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First off: www.spirithoods.com

Here are some images:




I want one. A lot. Because they're awesome.
WHAT THE CRAP I have never seen these before!

They look horrifyingly creepy at first, but... hm. Apart from the silly looking hanging... side bits, they look and sound pretty awesome. :O
Hey is that nicole fox that girl is hot. IT IS nicole fox! Sweet deal. Man she's hot as hell.

I'd only buy one of these if it came with a Nicole Fox. They're like way expensive. Ok maybe I would buy one if I had a billion dollars, but seriously, these are like WAY EXPENSIVE
Uh... wow. I didn't even look at the prices before now, and... yeah.

D8 Neeever mind then. Plus, I'm thinking they'd look even creepier in real life.
Well, I could sew one in a couple hours for about $40, so, $119 is really expensive. But... they don't actually look that good...
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