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hopefully back??
Oh yeah, it's snowing here in Norway :DDD

Just some inches, though, but it's still snow :3 Guess who I threw the first snowball at? My mom, and we were still at school so she threatened with giving me a black mark xD She was only kidding, though.

YAY, I can't wait for the snow to be a meter deep, then I'll go skiing and I'll make a snow cave with mah friends :D

Winter is my favorite season~

Now be jealous of me.
I never knew you lived in Norway...

Sounds pretty good. I envy you. We get snow, what, once a decade? A century?
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I remember the last time we had real snow. I was about 3 and my friend and I went sledging down a hill.

Now its just horrible and rainy. :(
When I was 2, I could climb onto the roof of our house :P

I know it snows it snows in England at winter, don't lie, Cal ;) I was there with my family, and that was in 2004, I think, or 2005, and it were snowing some inches.
It was snowing in England just two days ago, actually
But it turned to ice within a couple of hours where I am

... I was under the impression that it snowed loads in Norway.
... I was under the impression that it snowed loads in Norway.

Me too.

And okay, I exaggerated a bit, but we do hardly ever get snow. If we do, it's generally a cause for celebration.
YAY! SNOW!!! :D You live in Norway?! D: I want to go there~ I am Norweigan after all I SHOULD LIVE there >:l
You, you're Norwegian, Ice Tiger? Never knew that.

Well, I hope you in Britain get real snow soon :3

Did ya know, some people think there's polar bears in Norway, even some from south Norway, even xD
I wish I could have some snow.

Whenever it snows here it's always just a bit of slush :(

According to my parents, the last time it snowed properly here in Cardiff was years before I was born.

It was snowing in England just two days ago, actually

Not everywhere in England. I was there two days ago and saw no snow :(
As i've said before. Snow. middle of july. montana. But the ironic thing is that we never get snow on christmas. How messed up is that?
Wow, years? o.o Agh I hate slush snow >_< Water and snow combined is only good for making ice castles.

It hasn't snowed much here, when it's fully winter it's beautiful, especially in the woods~ When it's so dark out, the only light is from the moon and stars, the snow on the treebranches~ Ahh... I can't wait to see it again :] Hmm... I might have some pictures of it, though.

Snow is awesome, yeah :D

EDIT: In the middle of July? o_o Wow, seriously?
I think the snow will probably be covering Snowdonia for a few months now.
I should go up there at some point.

Last time I saw proper snow it was in the peak district last year (2007). The year before we had a blizzard (with just every local school shut. Except one which opened half the day. Guess which one I went to), but proper snow isn't very common in England, again thanks to that Gulf Stream
Whenever it snows here it's always just a bit of slush :(

Beat me to it. :P

Every January in primary school my class would spend half our time dashing to the windows whenever it rained; "IT'S SNOWING no it's not YEAH IT IS no yes no" etc. Sigh.

But that's awesome for you, Bakun~ I can't imagine havng enough snow to dig a cave/make a castle. Or reach the roof, that's nuts.

Enjoy your snow-filled day. :3
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