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Tales of the Fanclub

Not necessarily. Might confuse you a little here and there, though. Probably not too much, as a good sequel should be able to stand on its own fairly well but hint at the old game enough to make you go get it if you haven't.

You should play the original anyway. ;) The original is a Players' Choice game, btw, so you could probably find it nice and cheap anyway.
Ah, never mind with the battle system. I wasn't quite expecting to get the tutorial as an inventory item twenty minutes into the game. :D Yaaaaay for... whatever that attack Lloyd does is called, where you hold down and press B. It's way too fun.

Also. Random blue-haired stalker dude. Hm. Whoever he is, I like his voice acting.
Re Voice acting, ToS has just about the best cast of all-star characters you'll ever find in a game. Except maybe MGS, but at least half the main cast have voice acted in MGS at some point anyway. The only people whose voices I dislike are Colette's and Chocolat's, and they're supposed to be annopying, whiny and preachy anyway, so you can't complain too much.

Does ToS2 have a release date in Europe (if they're bringing it out here at all)? Not that it matters much; I only have my DS in terms of gaming consoles at the moment. I miss my Wii ;~;
None that I can see. Sorry, Danni. :/

Aww, I liked the Japanese ToS2 cover art better. It had, like, everyone on it and not just Emil and Marta or whatever their names are.
Aaaaah this is way too much fun someone make me stop~ 8D Colette has gone from most annoying character ever ("I'll be curious if you're curious, Lloyd! ^_^") to most awesome comic relief character ever ("Maybe when I make friends with that girl I can ask her why she wanted to kill me!"). Also Kratos totally has way more backstory than he's letting on (but then we knew that from the moment he appeared~), and Lloyd is really great at the whole idiot main character thing, and no one in my party really respects me except Colette who thinks I'm awesome and Genis who kind of likes me and Kratos thinks I'm just slightly not an idiot and Raine has even less respect for me and I know all this because I asked the fortune teller and oh god run-on sentence~ So yeah, very fun and all, and yay for all the super-complicated strategy and orders and stuff that keep me from losing horribly at boss fights~ And yeah I'd probably better shut up now bye~
Sorry for the double post, but... I'm really stuck. =/ See, I'm up to the fight against
, and I just can't beat him. Part of the problem is, I chose Lloyd, Kratos and Genis for my party, which means that I have one virtually useless party member. I also have only one Life Bottle, and only about eight Apple Gels, and no backup save file. The problem is, there are four enemies and they all attack at once, which gives me hardly any chance to heal (and too many places where I have to). I've tried a million times with a million different strategies and I still can't beat it. And no backup save file, either.

Any suggestions?
Well, if you return to the main room of the ranch, the device at the bottom of the room is a refresher. You can buy items there. As for the boss, try and take out his three minions first. Set Kratos's AI settings for attacking a different one than you, and Genis will back you up with spells if you keep them away from them. And if all three minions are virging on you, then just jump over one.

After their all dead, the boss is a pushover. He hits you with his weapon and occasionally goes for big hits, and if you see a blue circle underneath him, run for it. Cause that will hurt.

Follow that pattern, and you should be fine.
Ah, I'd forgotten the refresher. Thanks! I beat him, and now I'm past the Tower of Mana too. Wonder where to go from here...? ^^

Also, suddenly everyone in my party highly respects me. Even Sheena, who, like, just met me. xD And Colette is my soul mate... ew.
Oh, Sheena automatically loves you. But she's pretty easy to shake off. The affections are affected by choices you make in teh game, and the little glowing circles on the field map that produce skits that you choose the answer in. Answer the right one, and you get +1 relationship value with that specific character.

Also, Colette is pretty hard to shake off. Lloyd could throw a brick at her head and she would just give him a trustful smile and a plate of home baked cookies.
Oh, Sheena automatically loves you. But she's pretty easy to shake off. The affections are affected by choices you make in teh game, and the little glowing circles on the field map that produce skits that you choose the answer in. Answer the right one, and you get +1 relationship value with that specific character.

Ah, I was wondering. xD Yeah, I've discovered the circles (so addictive, please give me more? =D). I'm just surprised Raine likes me so much.

Also, Colette is pretty hard to shake off. Lloyd could throw a brick at her head and she would just give him a trustful smile and a plate of home baked cookies.

Gah, I know. So far I've ignored her when she's unhappy, called her a weirdo when she's happy, and brushed off everything she says to me. And yet... soul mates. Yup.

