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Tales of the Fanclub

...you know what the scariest thing is, Danni? When I told my brother I was putting up the quote about Kratos doing the the tango, I told him you'd bring up some sort of RENT crossover. xD

I hate Lloyd/Colette with a burning passion, and I'm not even sure why. My reasoning has always been that not even an idiot like him deserves to be stuck with Colette, but then I started pairing her up with the awesomesauce Presea, so uh, I'm not even sure anymore. Presea/Genis bugs me though, just because Genis is such an idiot about it (look at me, I have a silly crush). As for Sheena and Zelos... just the idea of that actually being canon cracks me up, so let's not go there. Presea/Colette gets weird? D= Too bad, it's so cute as it stands now.

I pretend Regal doesn't exist, too. =3

...Lloyd/Zelos, seriously? You're not kidding? I'm going to have to keep an eye out for that, then. O_o Is it, like, actually there?
I stick... a fork in pairings.

Speaking of forks and pairings, Wonder Chef's Fork/Penguinist. That is the only ToS romance that is allowed in my head ever. I should draw it some time. And then write fanfic.

...no guys I'm totally serious I think there should be fanfic.
The fork and the Penguinist? LOL

My favorite is Sheena/Zelos, but Kratos/Zelos and Lloyd/Zelos are good, too! :D

I don't usually pretend Regal's not there... I forget. :(

As for Kratos doing the tango, that is the most wonderful thing that could ever happen in ToS.

Am I the only person who actually likes Regal? XD; I mean, sure, he looks like he goes clothes shopping in the kid's department, but the way he talks is epic.

Shippings... I used to ship a whole bunch of pairing in ToS. Then I forgot them all. XD; Genis/Mithos is still pretty cute, though.
Geez, this is more of a ToS club than a Tales club. Seriously, I love Symphonia, but I love all the other NA games too! (The only NA game I'm missing is Destiny, but I plan to get that soon... and I'm going to import Eternia eventually.)

Vesperia is really awesome - I'd suggest anyone who can get it does so. The villain development is pretty bad, but all other aspects are awesome. Going to 100% it eventually.
Well, Symphonia is the most Nintendo-compatible game, and this forum is full of people who love Pokemon. Therefore, Symphonia is sort of the default for Tales fans here.

However, I agree that Vesperia is awesome...Although I really want to know more about the characters personal backstories...and villian development was pretty bad, I agree...but it's so satisfying to see what happens to the first three antagonists...
Geez, this is more of a ToS club than a Tales club. Seriously, I love Symphonia, but I love all the other NA games too! (The only NA game I'm missing is Destiny, but I plan to get that soon... and I'm going to import Eternia eventually.)

Vesperia is really awesome - I'd suggest anyone who can get it does so. The villain development is pretty bad, but all other aspects are awesome. Going to 100% it eventually.

If you want to buy me a 360, I'd be more than happy to discuss Vesperia with you.

For the record I would like to point out that I *do* own Abyss, but extenuating circumstances continue to keep us apart and I have never played. Uh and Phantasia which is okay and all but I stopped like halfway through and haven't been in the mood to pick it up again. So yeah, honestly there isn't anything else I *can* talk about. :/
Abyss is pretty good. I wouldn't place it above Symphonia, but it's decent. If you're going to play Phantasia, I'd strongly suggest the fan translation, as the GBA version is severely crippled.

Did you guys know Vesperia's release alone caused the 360 to actually sell better than the Wii that week in Japan? Amazing stuff. And Japan's not hugely into the 360, so it's a huge accomplishment for both N-B and Microsoft.
Considering I already paid for it and all, I figure I'd better get my money's worth out of the GBA one. (If I could actually bring myself to do anything involving the GBA at all at the moment.)

At any rate, would you mind elaborating on what you mean by "crippled"? I hear everyone say things like that (the original is better than the dub/rerelease/whatever), but other than the fact that they dumb down animé for the American kiddies I've never actually heard anyone mention any specific differences. Why is the GBA one so much worse?
Celsius is the most evil boss ever. D< I had her down to like 1000 HP, too... DX
Considering I already paid for it and all, I figure I'd better get my money's worth out of the GBA one. (If I could actually bring myself to do anything involving the GBA at all at the moment.)

