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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Masquerade woke up.She saw they were at the cells.She turned invisible and teleported to them.I hope I'm not late! She thought to herself.
Ly was hoping they didn't need to fight, but would do what she had to do to save her parents.
"Okay. Are you sure this isn't a trick? Are we going to be attacked by someone behind that door?" Nidoking reluctantly stuck the key into the lock and turned it, opening the door.


Name: Arceus
Pokemon: Arceus
Gender: ???
Age: 3 in human years, 8000 in Arceus years
Parents: None
Team: P.S.
Appearance: Arceus has a scar on his right side that shines a metallic silver color.
Moves: Judgement, Roar of Time, Hyper Beam, and Spacial Rend
Personality: Arceus, unlike Mew, has a evil mind. He once was good, but after the Pokemon locked Arceus up, he wanted revenge against all the Pokemon in existence. Mewtwo found the Azure Flute and released Arceus. Arceus joined Mewtwo, and then they joined the P.S. team.
Relationships: Mew. Arceus and Mew worked together as Poke-Gods. Arceus created the Poke-Universe while Mew created all the Pokemon. When Mew approved of the capture of Arceus and the use of the Azure Flute, he broke all ties with Mew. Now he works with Mewtwo.
Bio.: He once was good, but after the Pokemon locked Arceus up because he was becoming too powerful, he wanted revenge against all the Pokemon in existence. Mewtwo found the Azure Flute and released Arceus. Arceus joined Mewtwo, and then they joined the P.S. team. He was able to take Dialga and Palkia's Time and Space powers. Thus, Arceus had the power to freeze time and render space. He could control the world...heh heh.
Other: He is the unknown type. His partner is Mewtwo (not the person on this forum, the Pokemon Mewtwo.)
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Nidoking stepped into the doorway. "Just don't lock me in," he said, still holding the key and walking farther in. "In fact, locking me in won't work. I'll swing my tail at the metal bars until they break." He turned around. "Now what?"
Lila nervously watched Nidoking, hoping it wasn't an attack. She decided if it was, then she'd go with him.
The Eevee followed him inside.
Blood just wanted to be last in line. He didn't get much of the excited feeling that the others were apparently having. The Zangoose just didn't want to be involved in many things but battle. Yes, battle... his one passion.
"Empty? That's because we - I mean, they - start filling the cells from the end of the hall. You know, if someone escapes it's easier to catch them. Just open the other cells; there should be parents." Blaze said, pointing to the other cells in both walls of the vast corridor.
"Okay," said Nidoking. He stepped out, went over to one of the cells and unlocked it. He opened the door nervously. The Drill Pokemon was still unsure about whether Blaze was deceiving the S.P.
Blaze watched while the Nidoking opened the cell door. When the door was completelly open, a Kangaskhan left the shadows. Upon seeing the Nidoking, then the rest of the group, he asked "Are you with the guys that kidnapped me? I don't want to fight you if you're not."
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