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Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy, etc.


Serious, we have some young members, how do you know they don't still believe?

How did I find out? I asked my mom why Santa used the same wrapping paper she did. She couldn't answer.. thus I was the only first grader in my small class who didn't believe.... but I've known people who believed until they were 11.

I think it doesn't scar as much because well, everyone else's parents did it too. I mean it would feel pretty bad if it was only your parents lying to you, but when its all of them? Especially about something involving free goodies and toys.
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To all of you who think Christmas is originally Christian - it's originally actually a pagan holiday (winter solstice celebration). But the Christians bastardized and took it, and that's why they hold it as being so important. I think most religions have festivals at similar dates (Judaism has Hanukkah, f.e.).

I just see it as an excuse for a national holiday - there's nothing wrong with that. Customs are made up to go with it.
I believed for a while, but my brother disabused me of the notion when I was eight or nine. He also pointed out that if I'm atheist, I shouldn't participate, but he never meant it - it's so secular that anyone can take part! I'm pretty sure every religion here celebrates it just because it's so pervasive - even Muslims and Jews do it just because it's not really religious any more and I'm pretty sure kids would make a fuss if everyone else had presents and they didn't. x3

For me, though half of my family is Catholic, we don't do anything special. I mean, we have a special Christmas Eve meal with a significant amount of courses and no meat and bread and fish and beet soup and stuff, but after that comes presents and it's all an excuse to get together and have fun and eat lots of stuff. There are some religious trappings - my family is Polish so it's expected - but they're exceedingly minor and we don't go to church or whatnot.

In regards to Santa and such, I never really believed in the Easter Bunny or tooth fairy? I mean, I knew they sort of happened in conjunction with losing teeth or Easter, but... they were pretty much fairytales that made everything more interesting (and got me chocolates and money). Santa was a little more believable, maybe because Christmas is such a big event, but I didn't really care when I found out he was made up. After that, I made a game of trying to find all the presents my parents hid before Christmas. I was pretty good at finding them, much to their annoyance.

We're actually going to have an Easter egg hunt this year because scavenger hunts are always really, really fun and we only stopped because my aunt decided I was too old to partake in such childish activities. :/

...Woah, long rambly post. Sorry!
To all of you who think Christmas is originally Christian - it's originally actually a pagan holiday (winter solstice celebration). But the Christians bastardized and took it, and that's why they hold it as being so important. I think most religions have festivals at similar dates (Judaism has Hanukkah, f.e.).

True, but the taking of it and making it their own is what I refer to when I say that Christmas as we know it today has Christian roots. The Christmas tree, Saint Nick, etc. is all Christian stuff. Nobody treats it as so, but whatevs.
The holiday itself is Christian. The date, yes, follows that of a Pagan holiday, as well as the Roman winter solstice. It's also nine months after the Annunciation, for those of you who haven't studied Catholicism. In truth it's original date was in January, though now they say that's when the Magi came to visit Jesus.

There are numerous Christian religions that celebrate Christmas on other days because of arguments about the calendar.

In the end it was chosen because it was already a great feast day... that's a random summing up..

Also "not Christian" fuck people it has "Christ" in the name.

QUICK EDIT: Also people do still treat it as so. Maybe you don't know the many who do... have you EVER seen video taken from St. Peter's Square on any major religious holiday?
When I knew for a FACT santa wasn't real, I told my parents. An they kept on saying he was real. Either they just want be to fall into that lie again, or they seriously believe it. o.O.

My brother (Who's fifteen) STILL believes in Santa. I feel rather sad for him, seeing as how he's probably the only one in his high school who still believes. =(
To all of you who think Christmas is originally Christian - it's originally actually a pagan holiday (winter solstice celebration). But the Christians bastardized and took it, and that's why they hold it as being so important. I think most religions have festivals at similar dates (Judaism has Hanukkah, f.e.).

I just see it as an excuse for a national holiday - there's nothing wrong with that. Customs are made up to go with it.

... Nothing is originally Christian though. Like, they bastardized Judaism/Paganism/etc. to the nth degree.
QUICK EDIT: Also people do still treat it as so. Maybe you don't know the many who do... have you EVER seen video taken from St. Peter's Square on any major religious holiday?
... nobody's saying that people don't treat christmas as a Christian holiday at all anymore, they're just saying that lots of people don't. I know lots of people who're religious and go to church and stuff. Traditionally it is a Christian holiday, yeah, but there are so many people who celebrate christmas secularly (or otherwise) that it's significant to note it's much less Christian that it used to be.
Serious, we have some young members, how do you know they don't still believe?
When members sign up they're advised that this is a mostly PG-13 oriented forum, so. If we can have a thread about losing your virginity I fail to see how this is somehow more inappropriate. Also who the hell is able to navigate the internet without finding out they're not real?
As far as I know the tree, too, is a pagan thing, actually.

