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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Bonecrusher moved after the two, Ravage following. Spire, after a moments hesitation, trialed in their wake.

It all comes to this, he thought, Our endgame has begun for this world.
Logoth folowed silently the familiar anxiety before battle building. He had to trust these people, he wouldn't make it out alive on his own.
"C'mon. Let's go," Kuro said. She began walking silently after the others, Sand following slightly behind. He frowned, then sighed.

"Well Kuro, here we are, stuck in yet another war..." he said before sighing again. "Let's just hope we get back in one piece again..."

"Yeah," Kuro replied, voice as monotonous as usual.
(yay, time for me to get posting again! Some more plot coming now...)

As the group began to approach the citadel, the terrain seemed to become warped, the hills and trees themselves twisting and swirling, to a point. Still closer, the sky itself became dark in a localized area, as clouds filled the sky and lightning rained down at will. The trees in this little sphere around the citadel had long since been uprooted and torn apart, the ground was jagged and rough, and it only seemed to be getting even more intense the closer it got to the complex. The building itself appeared to be made out of some arcane, black and red smooth, solid material. There was one giant, conical tower in the center, and several spiky spires lined the perimeter. Just outside of the citadel, the ground was open, and a bubbling moat of pure molten lava surrounded the building. Every so often letting a bubble splurt up into the air and burst in a small area around. The demonic aura surrounding the giant building seemed to keep feeding the lava with energy, warming the area. The entire scene appeared very sinister and brooding.

When they began to enter into the region of major distortion, a bright, bluish light appeared in front of the group, soon revealing a familiar figure... the faerie dragon from the day before. A bubble of light energy seemed to surround him, and this wall began to spread to encompass the entire group, but not in a threatening way - it in fact appeared to protect them from the effects of the distortion. A telepathic voice then began to ring through the minds of the heroes. "Welcome, our dear honored guests. The master is awaiting us, and I have been sent to lead you to his chambers. Please, follow me. Stay within the bubble, or you may experience a certain... decay." The tiny, glowing moth-lizard then began to fly toward the citadel. As the building was designed for a great demon lord, even the largest of the heroes could find that the doors and halls were suitable.
"I don't like where this is going.", Geralt said bluntly.

"Unfortunately," Tauos replied to Geralt, "There's little we can do in this case. The faerie dragon is right, it's probably not safe to wander around here unprotected."

Taunos followed the faerie dragon, Zook, towards the citadel. Geralt sighed, but followed.
"Oh what not you," Vai muttered at the sight of the dragon. Reluctantly she followed, sharing Taunos and Geralt's uneasy feelings. Every time they had seen a dragon of whatever sort, they ended up fighting either it or something bigger than it.. and though the 'faerie dragon' or whatever was rather small, so was she and Vai could still whoop ass. Vai moved to the very left of them all, near the edge of the light. It was pretty weird to look at, but there didn't seem much they could do about it..

And the questionably aligned, or not so much, dragon-thing had said it was protecting them. Hmm.
Decay? Kuro wondered. She shared a Significant Glance with Sand before they both nodded and countered to walk.

Sand felt uneasy. There was something about this "faerie dragon" that unnerved him. It was protecting them for the moment, however. "Strange..." he muttered to himself, staring at his feet. Maybe the others are wrong? What if this demon lord turned over a new leaf? He laughed at himself. Well then, he wouldn't be a demon lord, would he? He paused in his thoughts, trying to analyze what the faerie dragon had said. Wait... Decay!? He looked up, eyes wide. Oh, no!
Spire and Ravage managed to fit into the bubble mentioned by the dragon creature relatively well. Bonecrusher, on the other hand, hand to hunker down in order to fit.

Better that than feeling the decay, he thought, I wonder if similar things are happening in our world.

Now this thing reminds me even more of Helios, Spire thought, Hopefully, the Omega Cannon can at least scratch this thing.
Galacta Knight acknowledged the faerie dragon for a moment, then quickened his pace. He was anxious about the upcoming battle; if he could prove to be a significant factor in their victory, which, in his mind, was an absolute probability of yes, perhaps the others would overlook his ethics and temperament and recognize him for his skill.

But this shouldn't be necessary, he mused, eyes fixed on the ground. I would have thought there would be someone more concerned about my usefulness than my person. Why? Why is everyone here so... weak? These beings, some of the only ones capable of escaping the decay.... I don't understand. He heaved a sigh. Perhaps I will never understand.

((I can't be the only one who feels bad for poor, angst-y Galact-y. D: I'm always sympathizing with villains I'm clearly not meant to. Keeping in mind that he is my own character, so I'm breaking my own reader-intentions.))
Logoth was puzzled. He was to uneasy about this place. It was far too peaceful. He didn't trust it. If he wasn't wearing his helmet everyone would see his concern.

((Bah! short post. =[))
(more plot! yay!)

