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Open Rift in the Dimensions

"Then we should split up and search around," said Galacta Knight, "unless you know where we should be looking specifically." Galacta Knight was not a patient man, if you could call him that, but he was trying to hold it in for once. Not that he cared what mere mortals thought of him, he would remind himself. He was only trying to play along now because the bull man was indeed beginning to spout some important information.
"So now we got people who actively want to help spread the dacay?" Sonic commented, "Goody..." He gave a smirk, "At least that means there's action up ahead..."

"Don't get too cocky, Sonic," Tails cautioned. "Things just took a turn for the dangerous."

"Sounds kinda fun, honestly..." Sonic answered.

Tails sighed. From inside his bag, he heard a small sparking noise. Quickly he reached in to find his handheld computer. Its screen flickered briefly, then returned to normal. Tails stared hard at it a moment, then shrugged, putting it back in its place. Probably nothing...
Logoth scanned the horizon. He didn't like this village. It gave him a feeling of.... dread or sorrow. He heard Geralt and Taunos taliking about the burning legion. He wondered if this gate could lead to a place such a his world.
"They sound like a race personification of the Fallen," Bonecrusher said, "How sickening."

"True. And that 'demonic gate' that Taunos mentioned sounds awfully like a space bridge," Ravage muttered. He then said: "Do you think that they could have set up the demonic gate near the decay's source?"
((Sorry about any delays, I have to concede that this is harder than I thought it would be.))

"I can give us a rough idea," Taunos said to Galacta Knight, "by following the trail of demonic energies and communicating with the spirits. But beware, as we approach the gate, we will obviously encounter more and more demons. More dangerous ones, too. Important to note, many higher demons are immune or nearly immune to magic. And don't cross the gate, you'll become a babbling madman or die."

"Sounds exciting to say the least," Geralt said with a smirk.

Taunos pointed his staff towards the northeast, "We'll start searching that way."
"That means it won't have effect on most of us." Galacta Knight sneered, then turned around, beginning to speak seemingly to no one. "I need four bodyguards! Quickly, assemble!" Emerging from bushes, houses, etc. were four soldiers, each wielding a different weapon. One with an axe, one with a mace, one with a trident and a jetpack strapped to its back, and one with nothing, though it could have something concealed. Without a word, they made a diamond formation around Galacta Knight. "Well, I am ready."

Torchic looked to Chikorita. "I guess we're ready too, right? I mean, we don't have any way to stock up. We could change out our scarves, but..." Chikorita began to head towards Taunos, and Torchic paused before following.
"Magic? Would bending reality and forced persuasion count as magic?" Valkyrie ran up to Taunos's side, curious what his world considered magic. "I'm pretty sure my magic is different from yours, and if that has no effect, I'm useless."
((If you want me to ghostwrite bits of the plot to help keep things moving when you're away, I can. Just PM me with what you want to happen if you need it. If I'm not at work, I'm probably doing nothing. :D))

"Well, at least neither of us have to worry about the "magic" part," Sonic commented, "Even if the Chaos emeralds counted, I don't have any..."

"There's the one that powers the Tornado,' Tails pointed out, "But it seems we're dealing with demons now..." Tails began to shudder. Taunos's words were getting to him.

"Calm down, Tails," Sonic said, giving off a much more nonchalant air, "We've dealt with things kinda like demons before. Remember Chaos? And Dark Gaia? Can't be too far off."

"Y...yeah..." Tails said. With that, the two began to follow the rest of the group.
Logoth put on his helmet. If these demons knew no fear then a life lesson was coming. He turned towards the Northeast he folowed Taunos and kept an eye on the backround.
"Ah, but there exist many sorts of magic in this world.", Taunos said, "My magic is different from everybody's who isn't a shaman, except perhaps druids. Primarily, we have magic drawn from nature, magic derived from runes, and arcane magic drawing from ambient energy. Demonic magics are arcane magics, just very corrupted. Basically, the only way we can know is giving it a try, but if you can draw magical energy from the air around you, you'd best stay on your toes."

"And what about you?", Geralt asked, "You're quite the magic sort yourself, Taunos."

"Yes.", Taunos replied, "Unfortunately, my shamanistic powers won't work against very powerful demons. Not that I'd be useless, meaning no offence to you, Valkyrie."

At that moment, there was a strange, distinctly magical, flowing sound.

"Do you... hear that?", Geralt asked.

"It sounds familiar...", Taunos replied as he tried to think of what it was, "I suspect..."

He pointed roughly in the direction of the sound. There was a red, clearly demonic beast, with two notable tendrils and very nasty teeth. The tendrils were stuck in a body, which appeared to be shriveled up, as if drained of all energy.

"I suppose that's a demon?", Geralt asked, figuring he knew the answer nonetheless.

"A felhound.", Taunos explained, "Drains magical energies out of mages before simply devouring them. Hardly a dangerous demon, assuming you're not a magic user."

The tendrils dropped the dried up husk of a body, and then the felhound grumbled. It shook a bit, and then, part of it's body split off. The two parts rapidly grew back the missing body parts. Soon enough, there were now two felhounds.

"I've never actually seen them do that before.", Taunos noted.

