think of it? Is it holding back humanity? Is it the path to enlightenment? Is it "God's" will? Is it a bucket of bull? Discuss. (No killing allowed!)

Not all religions hold back humanity, and not all religions have a God. But I may be buyist since it's my religion.
so basically you want to storm into a debate thread and declare how super-awesome your religion is, but when someone calls you on it you go quiet and make happy faces
I never said my religion was super-awesome. I just said I like it.

What's wrong with happy faces? :) Would you prefer a sad face? :( Or maybe an angry face. >:(
It's this power that we have in us, and that's what makes people have psychic abilities,

Psychic abilities? Man, wish I had those.

sense when things aren't right

Isn't that just the subconscious going, 'oh gees, something's not right here D:' rather than an inexplicable phenomena?

Magick (spelled with a k to differentiate it from stage magic) is utilizing the power within everyone to bring about change in your life, for the better.

Oh, I think I've heard of that before, but I heard it from some different name.

What was it?

Oh, right. Motivation. And there's nothing spiritual or magical about that.
I know there's a guy in Japan who thinks he's Jesus. Because Jesus was Japanese. *nodnod*
Religion doesn't hold back humanity. Atheism doesn't hold back humanity. Evangelists hold back humanity by attempting to sidetrack the group of a Catholic and a Baptist and a Muslim and a Buddhist and an atheist working in unison to try to make them all the religion of the evangelist.
Holding the Sabbath holy seems to be holding plenty of people back by not letting them do work on one day out of a week, cutting back their production by 1/7th. Moral laws seem to hold people back as well. Many religions condemn homosexuality for hell knows what reason. The only good I can see from religion is that it helps people not panic over death and let them believe they'll continue living or something. Me, I've finally accepted the idea of life just ending when I die. It took quite a number of nights laying on my bed with my cats sleeping soundly as insomnia laughed at me as my mind wandered towards dangerous areas, though.
The effects of religion are too vague and too varied to be properly measured.
Religion is just another controversial and prejudice topic.

There's no need to hate a religion just because someone gave you a bad impression.

And by the way, Catholicism is like, the most popular religion in Ireland. Chances are, you'll have to live with it. So no starting hissy fits.
I've been to the Catholic church before, and tbh, I actually don't mind the pastor I had there. I wasn't baptised or anything though.
Religion itself isn't holding back humanity. Young-Earth Creationists are holding back humanity.

IMO, YECs are proof we share a common ancestor with the apes.
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