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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Lights in the distance. And now Yua noticed what appeared to be a yellow spaceship, which seemed to further confirm her suspicion that this was a reality almost entirely created by Noah II.

That means... there were other Gigalomaniacs?, Yua thought.

However, her thoughts were interrupted as she saw someone, or something, rather, appear to approach her. Yua turned to run, but then remembered there was nowhere to go.

Are those... jaws? Coming out the back of that... thing's head?, Yua observed.

It seemed intent on doing something. Even though there wasn't really an escape, Yua slowly started walking backwards, away from it.
Sonic and Tails stepped into the portal into a bizarre place like they've never seen before. Instantly their sensitive noses were assaulted by the stench of sulfur. The air was both hot and cold at the same time, a mixture that made Tails shiver anyway.

"Wonderful place, huh?" Sonic quipped, trying not to gag.


Samus paused her approach as a voice shouted from behind her. She whipped around, gun arm pointed straight out, and found herself face-to-face with (as far as she could see) an ordinary human man. She dropped her gun and instead tapped the side of her helmet.




She tapped her helmet again and returned to normal vision.

"Err...I'm sorry about that." She said. Suppressing the surge of adrenaline from being startled, she introduced herself. "My name is Samus Aran. I'm a bounty hunter in the domain of the Galactic Federation. And yourself?"

She took a sideways glance and saw a rather small, dull blue boxy structure not too far away from the man. Is..is that his craft? How could he get anywhere with that thing? Hmm...maybe it's bigger on the inside.
Marik noticed something very interesting:

A humanoid machine being was having a conversation with another human. Near the human he could see what looked like a box.

My first victims. But which one to take out first? And a better question is, how would I take them out?

In order for them to fall victim to the Shadows, I need to start a Shadow Game, which would be difficult, as they have no Millenium item or cards to duel with.

I'll just take over the human's mind to beat the machine with.

With that in mind, he held out the rod, which started to glow. Marik eagerly anticipated the sensation of the mind control to soon come upon him...

only to discover in horror that it wasn't working.

This is inconceivable! I am the true holder the Millennium Rod, yet I cannot access its true power! Why? Why would this ever...


Unless being destroyed in the other reality weakened its power? Perhaps now I cannot control minds unless they are weak.

How disappointing.
The Doctor didn't seem particularly bothered that he was almost shot.
"Oh, it's fine. Happens all too often. Hello, I'm the Doctor, a Time Lord, in case you were wondering."
He looked back at the TARDIS as well, smiling a bit sheepishly.
"I don't suppose you could tell me where and when we are..?"
Baldur stopped moving towards the lasers. A large ship and 3 figures. Twolooked human one was robotic but wasn't behaving as the enities in his world did. He decided it was human. Two were talking and the thrid held up a stick. it began to glow as if a charging sequence was activating. He raised his pistols and took careful aim. He wasn't trying to kill the man but when he shot it was directly toward the rod with astounding accuracy and speed.
Mara approached the human, smilying as she backed away slowly. She definately isn't
a trainer. She thought. I might as well play with her. She smirked, and kept up the pace,
even quickening slightly. When she was standing face-to-waist with her, she whispered,
"Hi.", with a crooked smile on her jaw, showing all for her sharp fangs.
Out of the corner of his eye, Marik saw another being appear and open fire on him.

He was barely able to jump out of the way; what should have been a fatal shot instead bounced of the head of the Millennium Rod.

"I would have expected this to happen. You must seek my Rod? And here I was hoping to find out of this place peacefully..."

With astonishing speed, he drew five cards from the duel scythe, and was pleased to see the drill monster among them. The Duel scythe began to glow and right below the Eye, the number 8000 appeared.

"I summon Drillago, in attack mode!" He declared, placing the card onto the scythe. A moment later, the human-sized drill creature appeared.

"Drillago, attack that human with Explosive Drill!"

Obediently, the drill monster leaped up and began a dive-bomb at the human.
The rod was obviously tougher than Baldur had been expecting. What he wanted to happen was his opponent to drop the rod but nothing went to plan anymore. When the machine appeared an amused smile appeared on his face. When it lept into the air he rolled out the way of the drill. He didhowever have time to put a bullet right where the eye would have been.
The projectile from the human's weapon struck Drillago dead on. It reared back, and came apart in a massive blast.

The shards of said blast flew straight toward Yami Marik.

"I see you don't give up too easily," Yami Marik said as the number on his Scythe dropped down to 7300.

2300, eh? I would've thought that being had more power. Perhaps the Scythe is simply approximating...

I'd better make a countermeasure.

He drew again, and found himself looking at the monster that was labeled "Tragoedia."

That will come in handy later. For now, though...

"I'll summon my Reflect Bounder, in attack mode!" He yelled, summoning A creature that had countless mirrors on its body.

"Now then, I'll set two cards face down, and leave it at that." As he spoke these words, the two cards appeared on the field, face down.

