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Steam Canyon


You head, yet again, back into the ashes, and are promptly stung by something sharp. When you look down, you see a female Gligar grinning up at you. Catch her, or go on? (Continues: 4)

Dr Frank:

As you make your way through the steam, you see a bright plume of fire flare up right ahead. You rush forward it investigate, and find a male Magby is the cause. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 4)

You continue, a bit in pain from where you were stung but otherwise unharmed, and trudge though the ashes again. As you start to make a step, a large pair of jaws crushes shut right where your foot was a moment ago. A male Trapinch hisses and skuttles after you to try and bite you again. Take him, or go on? (Continues: 3)

As you go on, you near the other end of the lake. A male Horsea suddenly pops out of the water and squirts you int the face! Take him, or go on? (Captures: 2) (Continues: 1)


You run from the Trapinch with Sakura in tow, and promptly smack face first into a female Mightyena, who snarls at you in a rather annoyed sounding way. As she glares at you, you spot something glitter near her from paw; a Moon Stone. Take them, or go on? (Continues: 3)


You stroll along the paths happily, and something...hits your head. You look up and see a male Pidgey snickering on an overhang. That little--! Catch the little bastard or go on? (Continues: 4)

After washing your hair, you continue down the path happily, and...stop dead in your tracks. A tall, slender male Ninetales is standing there staring at you, his fur an odd silver sheen. A shiny! Catch him or go on? (Continues: 4)

As you begin to climb out of the water to leave, a Water Stone glittering in the sun on the beach catches your eye. Take it, or leave empty handed? (Captures: 2) (Continues: 0)

Dr Frank:

You slip past the Magby, and soon find a female Mankey trying to catch a bug. Catch her, or go on? (Continues: 3)

And now, even more exciting news from the Steam Canyon Staff!

The final area of Steam Canyon has been unlocked: the Boiling Pits. This place seems...different from the others somehow. See our first post for more details...​

As you and Pepper carefully venture into the area around the Boiling Pits, the Growlithe stays close to absorb as much of the heat as she can. You two search for a long time, only to fine...nothing at all. How odd. Keep looking? (Continues: 4)


You and Leonidas make your way into the pits, his long flowing tails wrapped around you rather comfortably. Soon enough, you two come across a female Vulpix, hiding behind a rock. Catch her, or go on? (Continues: 4)
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