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TCoD Memes


It's a very, very mad world
So I was looking through the "Introductions" Thread, and I found myself puzzled. What are these "foam swords" and scones? I understand the Tea and Cod references, but what the heck with foam swords and scones? Are these some sort of TCoD Memes? And are there others that I don't know about?
What are these "foam swords" and scones? I understand the Tea and Cod references, but what the heck with foam swords and scones?

'Tis an inside joke. Truth be told, even I seem to forgot where they originated. Huh.
it's been around for a while - usually it's something people c/p into their introduction posts so they don't have to write something new I guess? I dunno I've never understood it. I think the eat tea and cod thing has been around at least since I joined in 2008, probably longer.

I don't think there are really tcod memes - I think someone might have made a thread about tcod memes a while ago and nothing came from it.
The drink tea and eat cod has been here for ages, before I joined in late 2005.

I do remember Larissaverbs and brick'd from the IF forums.
Foam swords and scones I believe were developed by the newer members some time ago...for better or for worse.
I pioneered welcome mats in my younger, darker days, she whispered, pipe in hand as she stared into the darkness. Kids just don't know how to be original these days.
The carnivorous welcome mats were really big two years ago. So much so that I even put them into my NaNoWriMo novel at the time.

Over the next year or so some members (the ones responsible have since left) created the vegetarian welcome mats (which go crazy at sugar) and the invisible shiny garchomp.

As for the scones, I would guess it came from the following: For a while, like two years ago, I greeted people as follows: Can I get you some tea and cod? Coffee and salmon? Hot chocolate and crab cakes? or something like that. I do believe scones evolved from the crab cakes thing.
The drink tea and eat cod has been here for ages, before I joined in late 2005.

I do remember Larissaverbs and brick'd from the IF forums.

Oh shit I remember bricked too man I should figure out how long I've been here

I think reputation should be a meme. if TCoD gets any memes out of anything it should be out of debacles from our past drama history
I think reputation should be a meme. if TCoD gets any memes out of anything it should be out of debacles from our past drama history

surskitty was a shining beacon after all. Oh, that reminds me of crushes, too, which was the best things.
Oh, and there's the TCoD Song that went out of business a while ago. Should probably be brought back, honestly.
Does Turbo count?

And personally, I kinda find the welcome memes annoying. I'd rather get a somewhat personalized response than a form letter. Not an essay; just a couple responses to their post.

I also remember brick'd, so it must have been somewhat still in use until the end of vB version 1.
wow ... I guess I had internalized "brick'd" to such an extent that I had no idea it was a tcod thing.
brick'd, shot, the meat loving welcome mats, tea and cod, all have been around since I joined. I have no idea where this foam sword thing came from, or the invisible garchomp.

I actually remember the welcome mats being a club at one point.

I do remember warning people that the one of the welcome mats may or may not have rabies.
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For a while a lot of us used the /me code on the IF site to talk in the third person AT ALL TIMES EVER. Was pretty fun.

Turbo may well count as a meme.

EDIT: Found it.
I kind of love that on my own forums a bunch of memes sprung up in introductions completely without my knowledge. I mean, it's like I've created something with a life of its own.

I don't think I'd mind being greeted with a meme-filled form letter thing. It's kind of cute and it gives a sense of entering something with an identity.
Guys uh 'brick'd' and 'shot' really... weren't... tcod things!!!! I mean people might have said them a lot but only because everyone on the internet did at that point. the 00s were weird, wow.

I feel kind of bad because I haven't entered the introductions arena for about four years. I sort of feel like maybe only uv actually mods it. sorry uv.
The psychadelic (most likely spelt wrong -_-) colours thing was some random thing I started doing with my sig at first, then it got randomized, so I just included it in the post. The Foam Sword is from Fish Jumpers, iirc. The invisible Garchomp had confused me even when it wasn't my own thread.
Also, wow, Welcome Mats have been here that long?!
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