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Open Strike Of the Dark Legion

2. Mawile - only one thing regarding the roof. You mentioned in a side note that you set the whole roof on fire in response to someone else saying it was coming toward them. Unless you set every square foot of the roof on fire, it will take time to spread. If you set every square foot of a large area like a roof on fire instantaneously, you're going to be drained of energy after doing so, especially if you have a young character. That much fire requires a lot of energy to spawn.

Didn't actually think of that. I'll take that into consideration next time, thanks.

3. The talk of killing, didn't the rules in the sign-up say no killing?
Ember is just a very violent person--she won't kill anybody, though.

Not trying to seem mean, just some things I noticed that give certain weighted advantages beyond realism. Just in the spirit of keeping things a little realistic and fair. ;P

It's okay.))
((On the talk of killing, a lot of people in the Dark Legion are very violent. They will want to kill people. Beauty wants to kill people. She has killed before. She is a sadist. Therefore, she will think and talk about killing. Of course I will not have her kill Maruu, but it makes sense for her to want to kill him.

Just talking about it isn't wrong, but of course if Beauty actually acted upon that, it would certainly be bad. Don't worry, I have no intent of actually having her kill Maruu.

No offence, and you've got a point there, and you're definitely not being mean, but just talking isn't wrong. Esoecially if it's natural for the character.))
The Raichu sighed in relief seeing the Kirlia more refreshed before his ear shifted. Something was coming...or already there? A light tapping could be felt and he lashed his tail to try snagging the possible enemy but halted his attack when the question arose.

"Trump Card? Why, I believe you already did." He extended a paw, "I am Maruu of Trump Card."
Anju turned her head to the newcomer. Looking for Trump Card? He seemed to be a normal Jolteon, and didm't seem agressive. Maruu had already extended his greeting, so she decided to, too. "Right, I'm Anju! Why do you seem to be looking for Trump Card...?" she was still suspicious.
A joyful expression appeared on his face. Yay, I found them finally! he thought. He replied to them, "The dark legion kidnapped my child a little while ago. I heard about Trump Card being a resistance force against the dark legion. I was hoping to join Trump Card to avenge the kidnapping and recover my child." As he talked about his child a genuinely saddened expression crossed his face, he had to fight back tears to get the words out.

(If this appears as Mary Sue I will apologize, he is still upset about his child, but he won't be an emotional sap, xD)
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Titress quickly left the small meeting room and headed for her small office. A simple room with some bookshelves to a side, a desk and a small chair. She didn't really need it since she could float.

Several minutes passed when Bes entered her office. She sighed. She had planning to do for her grand mission. Couldn't he wait?

"Titress, can I speak with you?" His voice came from the doorway. She assumed he couldn't wait.

"This better be important, Bes. I have plenty of planning to do for the GBA assault. Of course, you probably don't know about that plan. Anyways, what's the problem." She said in a rushed, yet cold tone.
Maruu listened carefully to his sob story. Apparently his child had been kidnapped. How despicable of Titress...She was so selfish in her acts. No matter her reasoning, her logic was one sided.

"You can join us in our pursuit. Just...try not to let your emotions drive you. It can show weakness and they might be able to use it against you. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."
With a slightly embarrassed appearance he replied, "I won't let my emotions drive me, the kidnapping wasn't that long ago so I'm still rather upset about it." After thinking a moment he said, "Thank you very much for letting me join Trump Card. Where should I go for now?"
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Bes was taken aback by Titress's immediate response. Shaking his head, he started,

"I'm terribly sorry to have bothered you, my liege, but Argotem has removed my door from its hinges, and also scribed a worrisome message upon it. It told me that he and I are to perform a mission, but there were no specifics. I merely wished to check his story. I apologize again for disrupting you."
Anticipant and excited, Beauty flew out of the room after Titress, eager to get ready for the attack. Flying down the hall and into her room, she closed the door and immidiately went to the mirror in the bathroom, taking the makeup out from her drawer and setting it onto the counter. It's time to make a beta camoflauge... but will only makeup do the trick? I might need more readjustment.

Unsure whether this would be enough, she flew over to her food table, picking up a bowl full berries and picking it up in one hand, while getting some paint from her small art studio in a corner. Painting helped heal her frustration, especially when painting her enemies' dead bodies. She might have to draw one of Maruu soon.

Taking her make-shift art supplies into her bathroom, she went to work. Filling in her dustox-like ovals with blood red paint, she tried her best to make it look like a normal member of her species would have. After she was satisfied with the spots, she moved on to her antennae. Flattening out as best as she could with her bare hands, it still had a zigzag, though it was less prominent.

