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Sum other users up as Pokemon.

RandomTyphoon: A Pichu or something? Happy and energetic and excited about stuff.

Arylett: A Smoochum, possibly. Curious and loves her own hair.

DarkArmour: Metang. Floaty and smart, put as hard as steel. And floaty.

I think Celestial's more like a Tentacool. Around a lot and vaguely annoying, but still kinda cool if you think about it.

RandomTyphoon: A Pichu or something? Happy and energetic and excited about stuff.

Arylett: A Smoochum, possibly. Curious and loves her own hair.

DarkArmour: Metang. Floaty and smart, put as hard as steel. And floaty.

I think Celestial's more like a Tentacool. Around a lot and vaguely annoying, but still kinda cool if you think about it.


Hmm. Blasty. I'd go wiiith:
Lucario. Always the peacemaker, the one who puts things right. Clear headed and not a basher, usually *see: He actually said something somewhat nice about CB*
Smoochum... interesting. Well, I do have a smoochy expression when concentrating a lot. XD Obsessed with my hair.

It might be because of Mourmedy that you get the Weavile impression. I'm sinister, commanding, and prideful...

Exo-Raikou - Seems like a... Mewtwo, actually. Just like Mewtwo said. I suppose because of what Mewtwo said too~

Notoriously Unknown - Jirachi. The avvie. Plus seems a bit hyper and playful like one. From what I've seen.
A Pachirisu or Phione. I LOVE IT.
Arylett seems sorta like a Natu or a Xatu, actually. (Yeah, I don't know what's with me either.)
what is wrong with you
Lots of things, just not pertaining to this.
Celestial's never done anything to me personally, so, yeah, he's annoying, but I don't hate him.

Lileep. OMIGOSH THE TENTACLES, THE TENTACLES! Eccentric and awesome.
Hitler wasn't dumb.
Nor was he a psychopath. He was probably one of the most well known germans in the world; It's just a shame about his antisemetic views and actions. If it weren't for those, he would probably be one of the most respected men in the world. But he was an evil dictator so meh.

what am i?
Hitler was Austrian, not German.
Actually, most well-known Germans are Austrian. Schwarzenegger, Freud, Hitler, etc.
And he wasn't just anti-semitic, he was against 'inferior races' in general like the Gypsies, Jews, Asians, Slavs and such (thoug he only actively killed the Gypsies and Jews, all other races and nationalities (French, Belgian, whatever) were allowed to live provided they didn't try to breed with Germans), 'subversive groups' like Communists, Socialists, Freemasons and everyone who didn't agree with him and other 'ill people' like homosexuals and the mentally or physically disabled.
People seem to think only Jews were horribly mistreated and tortured and out of all the victims they were indeed the largest number (at about 6 million deaths) but they were far from being the only ones. About 2-3 million Soviets, 2 million Poles, 1,5 million Gypsies, 250,000 disabled people, 150,000 Freemasons and 10,000 homosexuals were exterminated in camps. God knows how many were just shot on the street.

He obviously had some sort of mental illness, but you have to give him credit for many good things like restoring the German economy, building the Autobahn and inventing the Volkswagen. He was also a very decent artist.

And you're a Breloom.
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I'd disagree about Hitler's art. It was pretty mediocre. He was decent with the mechanics but he had no taste.
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