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Open Size REALLY does matter

*I bite the hand. They drop us from a foot up. To us, that has to be over 25 stories* Crapcrapcrapcrapcrap! *We then land, miraculously surviving as a gust from the person stepping away slowed our descent. It still was a rough impact, easily capable of breaking some bones*
*I whimper* Damned snake... *The drunks soon leave the room, bored and forgetting what they were looking for* Great... now that that is over... We can concentrate on... Not hurting...
*I sigh* Well... At least the drunks are out of the room *I then wait a few minutes* ...Wow, for once nothing bad happened
"So...what do we do?" Kira asked, "I think maybe we should move to the kitchen or someplace where drunks wouldn't be..."
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