At any rate, would you mind elaborating on what you mean by "crippled"? I hear everyone say things like that (the original is better than the dub/rerelease/whatever), but other than the fact that they dumb down animé for the American kiddies I've never actually heard anyone mention any specific differences. Why is the GBA one so much worse?
Slow-as-hell battle system (SNES/PSX was much faster), crappy translation (Cress? Claus?), graphics downgrades, story is generally dumbed down for the E-10 crowd, and they removed: Lilith, the S.D., Satsugeki Bukouken, Odin, Shadow's dungeon, Groovy Arche, the face chats (think skits), and the nice new map graphics. Among other things, I guess.
...you know what the scariest thing is, Danni? When I told my brother I was putting up the quote about Kratos doing the the tango, I told him you'd bring up some sort of RENT crossover. xD

I hate Lloyd/Colette with a burning passion, and I'm not even sure why. My reasoning has always been that not even an idiot like him deserves to be stuck with Colette, but then I started pairing her up with the awesomesauce Presea, so uh, I'm not even sure anymore. Presea/Genis bugs me though, just because Genis is such an idiot about it (look at me, I have a silly crush). As for Sheena and Zelos... just the idea of that actually being canon cracks me up, so let's not go there. Presea/Colette gets weird? D= Too bad, it's so cute as it stands now.

I pretend Regal doesn't exist, too. =3

...Lloyd/Zelos, seriously? You're not kidding? I'm going to have to keep an eye out for that, then. O_o Is it, like, actually there?

Lol @ the predictablity of me doing a crossover. No, I actually lol'd. X3

I dislike Colette/Lloyd because so many RPGs just pair up the main character and the whiny annoying female and it gets so, so boring. Add in the fact that Colette is exactly like 99% of whiny annoying female characters and Lloyd's... a lovable moron? Eh, it really doesn't work for me.

Genis/Mithos is so canon, it's adorable. I love Genis' relationships, actually. At the start of the game he's all "ilu Lloyd <3", by mid-game he's "ilu Presea <3" and then "ilu Mithos <3" and then by the end he's back to fanboying over Lloyd and Presea in pretty much equal measures. He's so adorable X3

Lloyd/Zelos is nowhere near canon, really, but there are some really sweet scenes if you make Zelos really like you and choose all the Zelos-y paths in the game.

I stick... a fork in pairings.

Speaking of forks and pairings, Wonder Chef's Fork/Penguinist. That is the only ToS romance that is allowed in my head ever. I should draw it some time. And then write fanfic.

...no guys I'm totally serious I think there should be fanfic.

I APPROVE. Penguinists are so cute they could go well with anything <3

The fork and the Penguinist? LOL

My favorite is Sheena/Zelos, but Kratos/Zelos and Lloyd/Zelos are good, too! :D

I don't usually pretend Regal's not there... I forget. :(

As for Kratos doing the tango, that is the most wonderful thing that could ever happen in ToS.

The only thing I have against Sheena/Zelos is that I think it'd end up being like their in-game skits, especialyl towards the end of the game, which all end with Zelos making a stupid comment and Sheena trying to kill him. I don't care how flirtatious that seems, it'd get really old very quickly.


Am I the only person who actually likes Regal? XD; I mean, sure, he looks like he goes clothes shopping in the kid's department, but the way he talks is epic.

Shippings... I used to ship a whole bunch of pairing in ToS. Then I forgot them all. XD; Genis/Mithos is still pretty cute, though.

I like Regal, he's just.... kinda boring. I prefer him in the manga, actually; it makes him much more likable. But in the game he's really only there to feed Presea's backstory, I think. He doesn't really... do much, does he? I've had his Flanoir scene before and was really looking forward to it because he does have an awesome voice and they might've given him some kind of cool story like they did with Zelos, but all I can remember is "blah blah Lezereno Company blah blah guilt". :/

Plus I wish he'd just get over himself. Half the cast have killed people really close to them; Genis is only twelve and killed someone he saw as his grandmother, Sheena killed half her village, Lloyd's responsible for the deaths of countless people from his crazy descions and they don't keep going on about it like Regal does :/

I really, really want to play Vesperia, but I'm lacking in a 360 and my continent may be lacking in Vesperia in general, so yeah. D:
Plus I wish he'd just get over himself. Half the cast have killed people really close to them; Genis is only twelve and killed someone he saw as his grandmother, Sheena killed half her village, Lloyd's responsible for the deaths of countless people from his crazy descions and they don't keep going on about it like Regal does :/

I know! We get it, she's dead, you can get over it now! The twelve year old boy is coping better than you are! The air head who grew up knowing she would die at the age of sixteen is handling things better than you are! The man whose mother's dying words were"You never should have been born" is dealing with it better than you are! And don't even get me started on Kratos!

...Isn't it odd that the younger members of the cast deal with grief better than the older members?...Look at Mithos, for crying out loud!

Also, Danni...that sucks. If it helps, the female party members have a lot of Les-yay moments.
Oh yeah, Kratos... I knew I was missing someone who killed someone close to them, but just couldn't think who XDD

Also, Danni...that sucks. If it helps, the female party members have a lot of Les-yay moments.


