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TCoD Convention


New member
We should have a convention for all forum members to meet up IRL. Or at least a flash mob. Post your ideas/thoughts/comments here.
This would be cool except I'm pretty sure I live near no other members. :3 And I don't really have the funds to travel very far, as much as I would like to.
We should have a convention for all forum members to meet up IRL. Or at least a flash mob. Post your ideas/thoughts/comments here.

Won't work. Many people here live on different continents, and I don't have near as much time or money to spend traveling Europe or Australia. Maybe an IRC chat would suit us better.
If a load of members were to all meet up, a fight would start within like 5 minutes

also this forum is hueg
a fight would start within like 5 minutes

I think it'd be mostly shouting and then there'd be some girly slapping. Someone would cry. Mostly people would watch.

Sounds fun, but I'm in Australia. .__.
Is this a good idea?


If this was a forum mostly composed of over 20's, or at least people who were no longer in highschool, and could do what the hell they liked with regards to travelling, I'd say sure. But since it's comprised mostly of people who are still in school/living with their parents, then I would at least say that people may find it suspect. Not to mention the difficulty with bilking plane money out of your mom to go gallivanting halfway across the world to meet a group of strangers you met on the 'net.

Also, I've seen some of the more annoying things people have posted during my lurking sessions, so I wouldn't be seen dead at a TCoD convention. I might meet someone I loathed face to face.
Considering that most people here are around 16-ish, everyone would have to get parents permission, and I know that my parents, for one, wouldn't let me travel to Europe or something just to visit a bunch of people I met online. It's a nice little fantasy, but I don't think it could ever really happen, unless we don't get any new members for the next six years or so, and then when everyone is an adult we all get together somewhere. Unlikely.
I think a TCoD UKian one wouldn't be too bad. :D This is where living in a small country is an advantage.

Unless I'm secretly a stalker, then it wouldn't be so much of an advantage for you~!
That would be epic, but I'm not even supposed to be going on this site as it is, so I wouldn't be able to go, so.. >>
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