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Tales of the Fanclub

I mean their hairstyle. I swear, someone drew Lloyd, and I thought it was Karol, and someone drew Karol in drag and I thought it was Lloyd. D:
Well...Kratos is in the game...after who knows how long of floating in space...*Look left, look right, quietly begins scribbling something that looks suspiciously like fanfiction on a piece of paper*
Playing a New Game+ now on ToS. I am way too obsessed for my own good, but I guess it's not like I have anything else to do all day.

Ohhhh, and guess what? I finally pulled off a U. Attack! :D *is inordinately proud of taking more than a whole game to get one mechanic right* I still think they're useless, but oh well, 'tis fun at least.

Up to that evil, victory-is-optional boss (you know the one, I think). I had 30 Apple and Orange Gels, 22 Life Bottles, and I still lost horribly. I look forward to watching that huge cutscene again. D: (My brother's suggestion? Have both healers in my party. *facepalm* Yeah, it would definitely help if I had Kratos in my party for this...
because then he wouldn't be trying to kill me.

Any suggestions? Dx
I'd suggest mastering Unison Attacks, actually :3

They're a lot less useless as they seem; combo Unison Attacks (uuh, I can recommend Raine's Photon in combianation with either Lloyd's Tempest or Colette's... Ray Thrust?) are much stronger than normal attacks, and Unisons are doubly-awesome because you can interrupt a spell your enemy's charging and they fall down for a few seconds after the attack; physical attacks don't do too much damamge to floored enemies, but the few seconds can be crucial to having your mages charge something good :D

Yeah, you'll need Raine in your team, and keep her alive as much as possible. If she has it, get her to Barrier herself at the start of the battle, and use Sharpness on your main attacker (probably Lloyd) if nobody needs immediate healing. I forget which moves you'll have at this point in the game, but group-healing moves like Nurse are always better than single-character-healing movies like First Aid.
And training like hell is always a good technique :3

Good luck!
Ah, okay. I'll try them next time I do that fight, then... forgot the last few times. Yeah, I did know about that combo, but I've had trouble pulling it off.

I think I'm having trouble partially because I'm so bad at guarding properly; I always guard for the first attack or two and then forget he's going to combo it with Light Spear or whatever and get hacked to pieces by that. D=

Have Raine in my party? I never would have considered that, seeing as, you know, you can choose from exactly four characters for that fight. :D I wish I had Nurse (maybe I'll grind in the Tower of Mana 'til I get it... *sigh*), but yeah, she casts buffs for the four seconds at the beginning of the battle before she has to get busy healing people like mad.

Thanks for the help. I think I got him down to like... 6,000 out of 22,500 last time? Still so far to go... I guess I can start by getting those last eight Life Bottles, anyway.
*Actually, the correct combination is Raine's Photon adn Colette's Ring Whirlwind, Whirlwind Rush, or Ring Cyclone* Yah...Fun. God I love unison attacks...

Anyways, for the Optional victory fight, I let Lloyd go to the CPU and I use Sheena instead. Having her cook a lot before hand helps, because that builds up her tension meter, and then when Sheena goes into overlimit...*Smiles evilly and flashes rings of the pact* Also, it helps if you go back to the seals of Wind and Fire, because you can actually form pacts with weaker versions of Silph and Efreet that should be about the same difficulty level as when you fight them eventually later. That way, you can have their much more accurate attacks at the boss, as opposed to Four random pillars of water that Mr. Purplepants can easilly avoid by actually moving while A random blue chick shows up out of nowhere and misses three times...Oh, and I level grind lots and lots. *Stupid Lloyd-like grin*
...Dangit, now my mind automatically replaces his name with Mr. Purplepants...Having Lloyd shout that in serious, hurt tones now makes me crack up in laughter.

Personally, Colette is a pretty strong fighter on my team. I usually use Zelos, Sheena, Lloyd and Colette, because Zelos can be a pretty good healer when he needs to be, and also assists in slashy slashy.

...By the way, during your first fight with Sheena, can anyone else just picture Lloyd laughing when she pulls out her cards...before she Pyre seals him into a tree...because it's also causing me to crack up...
...Mr. Purplepants. x3 Pure win. I will totally call him that from now on.

Colette is strong, but I switch her out after the seals because I think Sheena is more useful all-around, and also to get used to using her because you have to in so many bossfights. Even if she doesn't give you hilarious end-of-battle dialogue. ("I wonder what that creature's name is..." "I like 'Poochie!'" "...no, dear, I meant the species." xD And then there's the "Our weapons are love!" "Justice! And..." "*sigh* ...hope." And "Colette, we need a cure for poison!" "Don't be silly, I'm not poisoned!" "No... I meant me." ...yeah.) I think my team ended up being Presea, Sheena, Raine and Zelos (because when you have a character who gets stat bonuses for every female in your party, how do you not put them on your all-female team? =D)

Summon Spirits of Wind and Fire? In my optional bossfight? o: (It's more likely than you think!) I will totally do that, thanks for the advice~ Cooking, huh... Yeah, Lloyd will probably be of better use if I just let the CPU use him. xD I just hope I can control Sheena without getting her killed even more than she already dies.

