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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

I sense Pokemon coming...thought the Mewtwo named Masquerade.She was born with blue eyes,and her tail fur is a lighter-than-normal purple.
((note,people think she is a boy when they meet her until she announces she is a girl.))
Masquerade psychically looked around the cave to see who was there.Once she found them,she teleported to them.
Fluffy jumped back in fright at the Mewtwo suddenly appearing in front of her. "ATTACK!" She used Shadow Ball like crazy, some missing.
When Nidoking heard the word "attack," he whirled around, knocking down some of the cave wall with his strong tail. He came toward the Mewtwo with Megahorn.
Blood immediately used Slash in the direction of the enemy, but due to the dim light, he didn't have much of an idea where he was going.
Masquerade just teleported behind them to dodge.Then,to show she didn't want to fight,she launched a psychic at herself.
Blood missed on his Slash, and looked around for the Mewtwo, confused. When he finally found her, she was attacking herself. "Why in the world are you doing that?"
Ly heard Fluffy yell, "ATTACK!", but instead hid somewhere, not wanting to fight. She noticed a Mewtwo attacking itself, and gasped in awe.
A legendary Pokemon! She was honored to see such a creature.
Fluffy was only slightly confused. When she realized that the Mewtwo had teleported behind them, then attack itself, she realized that the Mewtwo didn't want to fight. "Cease fire," she called. Fluffy turned to the Mewtwo. "Please, explain yourself."
"I live in this cave and when I sensed you coming,I teleported here to see what was going on.By the way,I'm Masquerade."said Masquerade.
Fluffy nodded. "Glad to meet you, Masquerade. My name is Fluffy."

((I'll be gone for three days, so I need to stop the RPG for a little while. Everyone ok with that?))
"I'm Masquerade!"she said."You may not know it,or have a clue about it,but I'm a girl,despite how much I act or sound like a boy."
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