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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

"Well.. maybe we can use Sleep Powder and Stun Spore or something... that way no-one could get hurt." Ly mentioned.
"Well, yeah, but.." Ly tried thinking of something. Anything was better then fighting for her.
"I'll only fight if I'm forced to. I'll used only defensive moves." She said.
Ly stood there for a moment, wanting to run away from the battle.
Ma and Dad are waiting for you. You need to show them how strong you are. You're not a weak Eevee kit anymore!
Ly charged forward and used Sand Attack, spraying dirt and sand into the Arcanine's face to blind it.
Masquerade saw her friends fight the Pokemon she saw earlier.Masquerade hated fights."STOP IT RIGHT NOW!!!!"she yelled,hoping to end the fight.
Nidoking was startled by Masquerade, and whirled around, knocking over a tree with his tail. "Listen. I do not want to have any reason to kill you. Alright, Masquerade?! Don't shout like that again." The Drill brought his tail forward. ready to crush her bones if he had to. "Sorry, but I do not want to be aroused by a team member."
What Masquerade said was something Ly wanted to hear. The Eevee stopped momentarily, wondering if she'd keep fighting for her group or if she'd follow the Mewtwo's orders.
Masquerade stood there,stuck in a decision between fighting,or teleporting her and her friends away.She noticed Ly had listened,and thought about not fighting,while others were battling ferociously.She decided to take a chance and fight for her friends.She fired up a Psychic and threw it at Blood.
"Blood!" Lila yelled, pushing the Zangoose out of the way.
She then turned to Masquerade.
"You could have hurt him! What were you thinking?" She yowled.
((Oh,he's on our side now?))
"Oops,thought he was still bad."replied Masquerade,blushing.She teleported away out of embarrassment,"
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