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Open Size REALLY does matter

Violet looked at the snake.
"I can ride a horse pretty well. Not that it's that hard. Want me to try and control it?"
She looked around, afraid that more people would come into the room and squish them.
"Under the bed, maybe? There would be lots of space over there."
Nah. The snake seems to like me now. And I agree with Kira. Under a dresser. Less space means it is harder for drunks to get us *I lead the snake there. We get under the dresser*
Violet stared at him, but followed.
"And how many people do you honestly think are under the bed?"
Hmm... What to do now... *Suddenly, the party moves into the room* ...Damnit! What are we, drunk magnets!?
Violet looked around at the people coming into the room. She got up and ran, so she was standing against the wall. Suddenly there was a deafening crash, and a chip bag the size of a space shuttle fell to the ground near the dresser.
"Crud. What if somebody picks it up and sees us?"
*The snake starts to freak out, scared, and dashes out* GUYS! HELP! *I say as I hang on for dear life to the reigns*
Remember? About a 1/4 of an inch tall? *The snake bucks us off and goes to hide* ...When I find that snake...
*I cover Kira's mouth* Shut up! They don't see us! They want the snake *They are indeed looking for the snake... Of course, they are walking around, which still leaves us in danger*
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