The two felhounds looked towards the group, and growling was to be heard as others ran over. The pack ran straight for the group. As they approached, Taunos hit one with a lightning bolt, which didn't quite stop it, but Geralt leapt into the fray and stabbed it right in the head. Taunos backed away.
Tails yipped a bit when he saw the creature split itself, but whirled his tails and took off when they charged. He armed his blaster and fired a volley of shots at them.

Sonic, meanwhile, charged the beasts head-on, again aiming his blows towards the creatures' legs, hoping to cripple them.
((Geez, I just had a dream about RitD. Talk about psychic?))

Both Chikorita and Torchic took a step back as the felhound split in two and regenerated. Then, a bunch more came. "Um, Chikorita...!" Before Torchic could say anything more, Chikorita swung her leaf around and shot a few Razor Leaves at the two felhounds that came from the one. Immediately afterwards, Torchic craned her head back as flames formed in her beak. She forcefully spat them out in a stream of fire at another one of the beasts.

"You four, stay near me and take hits if necessary." Galacta Knight turned around. "All troops, move out!" As more soldiers entered the fray, he saw the four around him begin to run off. "Why does everyone take me literally? Not you!" They turned around and walked back to Galacta Knight, clearly disappointed.
Logoth watched in horror and interest as the felhound split itself. He didn't worry until more showed up."Damn it!" He drew his sword and ran as Geralt charged. He came up on one of the demons, he used the demon's face as a springboard and got about 6 feet high. Logoth saw where he was going to land and so did a felhound. It reared up and lauched! It brought Logoth down and ripped his sword out of his hand.
Extracting his sword from the corpse, Geralt turned to see Logoth down. He ran and leapt at the felhound that had disarmed the barbarian, but sharp pain extended from his left foot. Falling down, he turned to see that a felhound had latched onto his foot, with no intention of letting go. He wildly swung at it, lopping off a tendril, but it failed to dislodge it. Geralt pulled and pulled, the felhound having lost grip after a tendril was severed. His foot came out, but nowhere near unharmed. He could barely stand, and a few more were closing in.

Taunos spotted Geralt and Logoth in trouble, and ran towards them, but was stopped by a felhound. He roughly swung his staff, but the felhound's mouth caught and gripped it. Taunos loosed as much lightning as he could into it, and the demon let go, but wasn't about to give up. The felhound leapt and chomped at Taunos, only being held back by an instictive movement of the staff.

The blue blur assaulted one of the felhounds. There was no way for the demon to fight back, it's legs repeatedly beaten. Two others came to it's aid, but were confused as to what to do. They were fired upon by Tails in the air, causing them to back off momentarily.

Two other felhounds were almost immediately taken by a swarm of sharp leaves. The cuts inflicted were minor, but caused them to seek out the source nonetheless, spotting Chikorita. Torchic's flamethrower attack did little to phase them, they simply ran through the flames, next to no burning occured. As the two Pokemon were set upon, the felhounds were hti by Galacta Knight's soldiers, who managed to draw the demons' attention, but were easily chomped through.

((Someone figure out how to set up a campaign to get more people in on this...))
Spire's cannon changed color from violet and brown to neon green and brown.

"Stop, folks. It's BattleHammer time," he said as he shot several green projectiles that arced at the creatures. All of them missed the creatures, but the projectiles still detonated in a small but violent explosion.

"My turn next," Ravage said, who fired several missiles at the beasts, while Bonecrusher slammed a massive fist down near some of them.
Logoth lept to his feet. He turned towards a charging Demon and kneed (forgive spelling) the creature in the teeth. There was a loud crack as it lost 4 of it's teeth. Logoth then tied the two tendrils together to prevent use. He sprinted for his sword and was intercepted by The felhound that he just disarmed. It still had claws. He ducked and rolled to his feet snatching his sword on the way. He killed his purser via a slash across the head. He saw Geralt in trouble.
"Geralt!" He fought his way over to the human and saw he was wounded.
He placed his back against Geralts and faced the hounds around them.
"Might as well see now, then?" Valkyrie muttered, and spat a few words in the Speech out. Raising a hand, she brought a circle of solid air down on one of the felhounds, and spun around to smash it into another. "Well, I guess it works." A second circle formed, controlled by her other hand, and Valkyrie rained blows down on whatever got too close to her.

Torchic gaped in shock when the felhounds simply ran through her Flamethrower, unfazed. Immediately, she turned around and ran towards Chikorita. "Oh, quick, do something!" she shouted to Chikorita. However, she was already on the case, closing her eyes in mental concentration. A barrier made of dozens of small, blue hexagons held together by psychic energy surrounded her, Torchic, and everyone else.

Useless, Galacta Knight scowled, the whole lot of them!

"All troops, retreat! Retreat!" The ones remaining scurried past him and returned from whence they came. The four surrounding him also turned around and began to leave. "Not. You." he snarled, and immediately they turned back around. He then noticed the shield that formed around him. Do these buffoons really think I need this? I have my soldiers... He paused. ... I need it.

Leaping up and hanging in the air, Galacta Knight looked down at the felhounds. As he readied his lance, a rumbling noise was heard from the ground beneath the beasts. Striking a pose with his lance towards the sky, the ground burst open, pillars of flame erupting from the holes.
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