After fussing over it some more, she figured that that was all she was going to get from that. But perhaps there were other resources she could use. Though painful, she might be able to flatten it, like with an iron...

I should consult Titress. But before I do that, I should finish up my makeup. Beauty checked herself over in the mirror once more, but found herself only slightly satisfied with the results. It was fine, of course, but could still use some work. After a few extra touches, she decided that other than her lumpy antennae and still dark pallor, she was perfectly normal.

However, she still wanted to fix her antannae and as such, headed over to Titress's room for a consultation about it. Knocking on the door and going in without waiting, she said, "Titress! I am coming in, as I have finished an example of my camoflauge. If you would, I would like your advice, and hopefully supplies, as if I could have a few things, then I believe I could fix this up even better."

Only then she noticed that someone else was there with Titress, and she quickly apoligized, saying, "I am sorry to intrude, Bes. You may go first."
Titress looked behind Bes at Beauty, who had just walked in. At least she had the pleasure of knocking...

"We're just finishing up here, Beauty. If you would be so kind to wait outside while I finish up here." She said to Beauty. She didn't even blink at Beauty's differences. She then turned back to Bes.

"As for you, you should be used to Argotem's unconventional methods, so a door being ripped off isn't such a big deal. As for your mission, you're going on a raid of the Grand Rockies, simple enough." She said, still showing little to no emotion.
Bes felt a little dumb, seeming worried about Argotem's methods.
"I wasn't worried about the door so much; that is fixable. I was merely concerned about whether or not his mission was... existent. Thank you for your time." Bes bowed respectfully and left the room, going to find Argotem.
Beauty nodded at Titress and left the room. She hovered patiently, waiting for the end of their coversation. She could wait.

After a minute, she couldn't take it anymore. She paced/few up and down the hall. It wasn't that long until Bes left the room, but in those seconds the beautifly was dying to get some input. She wrung her hands and still tried to smooth out her antennae.

Finally, salvation came in the form of the claydol leaving. She immidiately went into Titress's room before the door had time to close. "Hello, Titress," she said, showing no signs of the panic attack she was having before. "As you see here, I tried my best to camoflauge myself with only the materials in my room. I hope I did well, but my antennae are still slightly zigzagged and twisted. Perhaps before then we could do something about that?"
Titress looked over Beauty, and sighed. It was much more normal than she used to look, but there were several improvements to be made.

She slowly floated over to her bookshelf and got a small data book with a list of all their supplies. With a final look through the book, she got up and went towards the door.

"Beauty, come with me." She beckoned. The book was still in her hand. It was easier for her to get a disguise now while Beauty was doing with it. She also took a mental note to take stock once they came back from the tournament.
Bes floated down the hall to Argotem's quarters, and opened the door gently. there, sitting on the only chair in the nearly empty room was Argotem, polishing his bone.

"Ah, Bes. Nice to see you're back. May I ask where you have been?" Argotem queried, an uncomfortable sense of...joy in his voice. A bead of sweat rolled down Bes's forehead, or rather what was left of it. Hopefully this was covered by his clouds, the origin and purpose of which he himself had not yet come to fully understand. He then swallowed, and said back:

"Nowhere really, just... on an errand for Titress. Nothing of extreme importance." Bes stated back, meeting Argotem's cold gaze with about four of his eight or so eyes. "So, this raid?" Bes questioned, eager to move on, for if Argotem learned that he was teaching himself how to use Ice Beam and plotting against him... to say that Argotem would be unhappy would be a complete and utter understatement.

"Remember this one, Bes?" Argotem said, holding his bone up in the dim light, "Remember how he whined and balled? Those were good times. Poor thing, really, that Aggron. I suppose I should have waited to finish him off before claiming my trophy. Right in front of his kid, too." Argotem let out a deep, throaty laugh as he began working on his weapon again. "But yeah," he began again, "Titress just wants us to take care of some... business up in the Grand Rockies. I suppose she thought that there was no better team than us, her two Ground-type high-ups to deal with all those pitiful Electric-types." Argotem looked up. "You can go now."

Closing the door behind him, Bes began to breathe again. Dear Arceus, he thought, sometimes I forget just how scary my old apprentice could be! As much as I am afraid to fight him, it is for the best.
(Sorry! Late due to laziness, not going to deny that.)

Beauty noticed that Titress said absolutely nothing about her costume. Confused and slightly insecure, she followed her leader through the door, wondering where they were going. She vocalized just that.

"Where exactly are we going?" the morph asked, curious. She was quiet, though, in case this was meant to be secret. Perhaps they were going to discuss the plan?
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