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Open Size REALLY does matter

*It hisses at me. I see some floss on the dresser and get an idea. I grab it and charge at the snake* [flareth, can you control the snake for awhile?]
"Ok, too much Zelda." Kira screams, running around to the back of the snake. [I'm actually going to bed...don't get to far without me]
Ok] *I try to climb up it and get the floss in its mouth*

[You know, like a rope, so I can control it? ...Probably will fail anyways XD]
*I pull on the floss in order to attempt to get the snake to move the way I want to* Come on! Turn right!
*I grin* Good *I turn to Violet* Wait there. I'm going to go get Kira! *I use the floss to direct the snake to the bed*
*I arrive at the bed* Yes, but that is a story for another time. Now hop on *I climb off the snake and grab a chip crumb - although to me, it is like a sled - and drag it to the snake* Eat up. Rather you be full on chips than full on us!
*I pull on the reigns and direct the snake to Violet, going as fast as I can* Hey, beats walking, at least!
*We soon arrive at the dresser where Violet is. I run over to her* Get on the Snake! *I then look down, grin, and snicker* This time, the plane IS the sna-No, wait, no time for extremely lame and unfunny Snakes on a Plane jokes...
Violet shrugged and jumped on.
"Thank you. Because that would've been a terrible pun. And you know what we do to people that make mad puns~?"
She pretended to laugh maniacally.
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