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Open Rift in the Dimensions

That last one got Logoth a little hot under the helmet.
"Listen to me you bastard! People do change! When I was twelve all three of my brothers had their heads ripped off right infront of me! You tell me that doesn't change a person, then your a damned fool! If kil'jaeden wants to negotiate it may be a litte weird but desperate times call for desperate measures!"
He barked at Galatica. He wasn't sure he could win but he didn't care.
((Commas, Logoth, commas))

"I believe you are the "damned fool," Logoth's anger towards him had been counterbalanced, making Galacta Knight calmer than ever. "Logoth." He sighed and began to explain. His angry outburst from before had really taken it out of him. "Let us use your example: the decapitation of your siblings. I agree that such an experience would enstill permanent trauma in a child's mind. And that's exactly what I meant. It only takes one trigger, one provocation, for a person to be altered forever. And they don't change."

He wondered if he should carry on, if he had gotten his point across. Perhaps... "I am never allowed to forget this, as I, too, have a story." He avoided Logoth's gaze as he thought. No, perhaps not. "That is another tale for another time."
Vai looked away from the fighting two, smirking behind their backs. It was amusing how they were all fighting for the same purpose but could still disagree about.. anything. What exactly were they going to negotiate about, anyways? If the decay here was the same in the Pokemon world, then he or she or it would probably go insane in the middle of their nice friendly discussion and try to kill them. And they'd fight.

Actually, that didn't sound half bad. It probably would happen too, and then both sides of their group would be happy. Somewhat. Vai was counting on it happening.
"Now, now.", Taunos said, "Galacta Knight is quite right to be suspicious. Don't relax yourself just because we're going for a talk. Stay on your toes. Even if Kil'jaeden means well, and I doubt that, really, anything could go wrong. I'd rather avoid a fight, but the Legion isn't going to entirely stop their mission to return the world to chaos, not even if the world will be torn asunder."

"Desperate sure describes this well.", Geralt said grimly.

Taunos then asked Zook, "What brings you here, anyway? Your kind are typically seen in allegiance with the night elves, am I right?"
"All your questions will be answered soon, I assure you." Zook led the group down the hall, into what appeared to be a giant throne room. A giant, reddish-brown, demonic humanoid creature stood up, looking down toward them. He was as tall as the largest of the transformers, and towered over everyone else, especially the foot-long faerie dragon. A deep, booming voice spoke from his lips.

"So these are the heroes ... Since I suspect you're not in the mood for tea and cookies, I'll get straight to the point. You've come to repair the rift in this dimension, have you not? Eventually, that will be fine. But there is something I must do first. I am now just about finished with the preparations. In return for your patience and understanding, I have a gift for you..."

Zook suddenly spoke, in his telepathic 'voice', "Yes, I will join you on your quest. I have a number of particular skills that may be of use, and I have a unique sense of the fabric of the dimension."
Logoth was about to shoot back when the group he entered the throne room. He wasn't expecting kil'jaeden to be this way. Logoth didn't drop his guard. He placed his hand on his axe and kept a keen eye on the the deciever. In Logoth's mind that is all he was.
"This is a little too convenient," Spire pointed out, "After all we've been through, and after everything we've heard, I'm not expecting for one of our supposed enemies to become an ally."

"He has a point," Ravage said, "This is too easy."

"I'm not complaining," Bonecrusher retorted, "The less fighting we need to do, the better."
Galacta Knight, returning to his natural state of arrogance, sneered at Logoth before turning away and heading into the throne room. Once there, he was taken aback by the demon lord's casual tone, along with the denial of tea and cookies (a thing in which Galacta Knight would never admit to being taken aback by), but that was a different matter entirely.

"My thoughts exactly, Spire," he said, glancing back at the Diamont for a moment before turning his attention back on Kil'jaeden. "Taunos, the tauren, tells us that you are most likely worsening the rift. Your existence as a demon aside, you have failed to convince me of your benevolence."
Taunos took in a deep breath and exhaled, before speaking up, "Preparing for what? We're not here to aid your dark rituals. Even if your intentions aren't hostile, there's no way of knowing what harm could be wrought by your schemes."

"Oh brother...", Geralt sighed, sitting himself down.

Witchers practiced rather strict neutrality, even if Geralt had broken the code before, he wasn't about to risk the dimensions and get involved.
(Oooh, time for everything to become clear!)

"Well then, allow me to explain..." Kil'jaeden's booming voice replied, walking toward a room just behind the throne room. "Ever since my defeat at the Sunwell Plateau, I have fallen into recluse. My power and control over the Burning Legion has waned considerably, while the strength of my primary rival, the Lich King, has only grown exponentially. At this rate, it won't be long before the stalemate is broken, and the Undead Scourge lay waste to this world. While I admit the original plan was to use the Undead to weaken this planet's defenses so that we could overrun and take over this world, the Lich King and his Undead have broken free, into a single autonomous force. And thus lately, I have been searching for a way to cripple his growing power and regain the initiative."

