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Ahh, Will never forget the last day of Elementary school, We vent in Every room and interrupted the class and Blasted music, then we vent on the roof and had a "concert" there. :3

Was an awesome day, sunny and nice :D

*Jeanine and Nique are randomly dancing for whatever reason*
Jeanine: *says something about consenting*
Me: *for some reason not facing them* So it's not sexual harassment?
Jeanine: Nope. *suddenly hugs me from behind* This is sexual harassment because you didn't consent to it.

...okay I deserved that one.
There is a laminated xkcd strip pinned to the wall outside one of the classrooms at my school.

My school is awesome.
There is a laminated xkcd strip pinned to the wall outside one of the classrooms at my school.

My school is awesome.

Heh. We have xkcd comics plastered all over our kitchen/dining room/living room walls. It's a pretty good litmus test for geeky people - if someone visiting the house recognises them, we know they're cool XD
My friend said he was going to get B/W today. I told him that it doesn't come out for three days. He says that he'll get it today because they are already out in Wal-Mart. I tell him that he will be disapointed.

Ah, how refreshing it is to have a normal argument with friends.
My physics teacher has several xkcd strips posted on the cabinet in her classroom.

That's amazing :o

[possibly malware-laced picture removed]

This was also pinned to the door of the teachers' lounge my freshman year. I love my school.
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In forth quarter
*everyone talking*
Sadowski: SHUT UP
*everyone ignores*
Everyone: D:
Teacher: ... That was... interesting, Lili.
Will: I don't wanna fuck with Lili D:
So, uh, we drew penises a lot, today.
Like, a lot of them.
We had the entire morning off, so we just sat there.
And just drew penises.
We drew lots of them.
We don't know why, we just did.
All over a friend's essay.
The back of each page, obviously.
We're sneaky like that.
He gave it in during third lesson.
I eagerly await the results.
That's amazing :o

[possibly malware-laced picture removed]

This was also pinned to the door of the teachers' lounge my freshman year. I love my school.

The math kids at my school got a T-shirt with that on it.

So, uh, we drew penises a lot, today.
Like, a lot of them.
We had the entire morning off, so we just sat there.
And just drew penises.
We drew lots of them.
We don't know why, we just did.
All over a friend's essay.
The back of each page, obviously.
We're sneaky like that.
He gave it in during third lesson.
I eagerly await the results.

One kid in my class gave in a paper which contained the line "I want to be hot so I can get it on with Lil Wayne", and got an A-.

You'll be okay.
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Jeanine: Dave better watch his coat.
Both of us: *simultaneously start giggling evilly*
*Upon realizing this we both burst into hysterical laughter*
Jeanine: We are way too alike.
So, uh, we drew penises a lot, today.
Like, a lot of them.
We had the entire morning off, so we just sat there.
And just drew penises.
We drew lots of them.
We don't know why, we just did.
All over a friend's essay.
The back of each page, obviously.
We're sneaky like that.
He gave it in during third lesson.
I eagerly await the results.

Drew a penis on the back of a ruler today. It looked very realistic and I was proud of myself. Also, I feel bad for my art teacher, who has pink eye and had to look upon a perfectly drawn penis. Yesh.
We were doing a matinee of the musical for some classes in the theater today, and suddenly there's a power outage. The dim emergency lights at the side come on, so we look at each other and just keep going. A moment later:
Shervin: Ed! Ed, I have to talk to- (runs up to the wrong person and grabs them) Oh, sorry Miss Sandra. Gosh, it's dark in here!
And later!
Liam: Citizens! Our community is in a crisis! My son Dean is missing, that roustabout is still lurking, and something's up with the sun!
How I love these people. The lights came up within five minutes, so we got to finish with light and stuff. :D
So an idiotic boy in our play decided to call my friend Mom. repeatedly. Eventually I wound up saying, "Well, she's my mom."

Idiot Boy: Sisters!
Me: ...
Jeanine: You just called yourself a girl...

Also this:

Director: *giving notes on improvement cause opening night's tomorrow* Jesus, fix your suspenders...Jesus, have fun...

And this wonderful piece of hilarity:

*Judas is tidying up Jesus' hair, and Jesus seems perfectly content*
Judas: You really seem to like me doing this.
Jesus: Yeah, but you really seem to enjoy bathing me*, so we're even.

*Like baptism! Cause Judas and John the Baptist are one and the same, yaknow

I love all-guy-schools.
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A few days ago, a guy walked into my calculus class in a darth vader suit and handed a light saber to a guy in my class. He went to the teacher's desk, and said, "There is a jedi in this classroom, may I kill him?". the teacher said ok. So the two guys have this 5 minute long light saber battle in the middle of the classroom, the "jedi" wins, they shake hands, and darth vader leaves.
This is more of a crazy stream of thoughts than an actual event, but it probably wouldn't come up my mind on any other place than school.
It was a chemistry lesson and I was bored. I was thinking some nonsensical thoughts about lifeforms evolving in a bottle of some kind of drink floating in space. Then I remembered a documentary in which some scientists created some organic stuff in a weird experiment. Then the teacher said something about high pressure and I thought: "And then it recrystalizes into a new form." After that, I thought: "No, that's a nonsense. This is about the creation of life, not of a glacier." Then I returned to reality and remembered that it was actually about the conditions of chemical reactions.
Doc *English Teacher*: *checking my vocab book* Geez, Stella*, your handwriting's been getting worse since you got that boyfriend!
Me: Well, that's not really a problem anymore cause he broke up with me...
Doc: What an asshole!

* Apparently there was a relatively famous chick in the area named Stella *mylastname* and as such Doc calls me Stella

Oh, Doc.
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