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Open Rift in the Dimensions

Logoth watched the undead retreat. Then they started to get back up after that knight cast some spell.
He began to cleave at the undead again eveen if they weren't fighting.

((Bah!! Short post))
The death knight and lich seemed to retreat with whatever was left of the undead force. Taunos was prepared, though, knowing this was the undead. He immediately fired off a lightning bolt as a ghoul got back up from a surely killing blow. The spell seemed to have silenced it for now.

Geralt was about to relax, but he was seized upon by a formerly fallen ghoul. He turned and writhed, eventually throwing the severely tattered monster off his back. Geralt kicked the body down and impaled the head with his silver blade.

"My bad, should've figured the undead might pull something like that.", Geralt remarked.


"Umm, alright.", Yua said with a bit of surprise.

This wouldn't happen if this truly were a delusion, would it...?, Yua pondered, having figured none of the beings that appeared here would be very helpful, I suppose I'll just have to stay on guard...
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Tails looked down as the dead started to rise again. He let out a little shriek.

"Sonic! Watch out!" he cried. Sonic unrolled himself and looked back just in time to see a ghoul fall back down after being hit by one of Tails's blasts.

"He almost got me....Thanks, Tails!"

Tails gave a thumbs-up, then returned to his attacks, firing into the crowd of undead. Sonic did likewise, revving up another spin dash and ricocheting wildly around the monsters.
"You know," Bonecrusher said as the creatures were reanimated, " I think Overload has a word for what we are right now."

"That word being?"


"And there you go again, worrying too much," Ravage said. Turning to Spire, he muttered to the Diamont: "Got any bright ideas?"

"One," Spire admitted, "But I'll need to go to range-zero."

"Range-zero, you say?' Ravage growled, firing off some missiles, "Interesting. Enlighten me on this plan."

Spire proceeded to do so in as few words as possible.
Taunos looked around. There didn't seem to be any new undead emerging.

"We might want to burn those bodies.", he suggested.

Geralt looked around. He spotted a nearby body, and lit it up using the igni sign.

"Like that?", he asked.

"Looks good to me.", Taunos answered.
Spire turned around to put his plan into action, and that's when he saw the undead falling back.

"And this is why you don't spend too much time deliberating," he muttered in disappointment, "Still, that plan will come in handy for when we advance further..." he turned to Taunos and Geralt, "What's the trap we have to deal with next? A swarm of dragons? Collapsing towers? Self-destructing ghosts?"

"My guess is more enemies for us to contend with," Ravage said, "This Lich King will probably want to bring as many delays to us as possible."
Taunos shrugged, "I mentioned earlier I have never ventured this far north before, haven't I? It is true, though, it's likely the Lich King will throw more perils in our path. Heh, exploding ghosts, that would actually be a night elf trick."

"Anyway, I suppose we might need to hurry?", Geralt said, "I don't think the undead will ever run out of reinforcements."
"And there you see the beauty of undead forces," Bonecrusher said, "They're already dead, so the commander can just reanimate them again and again and again. not only that, they no longer have anything to lose."

"The perfect soldier," Ravage agreed, "Not unlike the drones we created on Cybertron."

There needs to be a way for us to know what's going to happen to us, Spire thought, But how? Anything that strays from the group will most likely be struck down by the swarms of enemies. Even my Dialanche form wouldn't survive alone.
Galacta Knight, seeing that the commotion below had died down, ceased his fire and dropped out of the sky, landing right in the center of where the battle had taken place. Seeing as no one had run up to him with a bleeding armsocket and whined at him, he assumed all his attacks had gone to the enemy. That, or he didn't hit anything. Impossible, of course; his aim was perfect, as always.

"Didn't I hear someone say 'burn those bodies' earlier? So far I've seen but one corpse meet the flames," he seemingly prompted, though it was obvious by his smug tone what he meant. He took a few steps back from where the corpses were and raised his lance. The ground rumbled and shook, first gently, then violently, before several flame pillars, as though mimicking Galacta Knight's lance, burst forth, sending smoldering earth flying in their wake and incinerating the bodies.

"I like efficiency, don't you?"

((Good old Galacta Knight, always has something important to contribute.))
"Unfortunately, I'm not capable of much more than that.", Geralt noted, "So good on you."

"Yes indeed.", Taunos added, then he went on, "We march on, then. Remember that our goal is the structure atop that glacier there. Stick together, I don't want to get anyone lost here of all places."

Taunos found a path out of the low-lying gassy field and headed in that direction. He wrapped himself up in his cape, it would get very cold very fast.

Geralt followed, sourly noting that he had no such winter protection beyond his leather armor.
Logoth assumed by Taunos' behavior it was going to get cold. He quickly gathered his armor and repaired the broken strap. Later he would have time to get the job right. Quickly strapping it on while walking he decided he wouldn't need more than a cloak consider his own home was in the polar ice fields.
Spire had no need to compensate for the sudden drop in temperature, given his body composition. Bonecrusher and Ravage, on the other hand, powered up the internal heat in their circuitry to remain warm.

