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Reverse Mafia [D3]

Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]


(x3 combo!)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

Okay screw this this is pointless.

Anyone got any info?
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

I suppose I have some information?

For the sake of not accidentally fucking things up by potentially outing Lovers or Masons or something, I'll censor the names.

So apparently [My stalking target] met with [living player] last night. I don't know what they did, as I was apparently forced to bail out before I could figure out what they were doing.

Without names, that's not really helpful or reliable information. Anyone could just say, "I inspected [someone] and s/he was [alignment.]" and claim anything with that method. It doesn't bring us any closer to figuring out who's innocent.
Was it related to Light Yagami in any way? If he were recruited by a mason and could give out information to his new group, depending on what his role was.
What reason would he have to die smiling?
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

I suppose I have some information?

For the sake of not accidentally fucking things up by potentially outing Lovers or Masons or something, I'll censor the names.

So apparently [My stalking target] met with [living player] last night. I don't know what they did, as I was apparently forced to bail out before I could figure out what they were doing.

That wouldn't be outing lovers or masons at all! Neither of those roles have night actions. Well, a lover's target might, or a recruiting mason, but we'd have no way of knowing that ey's a lover or recruiting mason over any other role from that information. (Also, lovers are not necessarily mafia-aligned!)

Unless the person you were stalking claims/has claimed vanilla townie (or some other role without a night action), or comes up for lynching, I guess you should keep the names (at least your stalking target's name) to yourself, though. Since ey didn't target Light Yagami last night, you can probably assume that ey's not the... innocent don for now (since Light Yagami was most likely an innocent kill), although that doesn't make em definitely mafia-aligned. Hm, it might be a good idea for you to try targeting people who've claimed vanilla; that'd be the easiest claim for the innocents.

What reason would he have to die smiling?

Huh, I thought the flavour text was completely irrelevant, but looking back, all the GM said was that it doesn't mean a lot. No idea what that could mean, though, if that part's supposed to mean anything. I wonder what reason the innocents would have to kill Light Yagami, though.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

What's this? a mafia game where I'm still alive? Weird.

Anyhow, I think that maybe the fact he's smiling has something to do with his role, and maybe he only had to accomplish this one task? Like maybe there was a serial killer and he was the psychiatrist, or some nonsensory like that. Or maybe the other way around, he was the serial killer and the psychiatrist healed him, so he's happy? I don't know, just offering possibilities.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

Yeah I'm mostly worried that it was a Doctor or something.

I'm not terribly familiar with tracker, but aren't there enough roles with day-actions that outing a specific one is kind of a non-issue?

I'm going to agree that you should probably keep the names a secret regardless, though, for now - it will probably be more useful once people start claiming. "You're vanilla(or no actions role)? Then why did I see you targeting $person one night?"

Hm, it might be a good idea for you to try targeting people who've claimed vanilla; that'd be the easiest claim for the innocents.

I don't think anyone's claimed vanilla except Glace (who's dead), and myself - and apparently Legendary's already targeted me and determined that I'm probably not the innocent don.

If someone else wants to claim to prove their... scumminess, I guess that could be a thing, but probably only actually-vanilla people would want to do that, so that wouldn't be particularly helpful.

It could be useful if we had multiple people claim and Legendary decided on his own which of them to target, but mass role-claiming is kind of silly at this point.

Huh, I thought the flavour text was completely irrelevant, but looking back, all the GM said was that it doesn't mean a lot. No idea what that could mean, though, if that part's supposed to mean anything. I wonder what reason the innocents would have to kill Light Yagami, though.

I don't know, either - especially when they could kill an claimed inforole like Legendary, or one of the people who's trying to be helpful and talk (Eifie, Squirrel, Zackrai). Maybe they're not actually reading the thread? Or maybe the don is inactive and eir actions are being randomized. I guess I wouldn't be surprised by that.

What's this? a mafia game where I'm still alive? Weird.

Anyhow, I think that maybe the fact he's smiling has something to do with his role, and maybe he only had to accomplish this one task? Like maybe there was a serial killer and he was the psychiatrist, or some nonsensory like that. Or maybe the other way around, he was the serial killer and the psychiatrist healed him, so he's happy? I don't know, just offering possibilities.

Hm, can anyone think of any other roles that are supposed to accomplish something before they die? If that piece of flavour text is meaningful, it might be helpful to try and guess at how.

Alternatively, could Light Yagami have been killed due to something like drug overdose? Or he could have just been killed in his sleep while having a good dream, I guess.
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Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

Hiikaru ♥;525055 said:
I'm not terribly familiar with tracker, but aren't there enough roles with day-actions that outing a specific one is kind of a non-issue?

Well, it would let the innocents know who's actually got a day action; we'd probably want to keep that from them, especially considering that there seems to be a disproportionate amount of sheep in this game. Anyone revealed to have any day action at all would probably rise to the top of the innocents' target list. (unless that person is innocent emself, that is.)
Re: Reverse Mafia [N2]

Huh, I thought the flavour text was completely irrelevant, but looking back, all the GM said was that it doesn't mean a lot.
When exactly did he say this? I believe you, I just don't remember him ever saying that. I have pretty terrible memory though xD

Hiikaru ♥;525055 said:
I don't know, either - especially when they could kill an acclaimed inforole like Legendary, or one of the people who's trying to be helpful and talk (Eifie, Squirrel, Zackrai). Maybe they're not actually reading the thread? Or maybe the don is inactive and eir actions are being randomized. I guess I wouldn't be surprised by that.
I'm pretty sure everyone who's still alive has posted at least once, so the innocents not actually reading the thread doesn't seem likely. As for your second explanation, it definitely makes more sense, though I haven't noticed anyone who's been particularly inactive recently (other than Flower Doll, but she's usually pretty inactive in mafia games)...

Maybe the innocents just aren't very good at being the informed minority? Even that doesn't seem very likely though, judging by who's still alive at this point, but it's a possibility.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

Yeah since I don't see anything wrong with revealing who was targetted, Superbird was visited by [redacted].
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

Hiikaru ♥;525055 said:
Hm, can anyone think of any other roles that are supposed to accomplish something before they die? If that piece of flavour text is meaningful, it might be helpful to try and guess at how.

Alternatively, could Light Yagami have been killed due to something like drug overdose? Or he could have just been killed in his sleep while having a good dream, I guess.

Maybe a single use arsonist and a firefighter? successfully blocked the ill incendiaries from igniting? This seems less likely to me, though, because first I've never heard of a single use arsonist, and second firefighters are kind of roleblockers that only work on arsonists, and if I recall correctly they have a day action, not a night action.

However, the odds that a psychiatrist already found the serial killer is basically just as likely as what I've said about the arsonist/firefighter, but.

I'm not sure of how many other check/balance roles there are, though.

But! maybe he was a jester? Just thinking in the character of jesters here, but aren't they supposed to be all smiley and giggly? I don't know.
Re: Reverse Mafia [N3]

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