...and, you know what? I'm getting really, really sick of Lloyd saying "I'm sorry, Dad..." whenever he dies. Stop apologizing to him, you idiot! Dx

I don't know, but I remember laughing hysterically myself and having to pause the game when I realized she fought by giving you papercuts. xD
To be fair, Sheena has a couple of good battle-ending quites herself. My favourite one being:
"Did you see my attack?" "Oh yeah, baby, I was watching~" "For some reason, I don't think that's what you were focusing on."
And she has a hilarious one with Raine at some point which ends with Raine saying "Let's just leave her here." which makes me giggle. Why does Raine have such a problem with Sheena, anyway? She doesn't care when Presea or Zelos or, hell, Regal joins your team.

My final team's normally Raine, Genis, Presea and Sheena.
Presea for the absurdly powerful attacks (and I'm damn good at controlling her now), Sheena for the speed and summoing pow0rz (also, having a revival ability isn't bad), Raine for the immense healing abilities, supporting movies like Field Barrier, and White Magic like Ray (and I love and adore her <3), and Genis for the absurdly powerful Black Magic and the Unison Attack Prism Stars.
Ah, yes. Well, Zelos just makes everything generally more hilarious IMO.
Aw, haven't gotten that one yet. D=

Dear game: For the love of Martel, do not put a really hard bossfight after an enormous cutscene and another bossfight. Please. For everyone's sake...

...and why is it I always forget I have Unison Attacks during that fight? Not that it would have made a huge difference, but still... I have Nurse now, and I'm still losing... I think the problem is that I keep getting to that stage in the fight where you just can't spam healing items fast enough. =/

Oh, well. Back to grinding, or maybe just back to that fight when I have the patience...
And she has a hilarious one with Raine at some point which ends with Raine saying "Let's just leave her here." which makes me giggle. Why does Raine have such a problem with Sheena, anyway? She doesn't care when Presea or Zelos or, hell, Regal joins your team.

Well, to be fair, Sheena attempts to assasinate Colette twice while they were under the impression that they were simply going to save the world...that might leave a slight impression on Colettes Teacher, and semi mother figure.

...But I wish they had left Regal lying there in the forest...then we wouldn't have to deal with his riddiculous atoner backstory. *Sighs* It's small consolation that you can choose to fight with random monsters instead of him in Dawn of the New World...*Sighs*
Yeah, but that's my point; nobody can say Presea's not suspicious, with her pink hair and killer strength, Zelos obviously has a deeper agenda than he's letting on, andRegal's tried to kill them before and she doesn't really seem to care about them inviting him to join them. Of course, it's highly possible by now that she's noticed that what Lloyd says goes (for some reason o.O) and doesn't even bother protesting any more.
Well, the fact that Presea is sort of a little girl with some sort of trauma may be why Raine let her on. Plus, why is pink hair suspicious? Her's is naturally white, and she's already been traveling with a purple haired ninja. If anything, Regals hair, which is the same blue as Yuans, should be more suspicious.

Continuing with Presea, Raine probably noticed her Exsphere. Considering the fact that without her own, she could only heal people one at a time, she might have just dismissed this as Tethe'alla's superior technological advances in exspheres.

As for Zelos, Raine accepts him coming as a condition for being able to roam freely through this new world. He can fight, he can get them into places, and he sort of seems like an idiot when you first meet him. Raine's already proved to be pretty darn...goal oriented*Such as waiting until Sheena spills the beans in Luin before considerin healing her* So, Zelos probably justed seemed odd.

And, as for Regal, I suppose she figured that more fighting power was good for the group.

...On a completely different topic, has anyone else noticed that Regal's out of battle overworld sprite sort of reminds you of some sort of fish...look at the shape of his mouth sometimes...
People with blue hair? You've got it wrong, it's people with purple clothes. All out to get you, I swear. Dx I mean, there's Sheena, who will kill you the next time she sees you, and then there's Mr. Purplepants... who I just beat~ =D I think the advice on U. Attacks really helped... Yay, Photon Tempest! I'll be taking that Lv. 3 Exgem now~

Also, wow... No negative GRADE? o.o (No positive GRADE either, but still... I was sure I was going to lose all that GRADE I got from Remiel earlier.)

Didn't even get a chance to summon, and I still won~ So happy.
Actually it's people with names ending with "os"; Kratos, Zelos and Mithos all betray you horribly XD

I said "pink hair" in the "don't you think there's something suspicious about this tiny little 12-year-old girl being able to lift weights that grown men can't shift?" kinda-way.

Regal gets the best D: face sometimes. Uum, it happens whenever everyone is shocked, but the best example I can think of is when Forcystus shoots Colette outside the Iselia Ranch. I left the screen on his face and laughed for way too long.
So, I was looking at TV Tropes' Better Than It Sounds page (have I mentioned yet today that I love TV Tropes?), and I found this for ToS. There are also ones for all the other Tales games.
You fight against angels led by a legendary hero and ruin his plans for world peace. A ninja plays a key role in the story.
Moral of the story: TV Tropes is awesome. =D
That sounds like something you'd get from a Seventh Sanctum generator. Which is always a good thing. :D

Hurry up, ToS2 release date, so my game will come in the maaaiiil
Hurry up, Christmas, so I can possibly get ToS2 and a Wii to play it on... D=
Yah...I hear they actually put in a new feature, doubling the amount of move shortcuts you can use in battle. Which is pretty good.
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