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Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?
to this day I have no idea what happened with thoseSo those strikethroughs....
Haha ^^'classicSo derp question but the mafia chat is always open then?! I assumed it wasn't.
I could have been onto something yeah, but the tone omg.But why do you think you're a naive cop?
So do you think one of your checks was wrong?![]()
YesAlso if either mewtini or sanderidge are mafia then kudos to them heh.
oofIf Mafia didn't buff Ysabel's popularity, Sande would have been yeeted instead
Nope. I'm just a doofus who jumps to conclusionsIf she's fishing for reactions, that implies she thinks there's an active wolf outside {sanderidge, Julia}, which is hopeful!You should have killed me when you had the chance, and you shouldn't have wasted that bullet on Skylar.
what is going on
Bluwiikoon is given gun as compensation for Julia not submitting any actions.
Bluwiikoon kills Kyeugh (gets +2 popularity)
Send me into space, my dearest kyeugh
I am ready
If mewtini is mafia I will feel so![]()