(Hm, throw a brick at her head...? I think I've heard someone else say that before somewhere. xD)

Also... where are you, random blue-haired stalker guy? Because I don't know why, but you're like my favorite antagonist for some reason, and I kind of want to see you again. Pleeeease?
Well, she's not so bad. She's much less annoying when the plot stops revolving mainly around her...as for skit points...I'm sure that their's a guide on the internet somewhere...maybe gamefaqs.com.

As for Raine, she automatically semi respects you. The more you act...un Lloydish, making decisions that sort of go against childhood instincts, she and Kratos start digging you.

Oh, and Mr. Blue haired stalker shall appear again...*Shifty eyes, sinks into the shadows...trips down a flight of stairs*
Oh, I'm sure. Actually, I kind of like and kind of dislike her. She is a wonderful comic relief character at times, it's just her tendency to, you know, not really have a personality that gets to me at times.

Really? She thought I was completely hopeless the first time I asked the fortune teller; I mean, ever Kratos liked me more. xD But, yeah, I've been purposely trying to make Kratos like me this whole time (which ended up getting me into one bossfight that was ridiculously overlevelled for me, but ah well~).

Yaaaay. :D I dunno, I always love those antagonists who develop personal obsessions with the hero. They're sort of more wild cards than the other villains. This guy seems like that.

Hm... just realized that I still have yet to meet the red-haired girl on the cover. Well, there is more than a whole disc to go~ I love long games.
Yes. Everyone DOES make that mistake. ;;Mutters something about Arylett making that very same mistake;;

I'm sorry... it's just... too easy a mistake to make.

Also Salamander, I share the same feelings about Colette as you do. It's a like-dislike thing. (;;Imagines Colette getting a brick thrown at her head;; XD Oh my God, she probably WOULD bake Lloyd cookies. Lloyd: ;;Throws brick at Colette's head;; Colette: Owwie! Hee hee, oh Lloyd, I think you gave me a concussion~ <3 ;;Bakes him cookies;;)
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It sucks that there's pretty much nothing you can do that will make Colette dislike you. Even if you reject her (or anyone else) on the on-field skits, even though most of the time their reaction is to look absolutely broken hearted, it doesn't make their affection towards you go down at all.

I always try and make Sheena and Raine like me, but it's very hard because choices that make Raine like you (like abandoning Sheena whereever possible) make Sheena hate you. So I tend to go with the Raine-liking-me options in dialogue (because that normally makes Colette dislike me, too) and then pick Sheena to do things like make curry or fly with me on the dragons and so on to even it out.

Oh, how joyful I was when doing the puzzle in what might be Welgaia (when you free the prisoners to make the stupid lift go up) when Raine was up on the platform with me and Colette was standing there to be used as bait XD

And everyone's my soulmate according to the fortune-teller X3
ohmygod. ohmygod. OH MY FREAKING GOD.


This is... oh god... what in the...

AAAAAAAAAAAH! Someone help me, I'm dead! Seriously, seriously dead! Aaaaaaah!

*takes a deep breath* *promptly chokes on said breath* *takes several more deep breaths*

O. Kay. Let's... talk about this rationally.

Okay, keeping up with the deep breaths... Yeah, it was clear that Remiel was no good, and even clearer that Colette would have to die to regenerate the world. Yeah, I got all that. But...

I should have known that boss fight was too easy to be true. I really, really should have known that. I should have seen something coming.

Just... oh. my. god. I am so dead on this fight, it's not even funny. Someone, anyone, save me! Please! Dx

Don't worry...the plot continues whether or not you win this next fight...and the one after that. Just scan them with magic lenses and wait. Everything should be fine.

Calm thoughts, Salamander...kittens, rainbows, Noishe...kittens, rainbows, Noishe.
I figured that a few minutes into the fight. It was the plot twist that really broke my brain, though... Gaaaaah, do you realize what this means?
I just lost two of my best characters! Now I have to use freakin' Genis!

Um, okay, gameplay issues aside... it all makes sense now. The blue-haired guy, and his attempt to kill Kratos... man, Lloyd, good going.

I think after all this plot, I'm going to need several minutes of sitting back and staring at a wall.
Genis is alright. I use him a lot, and he usually is really helpful...Plus, he's one of the only three characters out of the playable 9 who can use a super-awesome-special-secret-meet-several-conditions-and-then-make-stuff-go-boom technique.
...What's wrong with Genis? He's incredibly useful as long as his commands work to his strengths. He's a mage, he's frail and you have to protect him, just like any other mage in any other fantasy RPG game, but reaping the rewards is well worth being patient and taking a little extra care.

Trust me. By the time you reach the point in the game where the phrase "Meteor Storm" carries some actual meaning for you, you will have changed your mind. Also Genis and Raine have some pretty killer unison attacks.
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