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Reverse Mafia [D3]


The sun rose on the vilest, most crime-corrupted town history has ever known.

Suckers walked the streets, unaware that killings, robberies, rapes, arsons and jaywalkings were equally common at all times. The only difference is that the night provided the cover needed not for additional crimes, but, for gathering.

As the town was about to learn, however, this deplorable situation could and would be challenged.

48 hours for day actions.
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Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

As the sun set, unaware citizens frequently stumbled upon one shocking sight: a dead man, right in the middle of the street. If it wasn't for the sheer amount of calls, the police wouldn't have budged; they hear about people getting killed every day and most of the time it's just deals gone wrong because at least one party involved was a complete idiot.

Information about that crime scene wouldn't be confined to a police station, of course. Most of it would find itself sloshing about in the whispers of criminals and syndicates as the night fell and the scum took action.

Mai is dead. It was scum.

48 hours for discussion.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Hahahahah. That Mai. They're always getting killed in every mafia game. What a chum.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

dont laugh!

Anyway, does any corrupt inspector have anything?
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

It's weird, though, because Mai usually lasts a long time. She's a really good player, and that's good for us, but not if she's dead. This mafia either knows exactly what they're doing, or they took a wild stab in the dark.

Either way, I'm afraid of this mafia O.o
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

You mean innocents (XD)

but since my role is almost completely uniportant

I'm a corrupt beloved princess.

if i lose the game, the next night phase, everyone gets two votes.

I hate my role! (nah, it just seems unimportant)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

no, i'm scum, i just said dont laugh cause mai keeps on dying the first nights (and its making me feel sad)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Metallica Fanboy: Since you don't seem to have a rules list anywhere... Is PM communication allowed? Also, does flavour text mean anything?

It's weird, though, because Mai usually lasts a long time. She's a really good player, and that's good for us, but not if she's dead. This mafia either knows exactly what they're doing, or they took a wild stab in the dark.

Either way, I'm afraid of this mafia O.o

What does Mai being a good player have to do with it dying? Someone targeted it, now it's dead. You can't prevent your death just by virtue of being a "good player" - if anything, that makes you more likely to be targeted by mafia or by doctors (overdose is a thing!), so better players are more likely to die, not less. There isn't anything particularly scary about a "mafia" (they're the "innocents") that can target people, every mafia can do that. It's the discussion that's a big deal, not so much the actions.

Also why does a mafia have to know "exactly what they're doing" to kill someone who looks like a good player? Even if you've never played mafia before, you could just read old threads and see who's doing a good job and who isn't. That doesn't say anything about how intelligent or otherwise the mafia is.

(also actually experienced mafia sometimes kill apparently inexperienced or bad or useless players on purpose!)

I'm a corrupt beloved princess.

if i lose the game, the next night phase, everyone gets two votes.

If you're really beloved princess, how can you possibly think telling anyone is a good idea? Killing you skips a talk-phase, which means you're an ideal target since that's basically a free pass to target someone else the next action-phase without worrying about anyone discussing and figuring out anything, or about any of their team being lynched that time.

Also "votes"? People don't vote in the actions-phase, they just send in their night actions if they happen to have any, which isn't really anything like voting.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Hiikaru ♥;522342 said:
Metallica Fanboy: Since you don't seem to have a rules list anywhere... Is PM communication allowed? Also, does flavour text mean anything?
No PM communication unless otherwise stated, and it doesn't mean a lot.

Hiikaru ♥;522342 said:
Also "votes"? People don't vote in the actions-phase, they just send in their night actions if they happen to have any, which isn't really anything like voting.
Nights and days are reversed in this game; hence, you're discussing the events of the previous day phase, during this night phase.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

by vote, i mean every scum has 2 lynches.

Plus, my role...i do not like it....
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

but since my role is almost completely uniportant

I'm a corrupt beloved princess.

if i lose the game, the next night phase, everyone gets two votes.

I hate my role! (nah, it just seems unimportant)

Not thinking your role is important is really, really not a good reason to reveal it. :( Keeping the innocents from knowing who not to target is a pretty good idea! Roles that seem useless could at least still be potential targets for the innocents if left unclaimed and that could keep an important role safe for another day; that does end up being pretty useful.

Well, now that that claim's out in the open, that does seem like... a completely useless power. Useless enough that I wonder if the GM would really bother including a role like that in this game... I mean, there wouldn't really be any point in voting for two separate people (unless that power means that two people can be lynched in one night?) so that'd just change the scale. And why would a beloved princess being corrupted bring about that kind of change in what its role does? Well. By losing the game, I assume you mean being killed?

