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TCoD Christmas:D

I have no idea what I want or what I'm getting. I asked for the Owl City CD and the new Kingdom Hearts game. And mascara because I'm running out. I'm pretty happy with what I've gotten from friends so far though.
3 more hours before I can get up

I think that, since roughly 10 or 11 on Wednesday, I have only have two or three hours of sleep x.x

Anyways, Merry Christmas everybody! Since I don't know what I have yet, I'll say what I got my family

My grandmother: A towel holder in the shape of a dragonfly (the tail curves). It is actually well designed and something that she would like

My little sister: Two gifts. She got her first one on Christmas eve. It is a fancy plush tree ornament. Her second gift is a large poster with all 5 Disney Faeries on it

My mom: A beautiful shell necklace made in Veitnam (the place I bought from does fair trade, and each piece of work is unique, so bonus :3)

My girlfriend: While not family, I still think I should mention her. She gets a beautiful jewelry box made of wood. It has red velvetish fabric on the inside

Pendulum - In Silico
Gorillaz - Gorillaz
A Rubik's cube
A pocket watch
I Am America (And So Can You!) by Stephen Colbert
And Another Thing by Eoin Colfer
A cordless mouse (needed one of these things for aaages)
A gaming headset <3 (no more silly stand mic & earbuds that don't block out my mom vacuuming!)
$25 Borders gift card
More chocolate than I can keep track of whoah
What did I get? Hmm...

New DS Lite - My old one was knackered and broken beyond belief. I would have got a DSi but we're a little shorter on money than usual; also I only really established what I wanted on the 20th because I'm a bit silly.
Webcam - Yay.
Some awesome clothes et cetera - Including a rainbow-colour Space Invaders T-shirt which I am in love with. AND I FINALLY HAVE SOCKS THAT AREN'T BLACK OR WHITE. REJOICE.
A copious amount of chocolate - Nomanomanom.
£20 from my grandparents - I've already used this to order The Orange Box from Amazon, which, again, I asked for, but on such short notice there was no chance of it being here on time.
Here's the rest of my stuff from last night:

-My old phone that had broken was repaired. :D
-A mini-mouse for my Netbook, that came with a sleeve for the laptop as well. <3
-A bunch of really awesome clothes. ;F
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Didn't get anything overly exciting this year.. but I am actually happy with everything I did get. Was either something I needed, or somewhat wanted that people could afford.

- A job (earlier this year, but hey! It pays me $11.10 an hour, so that's really good all year round!)
- Laptop! Although, I got it myself and about a month ago, but I'm happy enough that I have enough money to afford one. (lease-to-own, but still satisfied)
- My own bed sheet set. Nice and soft. :)
- Hot Wheels Donkey Kong monster truck
- Shy Guy DS Expressions Kit (The pen-like stylus will really come in handy for my carpal tunnel :) )
- Moisture Therapy lotion, skin cream, and body wash
- Two different flavors of coffee
- And the Enamel Navy DS Lite from Japan, and The World Ends With You. Both are gonna come late. Late Christmas/Birthday present combo, I guess.
1 - Flip MinoHD
1 - Cool watch
1 - Bandanna from the Skullcandy that my brother got (which are pretty damned awesome so I'm gonna see if I can steal them once in a while)
2 - $10 iTunes gift cards cause my dad didn't want his

I am happy with this haul!
Well, just finished a little bit ago. Here are my gifts:

Stocking Stuffers:

-Tolberone Crisp
-Assorted Lifesavers
-24 AA Batteries
-Snowman Popping Candy
-Hand Sanitizer Six Pack
-Theodore Chipmunk Plush
-More Hand Sanitizer
-Push Pop

Main Gifts:

-Chocolate Covered Cherries
-Cologne Sampler + Gift Card for whatever cologne I choose
-2000 Wii Points
-Underwear. Oh lord, did I get underwear x.x
-Fabric for sewing with :D
-Nivea Gift Box. I think my grandmother was trying to tell me I stink XD
-XY Skin Care Set, despite me having doctor prescribed medicine for my face XD
-Yu-Gi-Oh! Millennium World Volume 4, which I already have XDDDDD
-Parasyte Volumes 2, 3, and 5. Yeah, guess what I'm exchanging the Millennium World volume that I already have for?

And the surprise gift:

-iPhone 3G S

I was not expecting that whatsoever
my total haul.. um..

