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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Zita got in position without a word. She looked at her teammates.

I really hope we get to "exterminate" those parent stealers!
Nidoking got a little bit far behind Fluffy, in between Zita and Diana. "Let's go," he growled. "Those P.S. must die."
Blood warily followed Fluffy, thinking on the way. Those P.S. wimps. Do they really think they can get away with this? He raised his long, red claws. I need to draw fresh blood from those Pokemon.
"Incoming communication-urgent. Displaying."

A screen apered in front of the Porygon. In it was an Alakazam

"This is Cerulean Base. The children of some of our 'guests' are approaching us. Anything in particular you want us to do?"
"I don't think you need to do anything." Blaze said to the Alakazam. Then he turned to to the others. "Our soldiers there are strong, and if they pass them, a feat I think it's hard for them, Mewtwo will kill them. But this is my opinion. You also have yours."
Xinhua nodded to Pyrros. "I agree. Definitely you," she said. "So whatcha want us to do today, boss?"

The Froslass began to hover a bit again, anticipating the Dragonair's response. She knew that she was a bit immature to be the leader, and the others were too quiet. Blaze seemed more valuable as a right hand man. She was getting anxious to leave the cave and do something, though. Xinhua did her best not to fidget.
Pyrros closed his eyes and thought for a moment. After a brief silence, he spoke up:

"Well, now that we've just been updated on the activities of those kids... I figure we ought to keep an eye on them. I'm not sure how much of a threat they are as of now, but we ought to halt their progress... assuming they make any."

He smiled.

"I know I, for one, wouldn't mind if you guys taught them a lesson or two. One could always sneak over to Cerulean and, well - you know what I'm getting at."
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"Me too," Nidoking growled. He stepped up behind Blood. "We're probably the two deadliest Pokemon here, so we'll be saved for last if you need us. Do you agree, Blood?"
Fluffy nodded at Blood and Nidoking's decision. "I still want you two to fight, just save your energy for Mewtwo. He is the strongest pokemon in the world, ya know. Besides Arceus, of course."
Age:(3 human years or less, please.)Unknown
Parents:His creators
Team:Wherever you think is best,Fluffy!
Appearance:Light purple tail,and blue eyes
Moves:(Optional)Psychic/Recover/Psybeam/Hyper beam,if i cant have all of them,i mean,i AM mewtwo ^.^
Personality:Is tough and doesn't get along with others well,but is hiding a soft side.
Bio.:I was created in a lab,is that good?
Other:(In case you want to add something else)
Age:(3 human years or less, please.)Unknown
Parents:His creators
Team:Wherever you think is best,Fluffy!
Appearance:Light purple tail,and blue eyes
Moves:(Optional)Psychic/Recover/Psybeam/Hyper beam,if i cant have all of them,i mean,i AM mewtwo ^.^
Personality:Is tough and doesn't get along with others well,but is hiding a soft side.
Bio.:I was created in a lab,is that good?
Other:(In case you want to add something else)

((Hmm, for the bio, how 'bout you say like, Masquerade was created by humans, who Masquerade thinks as "parents," and decided to take others parents to relieve them of this evilness. Is that good? And you will be on the P.S. side. Until we battle you, of course, cause, as you say, Masquerade has a soft side. ;3 Oh, and is it ok if I call Masquerade a he? And you'll be at the end of Cerulean Cave.))
(is it too late to join, Fluffy?)
Age:3 in human years
Parents:Shadow(Female Umbreon) and Psyko(Male Espeon)
Appearance:Moonshine is a shiny Umbreon.
Moves:Bite, Tackle, Helping Hand, Substitute
Personality:She doesn't trust any Electric Clan members after the raid when she was just a young Eevee. Eventhough rumor has it they died years ago. But nobody can be sure, as nobody ever ventured to lightning hill and returned alive.
Bio.:Her parents, along with the rest of The Moon clan, were killed by a gang of rouge Jolteons from the Electric clan up in the mountains.
Other:She wears a cresent moon necklace. She is the last survivor of The Moon Clan raid 2 years ago.
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