fka Grimdour, for the curious
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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
My god this game just wasn't awesome enough before was it. Check out this video. The pure awesome happens around 2:15. For those who don't want to watch the video, first, he makes Cthulhu. Yes, CTHULHU. AS IN H.P. LOVECRAFT DEZZUU YOU NEED THIS GAME. Then, he creates God, who's... rather small in this game! Then, he gives God a skateboard and a shotgun, and has them fight. GOD AND CTHULHU FIGHT. GOD. AND. CTHULHU. FUCKING. FIGHT. (it's a tie)
So yeah this game is pretty much the best thing ever and I want this so bad.
ahahaha what it recognizes manbearpig
Also riding a gryphon. <3
Sorry to burst your fluffy bubble, but Griffons attack you. Apparently you cant ride on things that attack you. |:P
I got it yesterday.
I'm only disappointed by a few things:
DDT doesn't work, I can't make hippocampi, I've only found two Lovecraftian creatures to be summonable, you can't put a scientist in a haz-mat suit, give him a crowbar and make him trigger the LHC, and the spy doesn't always try to stab the sniper in the back.
I'm upset, on the other hand, by how I think that I've lost my stylus in New York City and thereby play the game using the plastic guts of a mechanical pencil in a stylus' stead.