As he entered the back room, in front of them, what appeared to be an extra-dimensional portal has been built, surrounding a large, black, diagonal tear, appearing to lead into nothingness. Dark energy appeared to be swirling out from the vortex, but nearly all of it seemed to be captured by the portal itself.

"This is what you have been searching for, correct? When I first sensed the energies arising from this tear, I realized I finally found my opportunity to even the score. You see, this is not the first time the Burning Legion has set our sights on this world. Ten thousand years ago, the founder and original leader of the Legion, the Dark Titan, Sargeras, led a siege on Azeroth. As he had prepared a portal from the Well of Eternity, strong enough to allow him passage, and was entering, the portal was destroyed, and he was cast out into the void. But now, with this rift, I can finally summon him back to this plane of existance. Once he has returned to this world, I will have no further use for the Rift, and then you may seal it."
Logoth shook his head,
"I do believe in sacfrice for victory but condeming an entire world for the sake of revenge... It isn't what I'm willing to do. I bet these people will beat him the same way they beat you."
Logoth said cooly.
Vai snorted. "Uh, no? You're causing the damned decay by using this thing!" She actually had no idea if that was a lie or not, but it seemed true enough. "And then what are you going to do with the power? Take over this world?" Well, it looked like her prediction was right, and it may be that she would be the one to make it happen.

Or maybe it wasn't such a good idea to piss off the giant demon lord. Oops. Vai glared around her for support, hoping it would come.
The great demon lord began to chuckle. Grinning, he turned to the group. "I was trying to give you a peaceful solution to your situation. What happens after is not your concern. But it seems you spent all of last night gearing up for the possibility of a fight, that you lust for blood, Since I am a logical, understanding being, I will give you a second option. Head to the place known as the Icecrown Citadel. There, you will find the entity known as the Lich King. He was my greatest creation... and my greatest mistake. Take out your bloodlust on him. Slay him, remove his armor, and bring it to me. I will cast it back into the void, where it belongs, If you can do this within three days, then I will agree to let you seal the rift without having to summon Sargeras. Those are your options... choose wisely.
"Unfortunately," Taunos noted, "What happens afterward is my concern. This is my homeworld, after all. However, if you are willing to leave the mortal world alone for that, we're going to actually need your help. You make it sound easy, but it won't be, not for us mortals."
Ravage began to make a strange sound that resembled high-pitched mechanical grinding. It took Spire several moments to realize that the symbiont was laughing.

"It's beings like you who made our planet the way it was," he snarled, "You think that you can simply bribe us into going and slaying your creation?"

"Calm down. Would you rather have him unleash that monster upon this world?" Bonecrusher reminded, "This way, we can save this world from to threats."

"That's my exact point," Ravage shot back, "This creature is extorting us for his own gain. How can we make sure he'll keep his end of the bargain?"
"Icecrown Citadel. Got it." Galacta Knight turned back to the group. "I should think we're all agreed on this," he said, fully aware of skepticism displayed by everyone else who had spoke so far. "All we have to do is defeat this Lich King so Kil'jaeden will let us seal the rift without risking him and this Sargeras-creature going power-crazy. And if he doesn't keep his word"--Galacta Knight glared at Kil'jaeden challengingly--"we resume our original plan."

((Don't rock the boat, don't rock the boat...!))
"He wants us to fight his battles for him?" Sonic muttered. "How can we even trust this guy? He's a demon..."

"Sonic..." Tails replied, warningly. "Neither of us really know much about what's going on here. Let's just lay low until we can find out more."

Sonic sighed, but kept his mouth shut.
Logoth was disgusted by galatica knight. He had the urge to punch him but managed to do nothing more than clench a fist. He would normaly refuse but he was in unfamiliar territory and outmatched.
I'll folow the group.
"Actually," Taunos explained to everyone, "the Lich King is the central mind of the undead Scourge, who also terrorize all mortal races. They were a tool of the Legion to weaken us, but that not only failed, it seemed to backfire on them. They're still a big threat to both Alliance and Horde, some say even bigger than before the battle of Mount Hyjal."

"Central mind?", Geralt questioned.

"I suspect the undead of the land will be freed, and most will scatter and be easily killed. Or join the ranks of the Forsaken, who are ostensibly part of the Horde.", Taunos answered, "They are bound to the Lich King's control, you see. It's certainly not doing anybody's dirty work, this would benefit everyone on Azeroth."

"So... We shut down the undead and Kil'jaeden here seals the rift?", Geralt concluded, "What are we waiting for?"

"The deceiver," Taunos said, "must hold his word. An odd prospect, wouldn't you say?"

Geralt chuckled wryly, "For once, I'm going to have to agree with, ah, Galacta Knight over there."
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