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Open S.P. Vs. P.S. (a pokemon RPG)

Fluffy heard Blood. "Hm, good point. Ok, everyone might as well come, since Diana, Blood, and Nidoking have claws. Ok, let's go!" She ran toward the cave entrance, but found that it was blocked by Drifblim, after she ran into it. "What the he-" She was silenced by a Hypnosis. The Drifblim quickly used Dream Eater and started to heal itself from a battle not long ago.

There were thousands of Drifblims attacking Fluffy from impossible angles. Draining her health little by little. Fluffy fired Shadow Ball after Shadow ball, yet none of them seemed to hit. "Why are you doing this!?" Fluffy asked. The Drifblim answered, using all of it clones to make a creepy echoing effect. "Three reasons. One, you're the number one enemy. Two, if I kill you, I will get promoted. And three, I was ordered to," it said in a matter-of-fact tone. Fluffy stopped her futile attempts, and concentrated on a move she had never needed to use before, Sleep Talk. "Oh, giving up now, are we? All the better for me~." Fluffy ignored the Drifblim, and used Sleep Talk, hoping that the random move it chose was Shadow Ball.

Fluffy woke up, and seeing the dead and deflated Drifblim on the ground, turned to the group. "Well, that's one problem out of the way. Can someone give me a few Oran berries?" she asked as if nothing happened.
"I'll give you some!" Zita dropped the bag to the ground and found some Oran berries in it. "Here you go!" She said while handing her the berries.
She looked at the dead Drifblim on the ground. "Too bad I wasn't fast enough to attack it..."
When Blood arrived, he saw Fluffy and the deflated Drifblim. "Why didn't you let me kill one?" he growled.
Somehow, he calmed down. "Now let's go. And this time, let me attack something."
"What to do now?", Macaria asked as she pondered the question. "Well, we could keep doing what we're doing, those 2 seem enthusiastic enough about it. We could also do something about those bothersome S.P. Really, I don't have anything in mind at the moment."
"Sorry, I'll let you kill anymore members we see. For now, let's get moving!" Fluffy padded to the end of the cave, cautiously looking for any more S.P. members.
Sling was glad he didn't have to kill any Pokemon. He'd killed one member of the P.S, but that was it. He flew back above the trees. No more enemies in sight. He flew back down, happy there would be no more killing.
Nidoking grabbed three bags and hooked them to his back spikes. He then followed Fluffy, and when he arrived the battle was over. He obediently fell in step behind Fluffy. "If we meet any more enemies, let me poison them and watch them die."
"Or we could capture one, then poison them and ask them questions. Then let them die or join use. That way, we could either have more members, or watch the enemy suffer." Fluffy thought that that might make a good plan.

((And so some of you P.S. members could join the good side, and make up a leader! Fwee! My Ideas are awsome! X3))
After all, it wasn't a bad idea. Glad I'm leaving. Blaze quickened up, seeing the base of Mt. Coronet, where the snow stopped falling. The Delibirds he brought on his back weighted little for him, but the cold slowed down his muscles. As soon he arrived at Mt. Coronet, P.S. Sinnoh Base, he left his preys to their commander there and left for the main base.

((Where is the P.S. main base? Someone got an idea?))
As the first staraptor began to fall, it's mate came into view and launched itself at the Porygon-z.

"Recharging. Firing."

In full flight, the staraptor was unable to turn before it was hit.

"Why are you doing this!?" shouted the flying-type in desparation.

"Offspring may survive. Surviving offspring will be more powerful. You will not prevent this. You will not survive"

ZZ released the Staraptor, and watched it fall after it's mate. Satisfied, it began to scan the surrounding area
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Ly stared at the dead Drifblim and shuddered. She turned her head away and looked to Fluffy.
She walked up to the Eevee and gave a look that said, "We need to go."
Fluffy nodded at Ly. "Ok, time to go!" She ran toward Cerulean Cave.

((The main base is at Legendary Cave in Shinah, my made up region.))
Ly ran after her friend, not looking back at the Drifblim. It was confirmed she'd have nightmares.
She wondered what would await at Cerulean Cave, and when they'd battle the P.S.
Nidoking continued after Fluffy. "We might need to think of a strategy. How about I poison them first, and then you all fight against the weakened Pokemon?" He sped his pace up but stayed behind his leader.
"I can confuse them with my fast movements." Zita said while looking at the Nidoking.
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