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Tales of the Fanclub

My problem with him is that I've never been able to keep him alive in a boss fight. He literally dies constantly -- his spells are wonderful and all, but I never get a chance to use them.

Hm. I'll keep what you've said in mind, though.
Considering I haven't played in a while and still haven't gotten around to that replay I need to do before the sequel I don't remember exactly, but I'm pretty sure there are ways you can tweak the characters' orders and stuff to minimize constant Genisdeath. There must be, because I really don't remember him dying more often than anyone else.
Mm. Go onto the EX Skills menu and try and get some stuff to beef up his defence a bit if he keeps dying. And give him your best defensive equipment. And if your Genis is using Stupid Moves, set his techs to your character's C-stick and you can control him without having to select stuff from the menu mid-battle.

I do that with Raine all the time because my CPU Raine is silly and keeps standing there doing not much unless everyone is actually dying :/

Prism Staaaaars <3 That move alone is the reason why Genis is always in my Final Team (which is typically Raine, Genis, Sheena and Presea).
'Kay, I'll check it out. What I really wish is that there was an option in strategy that just said "run like hell from enemies".



The red-haired girl on the cover is actually, uh... a guy? (So that's what everyone thought was so funny. >>;;) Well, you can tell from looking at him in-game, just not in the intro and the cover art. I have no clue who he is right now, but he seriously cracks me up. :D
Hello, I will be joining you people! :D

Man, I thought he was a girl, too. Till I heard his voice. I cracked up and then became a fangirl.
He's a lot more than comic relief, of course. Pretty deep guy once you get to know him. Which doesn't quite happen until, like, the second disk, but still.

...ignore the fact that that's primarily why I like him anyway. ;)
I'm still trying to get him in my top 3 relationship-whatever people so I can see his little scene. It's been what, 4 years? ;_;
Hm, well, this is shaping up to be quite interesting. And still on the first disk~

The new party members are just piling up. I think Zelos is going to take the place of Kratos from here on out; he's like an exact clone so far as I can tell. Not so sure about Presea, but with those stats she could definitely be useful. I might switch her in for Lloyd, except she doesn't have awesome skills like Psi Tempest. D:

Also... Colette is seriously starting to creep me out. o_O That vacant stare... *shudders*
I love the part where Colette kicks that dog!

Presea's a beast once you get the hang of her. ...Which I haven't, but my sister has! xD
Kratos and Zelos are effectively clones, yes. There is a slight statistical difference (I think Zelos is faster and Kratos is stronger, but not significantly so), their fighting styles are a little different, their titles are obviously different and Kratos can potentially get one move Zelos can't (well, technically... uh, well, I'll let you find out for yourself), but other than the titles I really can't tell the difference between the two in battle.
Ahahahahaha this is so much fun~~~ Free items, free items! :D Zelos is the best character ever now! I get to rob the poor~

[/sugarless high]

EDIT: I CHANGED MY MIND. Presea is the best character ever.
Zelos: Half the females in this world are destined to be slaves of my love.
Presea: The probability of that is infinitely close to zero.
Zelos: =[


EDITEDIT: Nonowait. Zelos is back to being the best character ever. Nicknames! 8D (I am so referring to Lloyd as "Hey You" from now on.)

EDITEDITEDIT: (Man, am I ever going to stop editing this? Probably not.) That was certainly a turn for the unexpected. o.o I seriously never would have thought Yuan was with Cruxis. Just... what the heck is going on with everyone here?
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It's ToS. Everyone betrays, you, it's great. XD

Presea is amazing. She's always my most powerful character and I'm semi-decent at playing as her, once I get the timing and range of her attacks right. When she's got her Devil's Arm equipped (Disaster? Diablos? Something.) she can take out virtually everything in the Colisieum on Difficult in about one hit.

When Lloyd's got his Devil's Arm equipped, he can take out Kratos in Torrent Woods or wherever it is in a single hit, too X3

Zelos' stuff-getting ability is so great. I love going to places where people don't like Zelos so they give you sucky things; talk to a woman in Ozette and she'll gush over Zelos and then give you a shrimp or something. XD
I've been realizing that. xD (Actually, I'm still kind of hurt over Kratos's betrayal. But hey, he has potential for redemption. And by 'potential for redemption,' I of course mean unknown and possibly tragic backstory... and my own wishful thinking~)

Oooh, Coliseum. Should I try it? I haven't even approached it yet, is it good? =D (I'm currently on a series of trecks through that godawful forest, so it's not like I could just drop everything and go fight, but...) You know, the impulse to screw the fancy techniques and just switch Presea for Lloyd is getting very strong.

Heh, I'm in Mizuho right now. No one gives a damn about Zelos, period.
You can't even try the collesium yet. It's not open to you until...well, it's quite a ways off.

Uh, that forest...I always hated that forest, even if it does lead to Mizuho. A village ful of ninjas! *Stupid Grin*

Oh, and by now, you've probably met...him...*Blue haired Emo guy*
Oh, really? Huh... I always thought it would let me walk right in if I wanted to. So, what's stopping me?

Ugh. THAT FOREST. Don't even get me started. It's such a labyrinth, it's a wonder I managed to stop walking in circles at all. (Plus they put in this stupid path that just loops until you give up...)

Ah. Yes. (Handcuffs, huh? There'd better be a wonderful explanation behind this one...) Anyway, it's looking like the last party member, else the save screen won't be able to handle it.
AAAAAAAH DOUBLEPOST...! (...yeah. Sorry. ;_;)

So, my brother and I were speculating... well, I'd say he was speculating, actually, since I'm much farther in ToS than him. We had... a few interesting discussions.

Discussion #1:
Judging from Remiel's voice-acting ("My-be-lov-ed-dau-ghter..."), he is either evil or has had a lobotomy. If the second is true, then that means to become an angel Colette will have to... oh, wait.

Discussion #2:
After a long, convoluted conversation, my brother has come to the conclusion that Exspheres run on experience points, and human ranches therefore harvest XP. Therefore, from this point on, they shall be call "Exspherience Points". (Firefox thinks that's a word lol~) Oh, but he also thinks that Exspheres are powered by the souls of our slain enemies.

Out of context quote #1:
my brother said:
I would love to see Kratos doing the tango. That would be hilarious.

Make of those what you will, I just felt they were worth sharing.

(Oh, also. Presea/Colette FOR THE WIN. First ToS 'shipping for me~)
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Lol @ lobotomised Remiel.
I never did trust that guy D<
It will forever bug me that at the Tower of Salvation he's all "I never said she was my daughter. You humans started calling me her father all on your own.", while back in the Tower of Mana Colette begins asking him if he's her father and he says "...my beloved daughter Colette." What's up with that?

I also fully support Kratos doing the tango. Raine and Presea moreso because in the crazy Rent/ToS crossover pic I did ages ago, Raine was Joanne and Presea was Mark (because I forgot that Regal exists XD).

Presea/Colette is cuuuute. If slight weird for, uh, later plot points. The only other person I could stand Colette with would be Chocolat because then they could just go off together and never have to annoy anyone ever again and it'd be good [/Colette bashing].
...I still love Lloyd/Zelos XD
Eh. I stick with the cliched pairings. They're just so warm and fluffy...Meaning Lloyd/Colette, Presea/Genis, Sheena/Zelos...Also, I like to pretend Regal doesn't exist.
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