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Team Fortress 2 Mafia (MAFIA WIN)

Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

*grumbles some, a few words being heard like 'drunk idiot' and 'where am I gunna bum booze now'*

No shit it was a Spy that did this. Can you see the knife there? I'm pretty sure we don't have some Heavy walking around with a switch blade shivin' everyone like some vig or somethin'

So why the Demo. There are like....So many other options to go for. Sure the first night we got lucky and the mook walked in front of a Sentry, but then they got the freak'n Pyro! Then that first Ass Clown came back and started making comments on my Ma.

*taps bat on shoulder, still looking miffed about that*

So other than a dead guy soaked in blood and booze. Any clues because I turned up nilch.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

To be honest, I think the town should make an educated guess. Because if the inspector's really dead and the mafia plays smart we're basically never going to get a lead. Thus, I advocate not abstaining, even if no one has leads, because if we do, it'll end up as mafia killing everyone while we just sit here.

As to who we should vote though, I have no idea. Do any of you have ideas? Or should we just make an educated guess?
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)


Based on my (sort of limited at this time, sadly), we should pick one of Blastoise Fortooate, RK-9, or J. Squirtles Addams for th' kill today. Judgin' by the size of this lil game here, we have a one or two in three chance of flippin' a mafia member.

So who do we pick off?
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

Eeeehhh...I don't know Engie on who to pick off but we gotta figure this out somehow. *still grumbling about the stump*

At least you seem to have a idea on possible BLUs. More than any of us has come up with so far. Maybe we'll survive this yet and chase those bastards out of our turf with their tail between their legs.

Damn fruity, flakey...french guys! *grumbles*
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

Umm... please don't kill me? I can't say much in my defense but I'm... not a BLU?

Hmm, how to go about this... I suppose since our inspector is probably gone, I'm screwed on that front! I've been saving whatever role powers I have until I deemed them useful, which seems like a bad idea now that I may be, ahem, killed.

It occurs to me that if I do not post this, then I may just be ignored in favor of someone else, but I don't want to not get lynched and then get killed for inactivity.

I'm sure this is implicitly obvious already but I might as well say it; perhaps, as in many games of Control Point, BLU has a ton of spies, i.e. Mafia is made completely of spies with different cloaks/knives?
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

Well, I won't go after ya just yet, I wanna trust ya, after all, boy. But That's for now.

I suppose I'll initiate this then. Lessie here...

J. Squirtles Addams. Sorry Pardner.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 3)

The whole team gathered around one member, a RED Heavy. They wanted revenge, and they weren't afraid to take a wild chance to get it.

It took the force of the entire team to pin down and tie up the huge Russian, who was flailing and screaming the whole time. The Medic looked through his medical equipment and procured a large hypodermic needle. A frightened look fell across the Heavy's face, and the Medic smiled.

"Don't vorry my dear Hoovy, this vill only hurt a little bit..."

After that, the RED Doctor jammed the needle into the side of the Heavy's neck. The giant man flailed for a few more seconds, then was motionless. The team watched in anxiety, to see if the body would change colors. They waited for a few minutes until the realization of what they had just done had fully come to them. A feeling of shame and guilt had hushed the crowd, and they stood in silence once more. The Soldier was the first to speak up.

"Today is a bad day, gentlemen."

J. Squirtles Addams is dead. He was RED (Innocent). 24 hours to send in night actions.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Night 3)

The next morning, when the fighters awoke, they were greeted with yet another nasty surprise. The body of the RED Medic was found lying face down in a ditch just outside the spawn point. The dirt was caked with dried blood, and the Medic's clothes were stained as well. A blade jutted out of the doctor's back - the same type of blade found lodged in the previous two nights' victims. A carefully folded note was placed by the body. Written neatly in French script, it read:

"There are just 4 of you now. Surrender and we'll promise to kill you quickly."

Sunflower is dead. She was RED (Innocent). 24 hours to discuss.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 4)

Damnit! Doc...

At least I can avenge ya properly, sawbones, don't worry. I'll see ya in the afterlife I guess, but at least I went down fightin'!

Blastoise Fortooate, you were lyin' ta me. And fer that I hope you like the taste of Widowmaker barrel.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 4)

Well apparently being active as a pretty useless role has to be done.

Woo lets bandwagon! Blastoise Fortooate!
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 4)

Can we maybe not kill me? Please? I haven't done anything wrong and honestly THIS IS MAKING ME SUPER SAD. If I was mafia I would be sitting in the background and not posting until I needed to vote an innocent to death!

Almost like... RK-9.

(This ain't gonna work... :[ )
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 4)

I've logged on three times this week .-.

Seems like mafia, bro.
Re: Team Fortress 2 Mafia (Day 4)

Suddenly I had a feeling you were an alien. Usually mafias will never admit it! >:O

Vote Grindin' 2012
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