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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Nidoking stepped forward. "We are the Saviors of the Parents, protecting others from the loss of their own. Our mission is to defeat you Parent Stealers to avenge our departed mothers and fathers." He turned to Fluffy and looked at her with a face that asked, "can we attack him please?"
Blaze got truly shocked. "S-save and a-avenge parents? Why? T-they..." His voice was reduced from normal to an audible whispering. As images from his past rose to his conscience, he shouted "WHY? They'll slave you, make you work hard, without one "thank you", without showing the slightest sign of love or respect for you!" His face went from a serene control of emotions to a lunatic face.
"They love us! They gave us our life! They cared for us when we were smaller!" Zita growled loudly and shocked the Arcanine without waiting for any signal from Fluffy. "How DARE you talk about them like if they didn't love us! Aren't you happy your parents gave you your life?! You... you..." Giant sparks came from her cheeks.
Blood said, "That is correct. Even I can say that my parents cared for me all the time. I will always remember them! They never enslaved me; you're just lying to get us to join your side!" He emphasized the last section of his sentence and finished his Slash, aiming for the Arcanine's face.
Masquerade was enraged.She would not be a pawn.Yet,if she went back to Ly and the others,they would hate her. She just thought she would drift in between,not really on their side,but will have the same goal.To save and avenge lost parents.
The part of Blaze's mind that was sane strated liking the Nidoking: he made the right questions and gave the right answers. Calming down, he asked "What do you mean by evil babysitter?"
She teleported to her part cave to figure out a plan.She decided to help them when they got there.Until then,she decided to take a nap.
"Now just wait a second." Blaze appeared to get full sanity, but was still confused. "You're all trying to say that parents are actually nice to kids, and that's why you're trying to save them?"
"Of course," answered Nidoking. "But not just that. Pokemon need parents to survive. Pokemon love their parents as their parents love that. One without the other is like one flavor missing from a two-flavored Berry."
((:sweatdrop:Sorry, only noticed now. Is there a problem if I take with no retaliation?))

"Oh... so it's like that..." Blaze said, with sudden enlightment. "Well... I know it doesn't repay, but I'm sorry for what I did. I really thought I was doing the right thing. Looks like I missed the whole flavour when I was a child." He said, forcing a laugh. He took the key hidden in his mane and threw it to the Nidoking. "It's the cells master key. You'll need it more than me."
((No, but I've aimed at your face, so if you're talking, you have to at least notice something.))

Blood said, "What's with the sudden change of your attitude? What will you do now?" He was curious about this Arcanine.
Nidoking caught the cell's key in his right hand. "It looks like we talked him into something," he said so that only the SP could hear. He didn't want Blaze to get suspicious. The sudden change of attitude was strange. "Are you faking it?" he asked Blaze after he nodded thanks for the key. "Is this fake too? Something doesn't seem right here."
Fluffy just waited for everyone to explain to Blaze. She didn't want to remember her parents most of the time. It always made her to sad to do anything. She just waited for it all to blow over, then followed Blaze.

((Sorry for not being here. Buuusy, busy, busy, busy.))
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