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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Blood followed Nidoking into the cave, ignoring the newcomers. He probably wouldn't introduce himself to anyone unless they asked.
Mewtwo followed the group.this is fun! she thought.I've never had anyone to call a friend but friends are fun!
Zita looked at Masquerade. "Nice to meet you, Masquerade." She said happily, and reached out a paw.
Zita tilted her head even more, it could almost look as if she was going to fall over. "Really, never?" She fell. "Ouch."
Ly came back to the group and nodded her head respectfully to the Mewtwo.
"Hello, I'm Lila Stars." She said.
"Hi.I'm Masquerade,pleasure to meet you!"Masquerade knew what the head-nodding meant,she had seen her parents do it before,and nodded her head politely,too.
"So, Masquerade...", Blaze said, leaving the shadows where he watched the confraternization, "I thought you were on our side. Guess I have to kill you."

((Now's the time. Ask the right questions, and I may join S.P. Don't, and I'll have to KILL YOU! *evil laugh*))
"hey,hey,whoa,whoa,i never made any friends until now."said Masquerade before teleporting away because she doesn't like to fight that much.She teleported to the front of the group."Someone was trying to kill me!"masquerade said.
"I dont know..."replied Masquerade."He said he thought I was on his side,when I have never even seen him...Oh,and Hi,Hikari!"
Nidoking heard Fluffy growl something. "I won't let you kill anyone."
The Drill Pokémon turned around and saw an Arcanine hidden cleverly in the shadows."So I see our leader has spotted you," Nidoking said. "Is this guy on our team?"
Ly's fur fluffed up when she saw the Arcanine.
"Why do you want to kill Masquerade?" She called out to him.
"What did she do to you?"
Blood turned to something the others were facing. "You're just asking for a fight with us, aren't you?" he growled with a bloodthirsty glint in his eyes.
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