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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

(is it too late to join, Fluffy?)
Age:3 in human years
Parents:Shadow(Female Umbreon) and Psyko(Male Espeon)
Appearance:Moonshine is a shiny Umbreon.
Moves:Bite, Tackle, Helping Hand, Substitute
Personality:She doesn't trust any Electric Clan members after the raid when she was just a young Eevee. Eventhough rumor has it they died years ago. But nobody can be sure, as nobody ever ventured to lightning hill and returned alive.
Bio.:Her parents, along with the rest of The Moon clan, were killed by a gang of rouge Jolteons from the Electric clan up in the mountains.
Other:She wears a cresent moon necklace. She is the last survivor of The Moon Clan raid 2 years ago.

((Freindship accepted. =3 You can join us in Cerulean Cave, if you want.))
"If you are presenting travel to Ceruean base to attack daparture must be imminant. Slower pokemon may already be unable to reach Cerulean before attack is over."

((Where are the rest of the P.S))
Zita followed Fluffy carefully. She was fully aware that this was a big risk they were taking and that they could die while trying to find Mewtwo, but she still followed.
Is it too late to join?

Name: Hikari
Pokemon: Pachirishu
Gender: Female
Age: 3 in human years
Parents: Unknown
Team: S.P.
Appearance: A shiny Pachirishu
Moves: Discharge, Last Resort, Sweet Kiss, Charge Beam
Personality: Nice, shy, polite, helpful, timid
Relationships: Looking
Bio.: Her family were killed by a gang of Garchomps
Other: She wears a charm necklace.
Is it too late to join?
Name: Hikari
Pokemon: Pachirisu
Gender: Female
Age: 3 in human years
Parents: Unknown
Team: S.P.
Appearance: A shiny Pachirisu
Moves: Discharge, Last Resort, Sweet Kiss, Charge Beam
Personality: Nice, shy, polite, helpful, timid
Relationships: Looking
Bio.: Her family were killed by a gang of Garchomps
Other: She wears a charm necklace.

((It's never to late to join! Join us at the same point as Moonshine, k)

Edit: Hikari woke up, she ate and walked, she stopped when she saw a cave, "I'm going in!" the Pachirishu said and went in.
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Nidoking nodded to Fluffy and carefully stalked into the cave, looking around for anything that would hinder the team's progress.
"So, Pyrros, we go all or do you want someone in particular to go?" Blaze asked. He really thought it was a waste of time, but he wanted some action.
Pyrros made something that resembled a shrug, as much as a serpent can do shrugs.

"Meh. Personally I'm not really in the mood right now. If any of you feel like going down there to intervene, feel free to do so."

He froze, seemed lost in thought for a while; then he relaxed, grabbed a berry with his tail, and placed it in his mouth with meticulous care. He was hoping that perhaps one of the girls would stay with him; he wouldn't mind getting a little alone time with either of them...
"Logic error. Transfer to cerulean proposed by Dragonair. Dragonair now claims indifference."

Data locked as unviable.

Display Error. Rebooting display systems."

The Porygon-Z had turned green while speaking, and dissapeared for a moment before returning in it's normal coulur scheme.
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"Pyrros, I believe you just ruined his thought process...", Macaria said, with a slight chuckle. No, she really didn't get to laugh often these days.
"Whatever. I'm fickle." Pyrros shrugged again.

"You know, I changed my mind. Maybe I do want to come along after all." He flicked his tail, grabbed another berry and ate it. He had just discovered that they tasted pretty good. Those reddish ones were his new favourites.

"What do you guys think?"
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