Zook could see the looks of distrust and unease through the members of the group. This was something he expected, in particular because there was a Tauren among them. He knew as well as anyone how famous, or rather infamous, Kil'jaeden had become among the realm's tribes, and it seemed obvious that description had spread overnight through the camp. "Don't worry," he telepathically spoke to the group. "We will arrive shortly, and as long as the meeting remains cordial, you will not be harmed. However, I urge you to consider the true reason for your voyage here. If you have come merely to protect this realm from collapse, then keep an open mind and remain calm, for you have nothing to fear. However, if you came to interfere with the internal politics of this realm, that is something that cannot and will not be allowed. And in that case, it would be better for you to leave now."

Zook paused as he finally crossed the moat, a large iron drawbridge allowing those traveling by foot a route of passage. While crossing, lava from the moat regularly seemed to bubble up and hit the energy shield, but it then seemed to simply vaporize harmlessly, unable to penetrate. The faerie dragon turned back to watch for the others to come, and the giant doors of the citadel finally begun to swing open. "The master is straight down the center of the hall, in the direct center of the citadel."
As the doors opened, Taunos let out a heavy sigh.

"Certainly a twist.", Geralt noted, "What will you do now?"

"We don't have that much choice in the matter.", Taunos said, "The deterioration will only get worse unless we get down to the source or find a way to stave it off."

"What of this Kil'jaeden? Wasn't he...?", Geralt questioned.

"I never said that.", Taunos said, "I simply said that he is most likely accelerating this decay. If he were the source, I suspect we'd be in more trouble than all of Azeroth could handle."

"I see...", Geralt said, his doubt still remaining, "So, what? We talk with him?"

"Yes.", Taunos said with another sigh, "I was thinking 'why me?', and then realized that if my colleague Marn were here in my stead, things would be even worse."

"Why? He the sort to ask questions later?", Geralt asked.

"Precisely.", Taunos answered.
"Negotiating?! Are we seriously negotiating with this creature?"

"I don't think it's negotiations so much as it's simple chatting," Ravage said, "Why? Does this worry you?"

"Yes, it worries me," Bonecrusher said, "I'm not a negotiator. Scrapper and Hightower usually negotiate. Or socialize, period. I do not."
Negotations. This could be a problem.
Logoth had never negotatied before a battle. As a matter a fact nearly 600 years had passed since the last barbarian negotation. They usually relied on the sword. He heard them talk of possibly assisting this demon.
Damn. I always get some sort of twist.
"Better to negotiate then get killed right away..." Sand muttered. Kuro looked deep in thought. "Kuro?"

"Yes?" she replied.

"What are you thinking so hard about?" Kuro took a deep breath.

"I'm wondering if this demon lord is really all that bad... What if he has turned over a new leaf and is protecting us, for real?" she asked quietly.

Sand replied, "Then he's protecting us and we'll be in this world a little longer."
Better still, we're about to have a chat with Kil'jaeden...

You can still join, the main party just won't meet you until we finish this arc.

(As acting DM currently, I can't allow that post, Xaldin. You're supposed to wait just like everyone else for this arc to finish. It won't be too long, I promise. The main problem is that even though we're in Azeroth, we're in a completely separate timelike, in particular, some of the events of WoW (after Arthas became the Lich King, thus nullifying your character) have already taken place. Come talk to me in private if you insist on finding a way to join while we're still in the warcraft world, but just jumping in without warning is not supposed to be allowed.)
((Yes, you're not in this yet, since we can't let you just jump right in, without some real special circumstances, in which case, take it up with Kali...))

"Hm, I wouldn't say protecting.", Taunos told Kuro, "Rather, we're avoiding another invasion of our world, among other things."
Negotiations? Really? Sonic thought to himself as he and Tails walked down the hall. Talking it out with a demon lord when we know we're going to have to fight? This place must have some crazy politics. Oh well...

((Shoooort pooost~))
Vai twitched as the dragon-thing spoke into her, or all their minds, it seemed. There were monsters that did that in her world, and none of them were friendly at all.

Well, nothing in her world was really friendly, but that was beside the point. Anyways, if they weren't going to fight, what was the point of them going? Vai could hardly see what she imagined to be a pretty big, fire-spitting or something, demon lord just.. talking and negotiating with them. Haha.

"We're getting close, then," she muttered to herself as the doors opened and they were told to go straight in. Well, let's go straight in, then? Let's go and have tea with this Kil'jaeden, no, we won't be harmed by anything, at all, alright.
This creature genuinely thinks we're here to chat, thought Galacta Knight, scowling as he looked on. No... this creature genuinely thinks I'm here to chat! The others... He looked up at Sand and Kuro with disgust and, much against his better judgment, spoke.

"Are you serious?" he hissed at the two of them, though loud enough for everyone to hear. "This is madness! You really think this Kil'jaeden wants to negotiate? What fools you are! Does it not seem strange that a demon lord is willing to talk things over? Well, he won't be if he learns of what we're here for!" He began to work himself into a rage. "What you said about turning over a new leaf...."--he glared accusingly at Kuro--"Such naivety! Have you no experience in the real world? There is no such thing as turning over a new leaf. People don't change." For a moment, a pang of despair flashed in his eyes. "Don't forget that."

((Galacta Knight is the worst attentionwhore-in-the-guise-of-a-loner ever.))
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