The fact that Christians have a particular version of celebrating something doesn't mean that we can't - we can just associate a different message with it. I really don't follow any of the important Christmas traditions. No point. It can be important to them because their sky daddy worshipping cult has made it so, but we can have our own reasons to celebrate Christmas!
Nothing is originally Christian though. Like, they bastardized Judaism/Paganism/etc. to the nth degree.

Practical. If they hadn't, their whole little cult would have suffered a nice little uprising for being different. This way, they incorporated the habits of people's daily lives into the religion, easing resistance.

It doesn't matter, like I said. Passover or Easter can be celebrated in many different ways. I don't care. I just get a good breakfast, and on a good weekend, chocolate eggs that I'll give away because fuck it, chocolate eggs.

Santa is the best part about Christmas.

Okay not the best I mean there is presents and christmas music and family and decorating together and all that, but Santa is so much fun. Which is a lot of what Christmas is now. Fun. We have fun at Christmas.

I mean.

I have not seen any kid gain anything bad from believing in Santa. I haven't outright looked, of course, but I mean I was a ... kid once... and I knew a buncha kids ... so I'm just sayin. It's entertaining, and it works a kid's imagination and it gets them excited which is always great.

Is it really a lie, anyway, I mean, it's just as much a 'lie' as agreeing with a kid on them having an invisible friend or whatever. Kids play pretend, kids have amazing imaginations and story-telling processes that need to be exercised. Why not have fun with santa?

And not to mention my mom and I love coming up with Santa logic. That's the best part, you know? Kid goes 'why does Santa use your wrapping paper' Santa's a busy guy, you know, so sometimes he drops off the toys at the house without wrapping paper, just needs a little help! Same for why some toys have the toys r us stickers on. And Santa is at all the malls because of course they're not SANTA, he's magic but not that magic, he's only one guy. He has a bunch of helpers! But he gives them magic for the time being so he can kinda be everywhere at once.

Santa is fun. What's the harm in it, really. I tell everyone that I believe in Santa. I kinda do just cause I want to!
When members sign up they're advised that this is a mostly PG-13 oriented forum, so. If we can have a thread about losing your virginity I fail to see how this is somehow more inappropriate. Also who the hell is able to navigate the internet without finding out they're not real?

SARCASM UV! SARCASM. Seriously, is your sarcasm detector broken or something. :P

Santa was fun while it lasted though... afterwards my parents decided to hide my presents Christmas morning. One year it lead to much frustration when my new toy was in a fucking tree. The hardest one to find though? In the freaking dryer. Serious, I looked forever for it.
... Sigh, true, but I thought I had made it obvious.

EDIT: Or at least I thought so since no one else commented on that.
... Sigh, true, but I thought I had made it obvious.

EDIT: Or at least I thought so since no one else commented on that.
Well, maybe you shouldn't have started the second paragraph with "seriously". It implies you've stopped joking and are now being serious.
Maybe. Though there is some truth... and a kid willing to stay PG-13 will avoid the "Virginity" thread... but may be more apt to check a thread naming "Santa Claus"?
Father Christmas was the least weird thing my family lied to my sister and I about. We had a weird variation on Russell Howard's Dinner Witch (she'd come and get you if you didn't finish your meal); that if you missed brushing your teeth for a single night, you'd wake up in the morning with rotten stumps; that biting your nails made them grow the other way; that mannequins were made of dead people; that if you ate apple seeds, you'd end up with an apple tree growing inside you; that if you got a splinter and didn't get it taken out right away, it would grow into an actual tree; that earwigs made chutney like bees make honey and more I've forgotten.

Since becoming an adult, I'd considered the possibility that Grabby and I had been selected to live with these crazy people who were experimenting on us, but then I met my friend Joe, who is scared of owls because his grandmother told him when he was 5 that if you looked directly at an owl, it'd claw your eyes out. So it's not just my family.
Father Christmas was the least weird thing my family lied to my sister and I about. We had a weird variation on Russell Howard's Dinner Witch (she'd come and get you if you didn't finish your meal); that if you missed brushing your teeth for a single night, you'd wake up in the morning with rotten stumps; that biting your nails made them grow the other way; that mannequins were made of dead people; that if you ate apple seeds, you'd end up with an apple tree growing inside you; that if you got a splinter and didn't get it taken out right away, it would grow into an actual tree; that earwigs made chutney like bees make honey and more I've forgotten.

Oh my god, to this day I am still sifting out what is actual fact in the world and what is random, terrifying lies my parents instilled in me for no reason other than for laughs. Did you have 'chewing gum takes 7 years to digest'? And apparently drinking juice and milk in close succession doesn't make your insides burn up?? I had the apple seed thing too gaaaahhhhh

They would also regularly do things like shine a watch onto the wall, say hey Cirrus!! it's a firefly!!!! and watch (and tape) my desperate exploits to catch it and never properly explain that it's okay there wasn't actually anything there. It *always* escaped... ; ;
Serious, we have some young members, how do you know they don't still believe?

It is kinda hard, but as the youngest on these forums, I have already found out. I overheard my mum talking about what to put in my stocking and a year ago I woke up and saw her filling my stocking.
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