Without wasting another moment, the three followed Taunos.
Mara relaxed, slowly getting off her tiptoes as she tried to make it impossible to tell
she had been preparing to jump her.
“Good.” She smiled.
“Now let’s get moving. I don’t know about you, but I’m not exactly the best
directionalist. North and south don’t really mean that much to me.” Mara shrugged,
looking up at the human girl.
“I don’t suppose, you maybe, know what those shadows are, and where they went?
I don’t see them here, but it’s getting dark. I think it’d be best if we find company.”
Mara stopped, taking a breath. If everyone here is as so easy to dominate as her, then I could be a queen. She thought, innerly smiling.
“And, I don’t suppose you’d grace me with
your name? I’d noticed you had not referred to me by my name, and you had not given me yours.
It seems as though you think of me as a dream. And are,accordingly, preferring to ignore personalized statements to make it less real, such as opting to say nothing or to dance
around questions.” Mara finished.
This will definitely throw her off. She thought.
She definitely won’t expect me to be intelligent.
I hope I used enough big words.
"Kusunoki Yua.", Yua said absentmindedly, "And... perhaps... I heard noises coming from that direction."

Yua turned to face the source of the sounds, and the faraway lights too.


As they left the valley and ascended up the wooded foothills, Geralt asked of Taunos, "Do you know if anything lives up here?"

"Hmm... I have been told of troll tribes sparsely populating the land.", Taunos answered, "I don't really know of anything else beyond the typical cold weather wildlife."

"Hmm trolls?", Geralt asked, "Are they... friendly?"

"Maybe. Maybe not.", Taunos answered equivocally, "These aren't Horde-aligned trolls, yet they don't like the Scourge either. Be wary, but don't strike first."
"Well then Yua, let's go." Mara announced, taking her hand and almost dragging her
as she started walking purposely towards the sounds and lights.
Yua was about to yank her hand away from Mara, but, I don't think I have much choice in the matter..., she thought, and instead tentatively followed Mara.


There was a dull smack near Geralt's head. He looked around and noted an axe now lodged in a tree next to his head. He drew his steel blade instinctively.

"Whose there?", he asked.

Taunos raised his staff, "Hmm... I think I may know who...", he said.

"No dead?", a voice asked from the bushes.

"What?", Geralt asked.

"No dead? No Scourge?", the voice asked again.

"No, we're not undead.", Taunos replied.

Two humanoids, tall but stocky, popped out from the bushes. Their tusks and elven ears marked them as trolls, and their blue skin indicated they were indigenous ice trolls.

"Iyaz craaweh!", one of them, a witch doctor, yelled at the other, "Han fidong rivasuf."

The other one, clearly more of a warrior, simply groaned.

"You don't know what they're saying, do you?", Geralt asked of Taunos.

"No, I never bothered with trying to learn the language of the trolls.", he responded.

"What you be doing here, bull mon?", the witch doctor asked, "An' who dey be?"

"We're here...", Taunos said, "to take out the Lich King."

"Ahh... Wait.", the witch doctor thought about it, "Scourge head mon? You be crazy, mon!"
Mara hurried, unaware about Yua's uncomfortable feelings. She continued, running along but trying to make no noise. She skidded to a stop as the figures got clearer.
There were two humanoids, and two other figures. She couldn’t tell.
“Crouch down,” Mara whispered, clutching her knees.
“Try to make them think you’re a rock.”
Mara squinted at the other two figures, tryioing to figure out what even the basic shape was.
“Yua, you a sight person? I’m not exactly sight-ish, my species originally grew up in caves.” Mara whispered, still trying to decipher the figures in the shadows.
Logoth saw the axe fly into the wood but didn't react beyond looking in the projectiles direction. He looked up at the trolls honestly disapointed. The trolls in Norrath were nearly 20 feet tall but really stupid. These ones didn't sound much better from their accents.Whispering just so Taunos could hear,
"Trolls aren't stupid are they?" The huge Barbarian muttered.
Yua stooped down without really having to be told to do so, not wanting anyone, or anything else, to see her.

"Well, I, um, wear glasses, as you might've seen.", she replied to Mara, "So my vision isn't any better than average."


"Quite the opposite, trolls are cunning creatures.", Taunos whispered back to Logoth.

"So, who dey be, mon?", the witch doctor asked.

"They are... my companions.", Taunos answered, "Yes, all of them."

"Big ones too?", the troll asked, "What dey be, mon?"

"Constructs.", Taunos answered, and then clarified, "Golems, yes?"

"Bull mon's golems?", the witch doctor questioned, "You be lookin' like a shaman, though."

"Gifts.", Taunos invented, "Yes, uh, given to me to help take out the Lich King. More importantly, would your tribe be willing to help us out, then?"

"Dat sound good to me, mon.", the troll witch doctor replied emphatically, "Undead mon be givin' us much trouble, yeah?"
Mara stared at the glasses for a second, then looked ahead.
"Darn it." She muttered.
"Well, Yua, the best way to do this is to surprise them. If they are hostile, then they
will most likely be stunned until you are able to account their strengths and
weaknesses. But if they are fearful, you do not want to scare them away." Mara slowly
backpedaled, trying to make it look natural.
"And the best way to land is on their back. If they are hostile, they are disabled. If
they're not, then you didb't harm them." Mara said, getting ready to jump.
"Now, you can either run with me, and if you do I suggest you hang back for a
second and watch me. Aiming is important. Or, you can just plain head back,
because, frankly, as a human in general, you won't have as much battle experience
and skill as I do against a monster, if it is a monster." Mara said, standing up.
"Well, choose!!" Mara said as she shot past Yua, flying through the air and aiming
for a humanoids back.
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