-red fender jazzmaster, '66 japanese reissue
-vox cambridge 30 floor unit with built-in reverb
-$100 american express gift card
-joe jackson, i'm the man on LP
-elvis costello, the best of elvis costello and the attractions on LP
-four t-shirts: one my bloody valentine t-shirt with the you made me realise cover art on it, one my bloody valentine t-shirt with the loveless cover art on it in black, one sonic youth t-shirt, and one panda bear t-shirt
-a pair of bdg skinny jeans from urban outfitters
-$100 from my paternal grandmother
-$??? from my maternal grandparents (if they're giving me any money, i probably won't see it until next month when my mom and brother come home)

with the cash i now have, i bought this stuff...

-elvis costello, my aim is true on LP
-animal collective, here comes the indian, sung tongs, feels, strawberry jam, and merriweather post pavilion on CD
-cocteau twins, head over heels, treasure, victorialand, blue bell knoll, and heaven or las vegas on CD
-aphex twin, selected ambient works '85-'92, selected ambient works vol. II, the richard d. james album, and i care because you do on CD
-talk talk, the colour of spring, spirit of eden, and laughing stock on CD
-pavement, slanted and enchanted, crooked rain, crooked rain, wowee zowee, brighten the corners, and terror twilight on CD
-the clash, the clash, give 'em enough rope, london calling, and sandinista! on CD
-television, adventure on CD
-suicide, suicide on CD
-the pop group, y on CD

i've got my eyes on some other stuff, too. they're all auctions, though.. so i won't say i've got them down pat.
dude, fc, badass haul :O

it amuses me that we refer to our gifts as "hauls" as if it is a criminal offense to receive gifts at christmastime
I got:
Two sweatshirts
A blow dryer (the fuck?)
A new alarm clock that you can hook up your iPod to (have needed one of these)
A watch with real diamonds on it

And god is it comfortable. I guess I'll buy Spirit Tracks and the new microphone later on with my own money (maybe that new kitten too)

And that's not even counting the stocking stuffers. Sure it's not as nice as some of what everyone else got, but being so hard on cash right now, this is just fine <3
-Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
-The Sims 3
- Band Hero
-Miles Edgeworth Files Manga
-Carrie underwood- Play On and Carnival Ride
- Pinky and the Brain Volume 2
-and last but certainly not least.....WHOSE LINE SEASON 1!!
-Oh wait, something better than that. I'M GOING TO SEE TAYLOR SWIFT IN MARCH!!
All of my presents:

  • DSi
  • Professor Layton and the Curious Village - this game is so lulzy. I love how everyone you talk to is like BY THE WAY, SOLVE THIS RANDOM PUZZLE. Also it's very good at making me feel stupid :[
  • Phantasy Star 0 - I've played this game the most out of the ones I got; now that I've beaten that goddamn dragon it's pretty fun!
  • Spirit Tracks - this one is still shrink-wrapped. I'll play it today.
  • Lindor Truffles and Swedish Fish :D
  • Moon Sand? lol.
  • Some computer program you can make ringtones with. My phone is always on vibrate so I dunno how much I'll use that, but I guess I'll look at it.
  • Somewhere around $100 total, and a $20 Wal-Mart gift card (I appreciate that, but why Wal-Mart? D:)
  • ...and sometime I can go pick out some clothes I like and some new bedsheets, because my family members buying clothes for me is always fail waiting to happen.
I received:
A LAPTOP!! That I have proceeded to name Cherry.
Owl City CD
Brendan Benson CD
Two shirts
Two pairs of leggings
Thirty Two Etudes for clarinet
A hat
Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
A laptop bag
Body wash and lotion
Body mist
A necklace
A decent number of gift cards
Plentiful chocolate

Good year, good year. I'm expecially pleased with the laptop because I wasn't really expecting one.

EDIT: Oh, and an apple as per tradition.
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dude, fc, badass haul :O

it amuses me that we refer to our gifts as "hauls" as if it is a criminal offense to receive gifts at christmastime

i'm definitely happy with everything. i didn't expect anything this year, so to get such nice stuff is great. the guitar and amp are both wonderful. <3333 it's probably really weird to admit this, but i'm only about halfway through picking up new records. once i know how the auctions go, i can find out how much else i have left to spend. :/ i hate sounding like i spend a lot of money.. outside of christmas and my birthday, i never spend money in bulk.

even considering all the gifts, i'm just happy to know the people i do. i owe a lot to them. they're the reason why i'm happy on any given day. : ) i hope the things i gave to them in return were nice, too.
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