I guess I can read fanfiction, but it's always hampered a bit by me not knowing who on earth the characters are. Not that that's ever stopped be before, but...
So guys. It's 3:41 AM and I'm feeling very sleep-deprived and I know I'm not going to get any sleep until I get this out, so here goes. You'll think I'm insane no matter what, so I'm just gonna spit it out...

We all know there's a Lloyd I Am Your Father moment coming, right? I wonder who it is?

...I think it's Kratos.

Wait. Please don't laugh me out of the room yet. Let me have my insane speculation. I'm going to put it all in spoiler tags because I'm too sleepy to think what should and shouldn't be spoilered.

  • At the very beginning of the game, when the original party is gathered at Lloyd's house, Kratos is standing by Anna's grave. (Easily explained away with the whole "oh, so your mother was killed") dialogue, but if you come at it from a different angle...
  • Kratos is always very protective of Lloyd, constantly reminding him to work on his swordsmanship if he wants to stay alive (not to mention "Don't die, Lloyd."); this makes sense if you consider Anna's death.
  • There is a scene near the beginning of the game where it is heavily implied that Kratos has been wronged by Desians, and from the way it talks, you get the impression he wants vengeance and believes that Lloyd should as well. Which brings me to...
  • Kvar's death. Kratos is quite vengeful, wouldn't you say? Makes sense, considering he would blame Kvar for the death of the "inferior being" he was in love with.
  • In a skit soon after that, Lloyd and Kratos discuss Anna's death. Kratos briefly insists "your father killed your mother" before giving in to Lloyd's logic. Kratos is very much the type to blame himself, which brings me to...
  • In the Seal of Water, at the beginning, Kratos says that he once made a "terrible mistake," before adding to Lloyd that he shouldn't have said that and saying, "forgive me."
  • On the subject of skits, there's one where Kratos comments that Lloyd dislikes him. Lloyd can be made to disagree with him, but that's beside the point. The point is that, although it's always hard to tell with Kratos, he seems genuinely down that his son might dislike him.
  • When Remiel dies, Kratos stresses that he was once an "inferior human being" and seems to carry the same hatred for Cruxis that he does for the Desians; obviously, this makes sense considering that they are one and the same. Anyway, Kratos obviously has important human ties.
  • On an earlier note, Kratos does not seem to trust, or be trusted by, Cruxis, if Yuan's attempt to assassinate him is any sign. Not to mention the way he helps out Lloyd and his group while they're in Tethe'alla. He is therefore probably trying to use them to further his own goals. (Yeah, still think Kratos is going to rejoin the party...)
That's... all? Could've sworn I had more. Oh, well. You can laugh me out of the fanclub now, but my sleep-deprieved brain required me to get that out. I love my theory, anyway, even if it's insane. Somehow I honestly believe this, though.


EDIT: Now that I'm awake and my brain is functioning, I have another reason:
Noishe. Early in the game, you see Kratos sneak out to see Noishe; when asked if he likes animals, he clearly says that he does not, making it clear that he is acquainted with Noishe in particular. Now, how would that have happened...
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Abyss is my favorite! <3

I really would like to play Vesperia... My dad's been dropping all sorts of hints about getting a 360. I think he wants one, too. :3
God, I hate it when games just hint endlessly at backstory and whatnot without ever revealing it, and none of the characters catch on. (I'm looking at you, Regal.)

Regal: Hey, I committed a crime in the past. Oh, and I have some connection to Presea even though she doesn't know me. And I'd rather not go into Altimara (which just happens to be where her sister's grave is). Oh, and I don't give you my last name for some reason.
Presea's sister: So guys, I was killed by this guy whose last name is Bryant.
Presea: Guys, my sister was killed by this guy whose last name is Bryant.
Regal: Hey, I think I might know something about that. *whistles innocently*


Also, I'm agreeing on the Genis/Mithos. (I thought it wasn't possible for a guy to be girlier than Zelos... I was dead wrong.)
Heeeeelp! I'm stuck in the Shadow Temple. I know exactly what to do, I'm sure of it -- I'm up to the last shadow and I've figured out how to make the block make a bridge, but for some reason it just keeps... resetting? once I get over there? I really, really don't get what's going on. I've looked up a guide and everything, and it says I'm doing it all right. DX Heeeelp.

Solved it through a ridiculously roundabout route. Nevermind~
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Argh, the Temple of Darkness >.< God, I hatehatehate that freaking dungeon. I also hate the Meltokio Sewers and the Ymir Forest.

But the thing that had me puzzled for the longest time in my first playthrough is when you have to go to Zelos' Mansion. I missed the dialogue where is said it's in the upper-class bit of Meltoko, so I wandered around the world map for hours. Whenever I replay it and he says "It's an obnoxiously large building; you can't possibly miss it" I have to resist the urge to kill someone.
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