It's weird, though, because Mai usually lasts a long time. She's a really good player, and that's good for us, but not if she's dead. This mafia either knows exactly what they're doing, or they took a wild stab in the dark.

Either way, I'm afraid of this mafia O.o

It wouldn't really be particularly hard for anyone to look at a few past games and notice that Mai tends to actually contribute, would it? I don't know, I think Mai's death seems pretty unindicative.
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Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Hiikaru ♥;522342 said:
What does Mai being a good player have to do with it dying? Someone targeted it, now it's dead. You can't prevent your death just by virtue of being a "good player" - if anything, that makes you more likely to be targeted by mafia or by doctors (overdose is a thing!), so better players are more likely to die, not less. There isn't anything particularly scary about a "mafia" (they're the "innocents") that can target people, every mafia can do that. It's the discussion that's a big deal, not so much the actions.

Right, but it's out of trend, so it's a little unsettling. I wasn't saying good players are less likely to die- I'm quite aware that it makes them more of a target. The thing is though, despite the fact Mai is a really good player, she tends to live a long time for some reason. This string if first night death for her is a little weird. That's all I was saying.

Also why does a mafia have to know "exactly what they're doing" to kill someone who looks like a good player? Even if you've never played mafia before, you could just read old threads and see who's doing a good job and who isn't. That doesn't say anything about how intelligent or otherwise the mafia is.

(also actually experienced mafia sometimes kill apparently inexperienced or bad or useless players on purpose!)

I know from experience (on the innocent, mafia, and GM side of things) that if a mafia is less experienced, they tend to make a random kill the first night. Once they get a little more used to it and get more of a sense of how this works, their kills start to make more sense. I was just saying it is more likely that the people who are the innocents (mafia) in this game likely know how this works pretty well, due to their choice of first kill. And you've completely disregarded the second part of my statement! I said "Either they know exactly what they're doing, or They took a wild stab in the dark". True, it does seem more likely they have some sort of intelligence on their side, but I didn't say that that was absolutely it. Yes, it is possible they took a look into past threads and said "oh hey, she's good at this let's kill her", but I was just putting into the conversation what I thought might have happened.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

by vote, i mean every scum has 2 lynches.

Oh! Well. That's kind of an important detail, then.

That doesn't seem like a beloved princess role at all, though. The GM said that innocents and mafia being switched could bring about changes in what a role does, but this completely changes the purpose of that role. The beloved princess is supposed to be an innocent-aligned role that's not actually beneficial to the innocents to help balance things out in a game. The role you're describing seems to be a mafia-aligned role that... does help out the mafia? I guess it's possible... although in that case lynching you would be beneficial to us and maybe it's something we should consider. If you're lying and innocent, we'll find out, and if you're not, we could use that power the next night to find out if two people are the same alignment (by having them vote against each other). We'd have to save that for later, though; that wouldn't be useful right now.

EDIT: Wait, do you mean that mafia-aligned players get two votes, or that two people can be lynched the next night phase?
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Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

go ahead, lynch me now. I'll be scum AND the scum will get 2 lynches teh next night phase.

It's atually good if i'm lynched
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Just the scum get 2 votes? I'm a little confused on how that would work. What's to stop us from killing her, picking a random target, and saying, "ok, vote twice if you can, otherwise vote once and we'll know whether you're innocent".
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

well, basiclly everyone gets 2 lynchings (i have to PM MF to clarify it more)

And its not THIS night phase. its the night phase after i lose

So if i lose on a day #, 2 lynchings the next night

If i lose on night #, then the day phase goes on and the night phase gives everyone 2 lynchings.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Yeah I meant the next night phase. And also you might like to know that you can win with your team even if you are dead.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Day night reversal make Wargle confuse.

Mai died? She's always Mafia(/Innocent here) Not really but if The mafia outs all good players but a few then it might be a really good indicator that they're mafia(/Innocent?)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N1]

Eifie~no two people are lycnhed, everyone gets 2 votes (they can put their vote like 2 votes for one person or 1 vote for two people

Wargle~ The uninformed majority are the scum, and the informed minority are the innocent. its the exact same thing as normal mafia, just with naming switched around.

Now, are you gonna lynch me so i can prove i'm scum and you'll get 2 lynches, or should i stay in the game?
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