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Tales of the Fanclub

I need help, guys. D:

Okay, so I'm trying to form a pact with Undine in Phantasia. I've gotten kinda stuck, so I checked out a FAQ. I followed the FAQ's advice to the dot.

But the stupid door inside the room to the north of the first switch won't open.

I even tried to hit them with the Sorcerer's Ring just to see if it'd blast them open or something, but it didn't.
The move I abuse with Lloyd is Fierce Demon Fang. It's just so badass. That, and Psi Tempest. It's so spinny, and mulit-hitty…

I also use Sheena from time to time. She's pretty dexterous.
I love spamming Rising Falcon with Lloyd. :D

And alternatively when I'm playing as Genis I spam Indignation~
Oh, yeah, I recently got into Rising Falcon. That's his strongest move for the S-Type, is it not?

I hate his combo attacks: they waste so much TP. You could easily use the EX Skill that allows Lloyd to combine Special Attacks, use a Faerie Ring, reduce his consumption by half, and use all of those moves with 6 TP compared to six times that.
Eee we're alive again!

Right, blinking avatars. Here you are:


THAT SHOULD BE EVERYONE except for Raine. Because Dannichu already has her.

... I forgot which ones I animated. XD; I know I did Regal, Lloyd, and Colette, but I don't remember who else...
Eeee, they're all so cute~

It'd be awesome if we got the ToS blinkies taking over TCoD again, but whoever takes Genis, prepared to be confused with me all the time X3
The great thing about these size avvies is they don't distort horribly when you post on someone's Visitor Messages Wall.

Hehe, from right to left, I see Aobaru, Tailsy, FMC, Chimera, Kratos (funny, that), Grimdour, Taylor_GS, Grimdour again and GF0. XD
Eee we're alive again!

Right, blinking avatars. Here you are:


THAT SHOULD BE EVERYONE except for Raine. Because Dannichu already has her.

... I forgot which ones I animated. XD; I know I did Regal, Lloyd, and Colette, but I don't remember who else...

My profile is now complete.
Uh, um...
I feel kind of embarrassed to join when I've only played one of the games.
Sorry for not joining earlier. D:
But I hope it is okay with you guys to join. x_o
(It's okay; I've only really played Symphonia. Don't tell anyone, though)

Which game is it that you've played?
Tales of Vesperia, mainly because I only have the 360. |D
I should really be getting the GBA and DS games...
OH yah, I've been playing through Vesperia. It's awesome. Even if the characters all fall under the usual stereotypes. Apoligetic female lead, smart girl mage, annoying little brat, sexual appeal girl, and comic relief. Oh, and the canine sidekick.

Plus, watching certain scenes with Yuri and his pimping hats is awesome. *Black or white. Take your pick*...Pretty much everybody besides Karol is awesome.
Yeah, sometimes I just can't help myself but make lesbo Rita jokes. xD

Daugh, didn't get to that part yet. I'm busy trying to shut down the motherf****in' Heracules on this motherf****in' game! D:< -shot-

But I never expected the game to be this long. Just exactly how far am I away from the end? x.x
*Slaps topic with Purgatory Seal*

New topic: Voice actors. Who in the games does everyone love the voices of? Or hate?

Oh, and on the topic of voice actors... Heather Hogan is still voicing Colette. So...whoo.
I just got Tales of Symphonia for my birthday, and I kind of need some help. See, my copy didn't come with the instruction manual, so I don't know exactly how the battle controls work. Could someone explain?

Um. Voice actors. I'm like three minute into the game, but I like Lloyd's voice acting. Colette's annoys me to no end. Or maybe that's her personality I'm thinking of.

EDIT: just met Kratos. He is awesome. That is all.
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I just got Tales of Symphonia for my birthday, and I kind of need some help. See, my copy didn't come with the instruction manual, so I don't know exactly how the battle controls work. Could someone explain?

Hm, well. Is there anything specific you're having trouble with? For the most part you really just learn it as you go along. Mashing A and occasionally using the special attacks with B will usually carry you through the beginning of the game until you've had time to experiment with all the options. Just spend a little extra time slaughtering weak, early-game enemies until you get the general gist of it. That's all I can tell you for now, given how rusty I am, unless you're confused by something specific. Hopefully that was... almost sort of marginally kind of helpful.

Um. Voice actors. I'm like three minute into the game, but I like Lloyd's voice acting. Colette's annoys me to no end. Or maybe that's her personality I'm thinking of.

And once again I seem to be the only person on earth immune to how annoying Colette apparently is. Hm. I still think that the Face of +10 Wall-Breaking outweighs any negative points and gives her immeasurable value as a team member. Or maybe I'm just shallow.

EDIT: just met Kratos. He is awesome. That is all.


but uh voice actors um I don't really have a favorite. I guess I thought about Lloyd's the most, but only because the first time I heard him speak I was all "omfg that's Robin!" and my brother didn't believe me and so by the time the credits were rolling I'd pressed my face against the TV trying to see if they had the same VA. Ugh stupid ToS made me watch Teen Titans after I'd decided I really didn't care. D:

ANYWAY SO GUYS ToS2 comes out next month and I need to focus on getting stuff out of the way so I can play through ToS again in time to be totally fresh for the sequel.
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