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Open Size REALLY does matter

"Uh... guys?"
Violet was standing in the hallway, staring up at an elephant sized hamster. Some people were laughing and yelling something about "Freedom to mousie." The hamster stared at her, squeaking. She covered her ears.
*I stare at the hamster* ...Crap! *It comes closer, and closer, and closer* ...Kira, go get the snake... please...
Violet shook her head.
"No, don't! It's cute!"
Climbing onto the hamster's back, she laughed.
"This is so awesome!! AAUGH!!"
The rodent squealed and scampered down the hallway into the kitchen. Violet held onto its fur for dear life.
"Pardon my french....SH*T!" Kira screams, rushing after the hamster, "Come back you damn hamster. COME BACK!"
*I lay there* ...Help? *The snake comes out and picks me up. It then places me on its back* ...I owe you, don't I? *The snake nods and starts chasing Kira and Violet*
Violet stopped screaming, barely able to hang on. Ignoring her, the hamster pushed open a cupboard and went inside, emerging on the top drawer. It was open. The hamster hopped onto the counter and sat there, happily munching on some pretzels in a bowl. Somebody had probably forgotten them. Violet groaned and fell what seemed like ten feet onto the counter, dizzy and confused.
*The snake arrives with me* Hey... Thanks for abandoning me, Kira *I say sarcastically. The snake takes me off its back and puts me on the floor. It then manages to find a way to the counter, hunting for the hamster*
Violet looked over the edge of the counter, and yelled back.
"Yeah right! Why don't I jump off the empire state building?? Are you out of your mind?!"
The hamster continued eating pretzels, ignoring her.
*The snake is about to grab the hamster*

Fine then, don't jump. But don't forget you ARE smaller now, and at most will only get injuries like mine... On second thought, yeah, don't jump. Hitch a ride on the snake that is about to eat the hamster instead
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