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Supernatural Mafia II [N-2]

Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-1]

Personally, I think Aesthalan either: A: Worded it wrong, or B: Is Misunderstood. Or C: Mafia.

If they do turn out to be innocent, it was most likely a stupid move on their part. And if our cop does happen to die tonite, I suggest we go ahead and continue what we started today, i,e: lynch Aesthalan.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-1]

If the mafia does target Phantom because she's the cop, that's easily just a mafia method to redirect suspicion at me. Oh, and I'd go with a little of A and B. For final clarification: counter claiming is when someone claims their role after someone else already claimed to be that role. It's to keep the mafia from faking being a cop, or doc, or whatever. It is not a method usually used by the mafia because it would only route out one of their own fakers.

eg: Mafia Person claims to be the doctor to direct suspicion away from them. Real Doctor claims to be doctor so that everyone knows Mafia Person is lying. The people must then choose who to believe. If no one counter claims, you can assume you have the real deal.

Hope that helps.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

Ok, can I request longer day/night phases? I can't get on the internet every day, and I missed putting in my night action.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

Usually it's 48 hours, not 24 hours. It accommodates for people who don't get on the internet every day.

So, um, looks like neither Phantom nor Aethelstan are dead. It doesn't necessarily imply that they are mafia or not, but just putting that out there. I guess it could....?
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

If the time frame is a issue, I'm sure it can be extended a bit.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

Well, it's possible that it was also a lucky healer. Or something. But that is sort of suspicious.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

Maybe not lucky. Phantom did claim cop, after all. It makes sense to try to protect her.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

So, should we lynch or not? I think that neither Phantom or Aethelstan are really considerably suspicious. I say we abstain, but I do hope we have an inspector left.
Re: Supernatural Mafia II [D-2]

I'm just nervously waiting for everyone to post at least once. Kind of hard to suspect people who haven't even said anything.

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