Attack Reflect Bounder if you want, fool. He'll turn it right back at you.

It spoke.

Yua looked down and jumped, "Ah! Um... hello...", she said in reply, hoping to not provoke the creature, which although probably delusionary, did exist in the physical plane nonetheless.

Wait..., Yua thought to herself, No matter what, I'm still able to real-boot my di-sword... right?
"Ah! Um... hello...",
Mara smiled. This was definately NOT a trainer.
"I'm Mara. Mara Mawile. Or 'Mara the Mawile'. Some say our species name
counts as a last name. Some disagree. I assume you are a human?
And if you are, do you know how we got here? If were from the same world,
then our ways of coming here should be similar, if not the same."
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Baldur was about to fire but something stopped him. Not a physical being but if a machine meant him harm it would have attacked him. In his experience a machine would only attack, it couldn't decieve. He saw it as surrender. He raised his arms and dropped his pistols but instead of falling they vaporized into their holding place. He lowered his arms and spoke
"Your summoning machine may work better if the coils were fully charged."
His deep booming voice sounded. In reality he had no idea what it was and just by happenstances hadn't fired.
"Machine?! This isn't a machine, you ignorant mortal. It's powered by ancient magics beyond comprehension of those who don't carry a Millennium Item. And as for why my Reflect Bounder isn't attacking, well, that's for me to know, and you to find out."

Come on... take the bait... or must I do everything myself?
Yua took a deep breath and smiled slightly, "Species... name...? Ma-wile? I'm afraid I've... never... heard of... those...? Sorry... But yes, I'm... human."

The yellow thing didn't seem to want to hurt her, or even toy with her.

"I suppose I know as much as you seem to...", Yua said.

While she could just declare this all to be a delusion out loud, that probably wouldn't end well, and instead, Yua went along, "Sorry, I don't know how I got here either. I've never seen a place like this in my life. More worryingly, my cell phone doesn't seem to work here..."
"You don't know of us? But, if your human, then you are in the same world... as I
am. Well, I'm a pokemon. An animal. But don't judge me.I'm not
primitive. Or agressive. I'm sentient. As of all of us. Pokemon, I mean. The
humans of our world don't understand that. They 'battle' us. We're their toys.
Sometimes they help us, but we'd rather they leave us alone. I hope you
understand that."
Baldur raised an eyebrow.
Well he could die but only by force. He assumed the same for this being. Instead he turned back towards the lasers and began to walk away.
"Your not worth my time."
Not worth your time?! You've just signed your own death warrant, mortal!

"I wouldn't speak that way to a being who has commanded the gods themselves," Marik snarled, "But since you don't seem to hold divine beings in regard, then perhaps my Reflect Bounder will teach you some respect... after I've given it a power boost."

He then played the card he'd just drawn onto his monster: Mage Power.

"Reflect Bounder! Attack with Multi-Mirror Blast!"
The blast hit Baldur dead on. When the blast was gone he was still on his feet and a little off balance. He turned around,
"I am a divine being. I just don't regard you."
He was urged to attack but restrained himself But that meant that it was alright to attack the machine. He drew his sword off of his back and charged the creature. Before stabbing or slashing it he turned its front with his right hand towards the man. Imeditaly afterwards he slashed his sword at the neck or at least what looked like the neck.
"We're all here, right?", Taunos asked, "It's fairly obvious which way we need to go. Icecrown Citadel lies over there, as you might have figured out. That is where the Lich King resides, I believe."

"I suppose we should be off, then.", Geralt said.

"Yes. Time is of the essence.", Taunos replied as he started off in the right direction.

((I'm leaving enemy control of Xaldin, since his character is the final boss. In a way.))


"Umm... OK", Yua said, "Well, um, if that's what you'd rather want... I'll be off now..."

Off to where, though?, she thought, I don't know how to escape this sort of delusion...

There were noises coming from other directions, and not very friendly sounds either.

Yua then randomly observed something, Isn't there a... video game with a... similar concept?
The Reflect Bounder took the attack, like it always would. The mirrors on its body would regulate the force of the attack towards the main mirror, just like it always would. And the main mirror would send the attack in the direction it was pointed in.

Just like it always would.

Marik was thrown back by the force of the attack. When he got up, though, he was laughing hysterically.

"Out of the frying pan and into the fire, as the old saying goes," he said, even as the number on his scythe changed to 4100, "In the process of your attack, you caused me to take Battle Damage. The moment I take Battle Damage, I'm allowed to summon this beast from my hand!"

A strange cloud took form on the field. It began to make a shape out of itself, forming a head, then claws, then a main body, until it finally took the shape of a deformed cross between a spider and a crab.

"I summon Tragoedia to the field!"
"Tell me, what can we expect from this Lich King," Spire asked Taunos, "Is he unkillable like that dragon, or does he have weak points?"
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